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Payment response merchantSig - SHA 256

Hosted Payment Pages are no longer available

To accept payments through an Adyen-hosted page, use our Hosted Checkout.

This page is for the classic Hosted Payment Pages (HPP) integration, which has reached end-of-life. We are no longer processing transactions though HPP.

To verify that the values, which you have received in the result URL, are valid and have not been tampered in the process, refer to this example.


If you extract the parameters, you have:

Key Value
merchantReference SKINTEST-test
merchantReturnData YourMerchantReturnData
paymentMethod ideal
pspReference 7914447419663319
reason 3542
shopperLocale nl_NL
skinCode 314lwMhy

Concatenate the keys and values as:


This string contains values for you to calculate merchantSig with HMAC SHA-256 key.

If some parameters are missing in the URL, they should be also omitted in the concatenated string. For example, if the merchantReturnData and reason fields are not provided, the string above should look as follows:
