Get the brands and other details of a card
Use this endpoint to get information about the card or network token that enables you to decideon the routing of the transaction and the eligibility of the card for the type of transaction.
If you include your supported brands in the request, the response also tells you if you support each brand that was identified on the card.
If you have an API-only integration and collect card data, use this endpoint to find out if the shopper's card is co-branded. For co-branded cards, you must let the shopper choose the brand to pay with if you support both brands.
A unique identifier for the message with a maximum of 64 characters (we recommend a UUID).
A minimum of the first eight digits of the card number. The full card number gives the best result.
You must be fully PCI compliant to collect raw card data.
The shopper country.
Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Example: NL or DE
The encrypted card number.
The merchant account identifier, with which you want to process the transaction.
The card brands you support. This is the brands
array from your /paymentMethods
If not included, our API uses the ones configured for your merchant account and, if provided, the country code.
After submitting a call, you receive a response message to inform you that your request was received and processed.
Depending on the HTTP status code of the response message, it is helpful to build some logic to handle any errors that a request or the system may return.
HTTP Responses
200 - OK
The request has succeeded.