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Update a transaction rule


Updates a transaction rule.

  • To update only the status of a transaction rule, send only the status parameter. All other parameters not provided in the request are left unchanged.

  • When updating any other parameter, you need to send all existing resource parameters. If you omit a parameter in the request, that parameter is removed from the resource.

Endpoint destination URL{transactionRuleId}
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The unique identifier of the transaction rule.


The level at which data must be accumulated, used in rules with type velocity or maxUsage. The level must be the same or lower in hierarchy than the entityKey.

If not provided, by default, the rule will accumulate data at the paymentInstrument level.

Possible values: paymentInstrument, paymentInstrumentGroup, balanceAccount, accountHolder, balancePlatform.

Max length: 300

Your description for the transaction rule.


The date when the rule will stop being evaluated, in ISO 8601 extended offset date-time format. For example, 2020-12-18T10:15:30+01:00.

If not provided, the rule will be evaluated until the rule status is set to inactive.


The type and unique identifier of the resource to which the rule applies.


The time interval when the rule conditions apply.


The outcome that will be applied when a transaction meets the conditions of the rule.

Possible values:

  • hardBlock: the transaction is declined.
  • scoreBased: the transaction is assigned the score you specified. Adyen calculates the total score and if it exceeds 100, the transaction is declined.

Default value: hardBlock.

scoreBased is not allowed when requestType is bankTransfer.

Max length: 150

Your reference for the transaction rule.


Indicates the type of request to which the rule applies. If not provided, by default, this is set to authorization.

Possible values: authorization, authentication, tokenization, bankTransfer.


Contains one or more objects that define the rule conditions. Each object must have a value and an operation which determines how the values must be evaluated.

For example, a countries object can have a list of country codes ["US", "CA"] in the value field and anyMatch in the operation field.


A positive or negative score applied to the transaction if it meets the conditions of the rule. Required when outcomeType is scoreBased. The value must be between -100 and 100.


The date when the rule will start to be evaluated, in ISO 8601 extended offset date-time format. For example, 2020-12-18T10:15:30+01:00.

If not provided when creating a transaction rule, the startDate is set to the date when the rule status is set to active.


The status of the transaction rule. If you provide a startDate in the request, the rule is automatically created with an active status.

Possible values: active, inactive.


The type of rule, which defines if a rule blocks transactions based on individual characteristics or accumulates data.

Possible values:

  • blockList: decline a transaction when the conditions are met.
  • maxUsage: add the amount or number of transactions for the lifetime of a payment instrument, and then decline a transaction when the specified limits are met.
  • velocity: add the amount or number of transactions based on a specified time interval, and then decline a transaction when the specified limits are met.

After submitting a call, you receive a response message to inform you that your request was received and processed.

Depending on the HTTP status code of the response message, it is helpful to build some logic to handle any errors that a request or the system may return.

HTTP Responses

  • 200 - OK

    The request has succeeded.

  • 400 - Bad Request

    A problem reading or understanding the request.

  • 401 - Unauthorized

    Authentication required.

  • 403 - Forbidden

    Insufficient permissions to process the request.

  • 422 - Unprocessable Entity

    A request validation error.

  • 500 - Internal Server Error

    The server could not process the request.