Update a webhook


Make changes to the configuration of the webhook identified in the path. The request contains the new values you want to have in the webhook configuration. The response contains the full configuration for the webhook, which includes the new values from the request.

To make this request, your API credential must have the following roles:

  • Management API—Webhooks read and write
Endpoint destination URL
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Path Parameters


Unique identifier of the webhook configuration.


The unique identifier of the company account.

Request Parameters


Indicates if expired SSL certificates are accepted. Default value: false.


Indicates if self-signed SSL certificates are accepted. Default value: false.


Indicates if untrusted SSL certificates are accepted. Default value: false.


Indicates if the webhook configuration is active. The field must be true for us to send webhooks about events related an account.


Additional shopper and transaction information to be included in your standard notifications. Find out more about the available additional settings.


Format or protocol for receiving webhooks. Possible values:

  • soap
  • http
  • json

Your description for this webhook configuration.


Shows how merchant accounts are filtered when configuring the webhook. Possible values:

  • includeAccounts: The webhook is configured for the merchant accounts listed in filterMerchantAccounts.
  • excludeAccounts: The webhook is not configured for the merchant accounts listed in filterMerchantAccounts.
  • allAccounts: Includes all merchant accounts, and does not require specifying filterMerchantAccounts.

A list of merchant account names that are included or excluded from receiving the webhook. Inclusion or exclusion is based on the value defined for filterMerchantAccountType.

Required if filterMerchantAccountType is either:

  • includeAccounts
  • excludeAccounts

Not needed for filterMerchantAccountType: allAccounts.


Network type for Terminal API notification webhooks. Possible values:

  • public
  • local

Default Value: public.


Password to access the webhook URL.


Indicates if the SOAP action header needs to be populated. Default value: false.

Only applies if communicationFormat: soap.


SSL version to access the public webhook URL specified in the url field. Possible values:

  • TLSv1.3
  • TLSv1.2
  • HTTP - Only allowed on Test environment.

If not specified, the webhook will use sslVersion: TLSv1.2.


Public URL where webhooks will be sent, for example https://www.domain.com/webhook-endpoint.

Max length: 255

Username to access the webhook URL.

Response parameters

After submitting a call, you receive a response message to inform you that your request was received and processed.

Depending on the HTTP status code of the response message, it is helpful to build some logic to handle any errors that a request or the system may return.

HTTP Responses

  • 200 - OK

    The request has succeeded.

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  • 400 - Bad Request

    A problem reading or understanding the request.

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  • 401 - Unauthorized

    Authentication required.

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  • 403 - Forbidden

    Insufficient permissions to process the request.

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  • 422 - Unprocessable Entity

    A request validation error.

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  • 500 - Internal Server Error

    The server could not process the request.

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