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Prepare the reports

Configure, download, and combine reports.

This page is for classic Adyen for Platforms integrations. If you are just starting your implementation, refer to our new integration guide instead.

Before you begin

Before you start preparing reports, make sure to:

Step 1. Configure reports

When you know the reports that are relevant for your reconciliation processes, proceed to:

Configure more report columns

The reports come with default columns, and for some of the reports you can optionally configure the columns, adding more if necessary. Adding columns increases the report file size. We recommend to first review the default settings and only add columns necessary for your specific insights and reconciliation process needs.

For a full financial reconciliation, we recommend enabling the following additional report columns.

Report Recommended additional columns Description
Settlement details report Split Payment Data Shows the exact split instructions provided during payments processing requests. You can use this to fully reconcile against corresponding funds postings in the Marketplace Payments accounting report.

Configure this column for relevant merchant accounts connected to your platform.
Settlement details report AMS Booking Date Shows when Adyen assessed and booked a line item to the monthly invoicing period. Depending on the scope and volume of your platform operations, settlement line items can potentially span the start or end of a monthly invoicing period. You can use this to reconcile the invoicing period.

Configure this column for relevant merchant accounts connected to your platform.
Marketplace Payments accounting report storecode, storereference Shows the store code and store reference from which a payment is processed. Enable one or both of these columns if your platform uses stores, such as for in-person payments. Adding these columns may reduce the need to combine report data.

Contact our Support Team to add these columns.
Marketplace Payments accounting report settlementbatchid Shows the identifier of the corresponding Settlement Detail Report batch identifier. If your platform is subject to shopper disputes and chargebacks, enable this column on your platform to fully reconcile the funds postings related to specific dispute events.

Contact our Support Team to add this column.

Step 2. Download reports

Download reports, either manually through your Customer Area or generate and download reports automatically. If you want to regularly do a full reconciliation, consider building a scalable solution by automatically ingesting and combining reports.

Step 3. Combine reports

Combining data from several reports can be helpful when tracking a transaction throughout its entire lifecycle and is necessary for full reconciliation. To facilitate the use of multiple reports, Adyen includes the references that you sent in the original transactions to help you correctly identify and match each entry.

To combine reports, you need to match the following references:

Settlement details report,
Payment accounting report
Marketplace Payments accounting report Description
Psp Reference Payment Psp Reference A unique identifier generated by Adyen for each transaction.
Merchant Reference Payment Merchant Reference The reference field that you provide to Adyen for each transaction. The API does not require that the value be unique, but we recommend that you use a unique value per transaction so you can use the field to match payments with your records.

These references are also returned in the API responses and sent in the notification webhooks.

When combining reports, make sure you check that:

  • The reports are from the same reporting period.
  • The reports are generated using the same time zone.

Reports are generated at different periods and can be based on different time zones. If reconciliation fails, mismatches in reporting periods or time zones are the common causes.

Step 4. Test your reconciliation process

Before you start reconciliation in the live environment, we also recommend that you test your processes using complete reports. In the common reconciliation processes guides, we only show selected rows and columns to illustrate the examples.

To get complete reports, you can:

Next steps