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MOTO Feature

Using Adyen's Mail Order / Telephone Order (MOTO) your shopper can make a call to a call center or send a coupon/voucher to communicate their credit card number initiating an authorisation process handled by your team. 

With Adyen's MOTO features, you can integrate your webshop payments with your call center payments, and enjoy unified reporting covering both transaction flows.

By default, Adyen merchant accounts are set up for ecommerce for contractual reasons.

Before you begin

To process MOTO transactions, you need a dedicated Adyen merchant account under your company account, besides your ecommerce merchant account. The extra account is necessary because MOTO and ecommerce traffic flows are different, and therefore they require ad-hoc handling of operations and processes like flagging, supported payment methods or fraud control.

These are the basic requirements to enable MOTO:

  • Separate merchant account to handle MOTO traffic. 
  • Additional user permissions.
  • Link to the call center application.
  • (Optional) Dedicated skin for the call center application.
  • Enable the Call Center user role in your merchant account or create a separate user account with Call Center user role rights to use the call center.

Requesting a MOTO account

Perform the following steps to request a MOTO account.

  1. Login to Customer Area.
  2. Select Settings > Merchant Accounts.
  3. Select Request new merchant accountt and proceed to create an Ecommerce account.
  4. In the account set-up field Reason for requesting this account, add "MOTO transactions" as a remark.

Once the request for your MOTO account is completed, Adyen will contact you about the status of your account.

Interfaces and integration

You can accept MOTO transactions by using Adyen's Hosted Call Center Interface, available to all MOTO merchant accounts. This interface is similar to Adyen's Hosted Payment Pages (HPP) for ecommerce; the hosted call center interface functionality is extended to include basic call center features to allow your call centre representatives to log on and manually key in orders they receive via mail or phone.

You can modify the look and feel of this application by uploading a skin. Normally, this is the most efficient way to integrate.

Payment methods

The following payment methods are currently available for MOTO:

  • Credit cards
  • SEPA Direct Debit

3D Secure authentication for credit cards is not available in the MOTO flow.

Adyen Hosted Call Center interface

You can reach the call center interface by following these URLs:

Test call center
Live call center

Make a call center transaction

  1. Log in to the call center interface.
  2. When you visit the URL, you see the familiar Adyen login page.
  3. Your employees should log on using your company account code. Only specific users should have access to this interface i.e. call center representatives and administrative roles.
  4. Enter order details.
  5. After a successful login, the following screen prompts the call center agent to enter the following information:
    • Merchant Account: the merchant account to use for this payment. If a user is assigned to one merchant account only, this field is not displayed.
    • Currency / Amount: the specified payment amount, with a decimal separator.
      For example, enter 100.00 for an amount of EUR 100.00.
      Japanese yen does not take minor units (For example, enter 1001 to specify an amount of 1001 yen).
      Currency options are available in a drop-down list that includes only the configured currencies for the selected merchant account.
    • Payment Reference the (merchant) reference for the payment.
      A reference to uniquely identify the payment. This reference is used in all communication with you about the payment status. We recommend using a unique value per payment; however, it is not a requirement.

If you need to provide multiple references for a transaction, you can enter them in this field. Separate each reference value with a hyphen character ("-").

This field has a length restriction: you can enter max. 80 characters.

  • Country Code: by default, the payment methods offered to the shopper are filtered based on the country the shopper's IP address.
    For example, this prevents displaying a German payment method to a UK shopper.
    This IP-to-country mapping is not 100% accurate; if you have already defined the country of the shopper, you may want to set it explicitly.
  • Shopper Reference: a unique identifier for the shopper.
    For example, a customer ID in a shopping cart system.
    Velocity fraud checks use this field.
    This field is mandatory if the Store these details for recurring transactions checkbox is selected.
  • Email Address: the email address of the shopper. This field is mandatory if the Store these details for recurring transactions checkbox is selected.
  • Store these details for recurring transactions: If you select this checkbox, we store the payment details for recurring payments.
    By default, the checkbox is selected.
    When the checkbox is selected, the Shopper Reference and Email Address fields become mandatory.

    Airline data fields are displayed when applicable. 
    The information on this page can either be typed in manually or automatically fed from another application, such as your internal ordering system (if it is web-based).

Payment pages

After you click Submit, the payment method page displays. The available payment methods on this page, as well as other parameters like currency, amount, and country depending on your configuration.

Depending on the selected payment method, the regular payment screens are displayed. The call center agent can enter the payment details here, as instructed by the customer on the phone.

To display appropriate payment methods as per the devices, create a skin and select display only the appropriate payment methods.

Payment success or failure page

After a successful payment, the Adyen-hosted success page displays. And in the case of any errors occur, the failure page displays.

In the Customer Area, you can retrieve a payment overview, payment status, and payment details, as well as the MOTO user who submitted the payment.

The submit author displays on the payment detail page, in the row whose Item column value sets to Payment, under the Created By column.

Extra request parameters

You can add extra parameters to the call center URL:

  • shopperLocale: A combination of a language code and country code to specify the language used in the session.

    shopperLocale = language code + _ + country code

    For example, en_GB stands for British English.
    When a country specification is not required, use only the language code. For example, fr, not fr_FR, for France.
    By default, the shopper locale is en_GB.
    This value is forwarded to the first subsequent payment request.

  • currencyCode: Defines the default currency for the transaction. The three-character ISO currency code.

  • paymentAmount: The payable amount that can be charged for the transaction, in minor units.
    The transaction amount needs to be represented in minor units according to the Currency codes table. Some currencies do not have decimal points, such as JPY, and some have 3 decimal points, such as BHD.
    For example, GBP 10 is submitted as 1000, whereas JPY 10 is submitted as 10.
    The paymentAmount field is used if you set currencyCode.

  • currencies: A comma-separated list of the currencies that need to be available in the currency selection drop-down list.
    For example: currencies=EUR, GBP.
    Only the supported currencies in the currencies parameter are displayed.
    For example, you have not configured your account for USD currency is not displayed even if you include it as a value in the currencies parameter.
    This value is also forwarded to the first subsequent payment request.

Call center skin

When you launch the call center application for the first time, a default skin is applied. You can override this setting by uploading your skin. This is the same process as with ecommerce transactions. If you do not upload a skin, HPP uses the Adyen default skin.

In the Customer Area, define a Call Center Skin Code in the merchant settings page of the merchant account: go to Account > Merchant Settings
TheResult URL and the Continue-to URL of the call center application should be set as follows:

Result URL for Test
Continue-to-URL for Test
Result URL for Live
Continue-to-URL for Live

These settings make sure that the operator stays in the call center application after processing a transaction.

The call center interface uses the hosted payment pages (HPP), so you can benefit from their feature set.

You can set the Skin skin option if you plan to capture airline data.

Credentials for a call center

You need at least one user with CallCenter user role rights and permissions. We recommend creating specific accounts for each call center agent. This way you can control access per employee and keep track of activities in the audit trail. You can find the audit trail in the Customer Area > Account > Audit Trail.

To assign a CallCenter user role:

  1. Go to Customer Area > Settings > Users.
  2. Click the New tab to add a new user, or click on an existing username.
  3. On the Roles tab, enable the CallCenter user role by turning on a toggle next to it.
  4. On the Accounts tab, assign the relevant MOTO accounts by turning on corresponding toggles.
  5. Click the Save button to create the user or Update to update the information for an existing user.

Forced logout after inactivity

The session ends after 15 minutes of inactivity, and the users need to enter their login details, except for the account name. This is a PCI requirement.