Update the status of a payment link
Updates the status of a payment link. Use this endpoint to force the expiry of a payment link.
Unique identifier of the payment link.
Status of the payment link. Possible values:
- expired
After submitting a call, you receive a response message to inform you that your request was received and processed.
Depending on the HTTP status code of the response message, it is helpful to build some logic to handle any errors that a request or the system may return.
HTTP Responses
200 - OK
The request has succeeded.
allowedPaymentMethodsarray[string]List of payment methods to be presented to the shopper. To refer to payment methods, use their payment method type.
amountobjectThe payment amount and currency.
valueintegerThe amount of the transaction, in minor units.
applicationInfoobjectInformation about your application. For more details, see Building Adyen solutions.
adyenLibraryobjectAdyen-developed software, such as libraries and plugins, used to interact with the Adyen API. For example, Magento plugin, Java API library, etc.
namestringName of the field. For example, Name of External Platform.
versionstringVersion of the field. For example, Version of External Platform.
adyenPaymentSourceobjectAdyen-developed software to get payment details. For example, Checkout SDK, Secured Fields SDK, etc.
namestringName of the field. For example, Name of External Platform.
versionstringVersion of the field. For example, Version of External Platform.
externalPlatformobjectThird-party developed platform used to initiate payment requests. For example, Magento, Zuora, etc.
integratorstringExternal platform integrator.
namestringName of the field. For example, Name of External Platform.
versionstringVersion of the field. For example, Version of External Platform.
merchantApplicationobjectMerchant developed software, such as cashier application, used to interact with the Adyen API.
namestringName of the field. For example, Name of External Platform.
versionstringVersion of the field. For example, Version of External Platform.
merchantDeviceobjectMerchant device information.
osstringOperating system running on the merchant device.
osVersionstringVersion of the operating system on the merchant device.
referencestringMerchant device reference.
shopperInteractionDeviceobjectShopper interaction device, such as terminal, mobile device or web browser, to initiate payment requests.
localestringLocale on the shopper interaction device.
osstringOperating system running on the shopper interaction device.
osVersionstringVersion of the operating system on the shopper interaction device.
billingAddressobjectThe address where to send the invoice.
citystringMax length: 3000The name of the city. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
countrystringThe two-character ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For example, US.
If you don't know the country or are not collecting the country from the shopper, provide
.houseNumberOrNamestringMax length: 3000The number or name of the house. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
postalCodestringA maximum of five digits for an address in the US, or a maximum of ten characters for an address in all other countries.
stateOrProvincestringThe two-character ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US or ON in Canada.
Required for the US and Canada.
streetstringMax length: 3000The name of the street. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
The house number should not be included in this field; it should be separately provided via
.blockedPaymentMethodsarray[string]List of payment methods to be hidden from the shopper. To refer to payment methods, use their payment method type.
captureDelayHoursintegerThe delay between the authorisation and scheduled auto-capture, specified in hours.
countryCodestringMax length: 100The shopper's two-letter country code.
dateOfBirthstringThe shopper's date of birth.
Format ISO-8601: YYYY-MM-DD
deliverAtstringThe date and time when the purchased goods should be delivered.
ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD, for example, 2020-12-18T10:15:30+01:00.
deliveryAddressobjectThe address where the purchased goods should be delivered.
citystringMax length: 3000The name of the city. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
countrystringThe two-character ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For example, US.
If you don't know the country or are not collecting the country from the shopper, provide
.houseNumberOrNamestringMax length: 3000The number or name of the house. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
postalCodestringA maximum of five digits for an address in the US, or a maximum of ten characters for an address in all other countries.
stateOrProvincestringThe two-character ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US or ON in Canada.
Required for the US and Canada.
streetstringMax length: 3000The name of the street. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
The house number should not be included in this field; it should be separately provided via
.descriptionstringA short description visible on the payment page. Maximum length: 280 characters.
expiresAtstringThe date when the payment link expires.
ISO 8601 format with time zone designator Z: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD, for example, 2020-12-18T10:15:30Z.
The maximum expiry date is 70 days after the payment link is created.
If not provided, the payment link expires 24 hours after it was created.
fundOriginobjectThe person or entity funding the money.
billingAddressobjectThe address where to send the invoice.
citystringMax length: 3000The name of the city. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
countrystringThe two-character ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For example, US.
If you don't know the country or are not collecting the country from the shopper, provide
.houseNumberOrNamestringMax length: 3000The number or name of the house. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
postalCodestringA maximum of five digits for an address in the US, or a maximum of ten characters for an address in all other countries.
stateOrProvincestringThe two-character ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US or ON in Canada.
Required for the US and Canada.
streetstringMax length: 3000The name of the street. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
The house number should not be included in this field; it should be separately provided via
.shopperEmailstringThe email address of the person funding the money.
shopperNameobjectThe name of the person funding the money.
firstNamestringMax length: 80The first name.
lastNamestringMax length: 80The last name.
telephoneNumberstringThe phone number of the person funding the money.
walletIdentifierstringThe unique identifier of the wallet where the funds are coming from.
fundRecipientobjectthe person or entity receiving the money
IBANstringThe IBAN of the bank account where the funds are being transferred to.
billingAddressobjectThe address where to send the invoice.
citystringMax length: 3000The name of the city. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
countrystringThe two-character ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For example, US.
If you don't know the country or are not collecting the country from the shopper, provide
.houseNumberOrNamestringMax length: 3000The number or name of the house. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
postalCodestringA maximum of five digits for an address in the US, or a maximum of ten characters for an address in all other countries.
stateOrProvincestringThe two-character ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US or ON in Canada.
Required for the US and Canada.
streetstringMax length: 3000The name of the street. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
The house number should not be included in this field; it should be separately provided via
.paymentMethodobjectThe payment method used by the shopper.
brandstringSecondary brand of the card. For example: plastix, hmclub.
checkoutAttemptIdstringThe checkout attempt identifier.
cupsecureplus.smscodestringDeprecatedcvcstringThe card verification code. Only collect raw card data if you are fully PCI compliant.
encryptedCardstringMax length: 40000Only include this for JSON Web Encryption (JWE) implementations. The JWE-encrypted card details.
encryptedCardNumberstringMax length: 15000The encrypted card number.
encryptedExpiryMonthstringMax length: 15000The encrypted card expiry month.
encryptedExpiryYearstringMax length: 15000The encrypted card expiry year.
encryptedSecurityCodestringMax length: 15000The encrypted card verification code.
expiryMonthstringThe card expiry month. Only collect raw card data if you are fully PCI compliant.
expiryYearstringThe card expiry year. Only collect raw card data if you are fully PCI compliant.
fastlaneDatastringThe encoded fastlane data blob
fundingSourcestringThe funding source that should be used when multiple sources are available. For Brazilian combo cards, by default the funding source is credit. To use debit, set this value to debit.
holderNamestringMax length: 15000The name of the card holder.
networkPaymentReferencestringThe transaction identifier from card schemes. This is the
from the response to the first payment.numberstringThe card number. Only collect raw card data if you are fully PCI compliant.
recurringDetailReferencestringDeprecated in version 49Use
instead.This is the
returned in the response when you created the token.shopperNotificationReferencestringThe
returned in the response when you requested to notify the shopper. Used only for recurring payments in India.srcCorrelationIdstringAn identifier used for the Click to Pay transaction.
srcDigitalCardIdstringThe SRC reference for the Click to Pay token.
srcSchemestringThe scheme that is being used for Click to Pay.
srcTokenReferencestringThe reference for the Click to Pay token.
storedPaymentMethodIdstringMax length: 64This is the
returned in the response when you created the token.threeDS2SdkVersionstringMax length: 12Required for mobile integrations. Version of the 3D Secure 2 mobile SDK.
typestringDefault payment method details. Common for scheme payment methods, and for simple payment method details.
shopperEmailstringThe email address of the shopper.
shopperNameobjectThe name of the shopper.
firstNamestringMax length: 80The first name.
lastNamestringMax length: 80The last name.
shopperReferencestringMin length: 3Max length: 256Required for recurring payments. Your reference to uniquely identify this shopper, for example user ID or account ID. The value is case-sensitive and must be at least three characters.
Your reference must not include personally identifiable information (PII) such as name or email address.
storedPaymentMethodIdstringMax length: 64This is the
returned in the response when you created the token.subMerchantobjectRequired for back-to-back/purchase-driven-load transactions, where the funds are taken from the shopper's stored card when the wallet balance is insufficient. The final merchant who will receive the money, also known as a sub-merchant.
citystringThe city of the sub-merchant's address.
- Format: Alphanumeric
- Maximum length: 13 characters
countrystringThe three-letter country code of the sub-merchant's address. For example, BRA for Brazil.
- Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
- Fixed length: 3 characters
mccstringThe sub-merchant's 4-digit Merchant Category Code (MCC).
- Format: Numeric
- Fixed length: 4 digits
namestringThe name of the sub-merchant. Based on scheme specifications, this value will overwrite the shopper statement that will appear in the card statement.
- Format: Alphanumeric
- Maximum length: 22 characters
taxIdstringThe tax ID of the sub-merchant.
- Format: Numeric
- Fixed length: 11 digits for the CPF or 14 digits for the CNPJ
telephoneNumberstringThe telephone number of the shopper.
walletIdentifierstringThe unique identifier for the wallet the funds are being transferred to. You can use the shopper reference or any other identifier.
walletOwnerTaxIdstringThe tax identifier of the person receiving the funds.
walletPurposestringThe purpose of a digital wallet transaction.
idstringA unique identifier of the payment link.
installmentOptionsobjectA set of key-value pairs that specifies the installment options available per payment method. The key must be a payment method name in lowercase. For example, card to specify installment options for all cards, or visa or mc. The value must be an object containing the installment options.
maxValueintegerThe maximum number of installments offered for this payment method.
plansarray[string]Defines the type of installment plan. If not set, defaults to regular.
Possible values:
- regular
- revolving
preselectedValueintegerPreselected number of installments offered for this payment method.
valuesarray[integer]An array of the number of installments that the shopper can choose from. For example, [2,3,5]. This cannot be specified simultaneously with
.lineItemsarray[object]Price and product information about the purchased items, to be included on the invoice sent to the shopper. This parameter is required for open invoice (buy now, pay later) payment methods such Afterpay, Clearpay, Klarna, RatePay, Riverty, and Zip.
amountExcludingTaxintegerItem amount excluding the tax, in minor units.
amountIncludingTaxintegerItem amount including the tax, in minor units.
brandstringBrand of the item.
colorstringColor of the item.
descriptionstringMax length: 10000Description of the line item.
idstringID of the line item.
imageUrlstringLink to the picture of the purchased item.
itemCategorystringItem category, used by the payment methods PayPal and Ratepay.
manufacturerstringManufacturer of the item.
marketplaceSellerIdstringMarketplace seller id.
productUrlstringLink to the purchased item.
quantityintegerNumber of items.
receiverEmailstringEmail associated with the given product in the basket (usually in electronic gift cards).
sizestringSize of the item.
skustringStock keeping unit.
taxAmountintegerTax amount, in minor units.
taxPercentageintegerTax percentage, in minor units.
upcstringUniversal Product Code.
manualCapturebooleanIndicates if the payment must be captured manually.
mccstringMax length: 16The merchant category code (MCC) is a four-digit number, which relates to a particular market segment. This code reflects the predominant activity that is conducted by the merchant.
merchantAccountstringThe merchant account identifier for which the payment link is created.
merchantOrderReferencestringMax length: 1000This reference allows linking multiple transactions to each other for reporting purposes (for example, order auth-rate). The reference should be unique per billing cycle.
metadataobjectMax length: 80Metadata consists of entries, each of which includes a key and a value. Limitations:
- Maximum 20 key-value pairs per request. Otherwise, error "177" occurs: "Metadata size exceeds limit"
- Maximum 20 characters per key. Otherwise, error "178" occurs: "Metadata key size exceeds limit"
- A key cannot have the name
. Any value that you provide with this key is going to be replaced by the real payment link ID.
platformChargebackLogicobjectDictates the behavior of how a potential chargeback should be booked when using Adyen Platforms.
behaviorstringThe method of handling the chargeback.
Possible values: deductFromLiableAccount, deductFromOneBalanceAccount, deductAccordingToSplitRatio.
costAllocationAccountstringThe unique identifier of the balance account to which the chargeback fees are booked. By default, the chargeback fees are booked to your liable balance account.
targetAccountstringThe unique identifier of the balance account against which the disputed amount is booked.
Required if
is deductFromOneBalanceAccount.recurringProcessingModelstringMax length: 50Defines a recurring payment type. Required when
is set to askForConsent or enabled. Possible values:- Subscription – A transaction for a fixed or variable amount, which follows a fixed schedule.
- CardOnFile – With a card-on-file (CoF) transaction, card details are stored to enable one-click or omnichannel journeys, or simply to streamline the checkout process. Any subscription not following a fixed schedule is also considered a card-on-file transaction.
- UnscheduledCardOnFile – An unscheduled card-on-file (UCoF) transaction is a transaction that occurs on a non-fixed schedule and/or has variable amounts. For example, automatic top-ups when a cardholder's balance drops below a certain amount.
referencestringA reference that is used to uniquely identify the payment in future communications about the payment status.
requiredShopperFieldsarray[string]List of fields that the shopper has to provide on the payment page before completing the payment. For more information, refer to Provide shopper information.
Possible values:
- billingAddress – The address where to send the invoice.
- deliveryAddress – The address where the purchased goods should be delivered.
- shopperEmail – The shopper's email address.
- shopperName – The shopper's full name.
- telephoneNumber – The shopper's phone number.
returnUrlstringMax length: 8000Website URL used for redirection after payment is completed. If provided, a Continue button will be shown on the payment page. If shoppers select the button, they are redirected to the specified URL.
reusablebooleanIndicates whether the payment link can be reused for multiple payments. If not provided, this defaults to false which means the link can be used for one successful payment only.
riskDataobjectAny risk-related settings to apply to the payment.
clientDatastringMax length: 5000Contains client-side data, like the device fingerprint, cookies, and specific browser settings.
customFieldsobjectAny custom fields used as part of the input to configured risk rules.
fraudOffsetintegerAn integer value that is added to the normal fraud score. The value can be either positive or negative.
profileReferencestringThe risk profile to assign to this payment. When left empty, the merchant-level account's default risk profile will be applied.
shopperEmailstringMax length: 500The shopper's email address.
shopperLocalestringMax length: 32The language to be used in the payment page, specified by a combination of a language and country code. For example,
.For a list of shopper locales that Pay by Link supports, refer to Language and localization.
shopperNameobjectThe shopper's full name. This object is required for some payment methods such as AfterPay, Klarna, or if you're enrolled in the PayPal Seller Protection program.
firstNamestringMax length: 80The first name.
lastNamestringMax length: 80The last name.
shopperReferencestringMin length: 3Max length: 256Your reference to uniquely identify this shopper, for example user ID or account ID. The value is case-sensitive and must be at least three characters.
Your reference must not include personally identifiable information (PII) such as name or email address.
shopperStatementstringMax length: 10000The text to be shown on the shopper's bank statement. We recommend sending a maximum of 22 characters, otherwise banks might truncate the string. Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, and special characters . , ' _ - ? + * /.
showRemovePaymentMethodButtonbooleanSet to false to hide the button that lets the shopper remove a stored payment method.
socialSecurityNumberstringMax length: 32The shopper's social security number.
splitCardFundingSourcesbooleanBoolean value indicating whether the card payment method should be split into separate debit and credit options.
splitsarray[object]An array of objects specifying how to split a payment when using Adyen for Platforms, Classic Platforms integration, or Issuing.
accountstringThe unique identifier of the account to which the split amount is booked. Required if
is MarketPlace or BalanceAccount.- Classic Platforms integration: The
of the account to which the split amount is booked. - Balance Platform: The
of the account to which the split amount is booked.
amountobjectThe amount of the split item.
- Required for all split types in the Classic Platforms integration.
- Required if
is BalanceAccount, Commission, Default, or VAT in your Balance Platform integration.
currencystringMin length: 3Max length: 3The three-character ISO currency code. By default, this is the original payment currency.
valueintegerThe value of the split amount, in minor units.
descriptionstringYour description for the split item.
referencestringYour unique reference for the part of the payment booked to the specified
.This is required if
is MarketPlace (Classic Platforms integration) or BalanceAccount (Balance Platform).For the other types, we also recommend providing a unique reference so you can reconcile the split and the associated payment in the transaction overview and in the reports.
typestringThe part of the payment you want to book to the specified
.Possible values for the Balance Platform:
- BalanceAccount: books part of the payment (specified in
) to the specifiedaccount
. - Transaction fees types that you can book to the specified
:- AcquiringFees: the aggregated amount of the interchange and scheme fees.
- PaymentFee: the aggregated amount of all transaction fees.
- AdyenFees: the aggregated amount of Adyen's commission and markup fees.
- AdyenCommission: the transaction fees due to Adyen under blended rates.
- AdyenMarkup: the transaction fees due to Adyen under Interchange ++ pricing.
- Interchange: the fees paid to the issuer for each payment made with the card network.
- SchemeFee: the fees paid to the card scheme for using their network.
- Commission: your platform's commission on the payment (specified in
), booked to your liable balance account. - Remainder: the amount left over after a currency conversion, booked to the specified
. - TopUp: allows you and your users to top up balance accounts using direct debit, card payments, or other payment methods.
- VAT: the value-added tax charged on the payment, booked to your platforms liable balance account.
- Commission: your platform's commission (specified in
) on the payment, booked to your liable balance account. - Default: in very specific use cases, allows you to book the specified
to the specifiedaccount
. For more information, contact Adyen support.
Possible values for the Classic Platforms integration: Commission, Default, MarketPlace, PaymentFee, VAT.
statusstringStatus of the payment link. Possible values:
- active: The link can be used to make payments.
- expired: The expiry date for the payment link has passed. Shoppers can no longer use the link to make payments.
- completed: The shopper completed the payment.
- paymentPending: The shopper is in the process of making the payment. Applies to payment methods with an asynchronous flow.
storestringThe physical store, for which this payment is processed.
storePaymentMethodModestringIndicates if the details of the payment method will be stored for the shopper. Possible values:
- disabled – No details will be stored (default).
- askForConsent – If the
is provided, the UI lets the shopper choose if they want their payment details to be stored. - enabled – If the
is provided, the details will be stored without asking the shopper for consent. When set to askForConsent or enabled, you must also include therecurringProcessingModel
telephoneNumberstringMax length: 32The shopper's telephone number.
themeIdstringA theme to customize the appearance of the payment page. If not specified, the payment page is rendered according to the theme set as default in your Customer Area.
threeDS2RequestDataobjectThe cardholder phone number need to be part of the authentication message for payment data. It is a requirement for Visa Secure Authentication Data Field Mandate effective August 2024.
homePhoneobjectThe home phone number provided by the Cardholder.
ccstringMin length: 1Max length: 3Country code. Length: 1–3 characters.
subscriberstringMax length: 15Subscriber number. Maximum length: 15 characters.
mobilePhoneobjectThe mobile phone number provided by the Cardholder.
ccstringMin length: 1Max length: 3Country code. Length: 1–3 characters.
subscriberstringMax length: 15Subscriber number. Maximum length: 15 characters.
threeDSRequestorChallengeIndstringIndicates whether a challenge is requested for this transaction. Possible values:
- 01 — No preference
- 02 — No challenge requested
- 03 — Challenge requested (3DS Requestor preference)
- 04 — Challenge requested (Mandate)
- 05 — No challenge (transactional risk analysis is already performed)
- 06 — Data Only
workPhoneobjectThe work phone number provided by the Cardholder.
ccstringMin length: 1Max length: 3Country code. Length: 1–3 characters.
subscriberstringMax length: 15Subscriber number. Maximum length: 15 characters.
updatedAtstringThe date when the payment link status was updated.
ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD, for example, 2020-12-18T10:15:30+01:00.
urlstringThe URL at which the shopper can complete the payment.
400 - Bad Request
A problem reading or understanding the request.
additionalDataobjectContains additional information about the payment. Some data fields are included only if you select them first. Go to Customer Area > Developers > Additional data.
errorCodestringThe error code mapped to the error message.
errorTypestringThe category of the error.
messagestringA short explanation of the issue.
pspReferencestringThe PSP reference of the payment.
statusintegerThe HTTP response status.
401 - Unauthorized
Authentication required.
additionalDataobjectContains additional information about the payment. Some data fields are included only if you select them first. Go to Customer Area > Developers > Additional data.
errorCodestringThe error code mapped to the error message.
errorTypestringThe category of the error.
messagestringA short explanation of the issue.
pspReferencestringThe PSP reference of the payment.
statusintegerThe HTTP response status.
403 - Forbidden
Insufficient permissions to process the request.
additionalDataobjectContains additional information about the payment. Some data fields are included only if you select them first. Go to Customer Area > Developers > Additional data.
errorCodestringThe error code mapped to the error message.
errorTypestringThe category of the error.
messagestringA short explanation of the issue.
pspReferencestringThe PSP reference of the payment.
statusintegerThe HTTP response status.
422 - Unprocessable Entity
A request validation error.
additionalDataobjectContains additional information about the payment. Some data fields are included only if you select them first. Go to Customer Area > Developers > Additional data.
errorCodestringThe error code mapped to the error message.
errorTypestringThe category of the error.
messagestringA short explanation of the issue.
pspReferencestringThe PSP reference of the payment.
statusintegerThe HTTP response status.
500 - Internal Server Error
The server could not process the request.
additionalDataobjectContains additional information about the payment. Some data fields are included only if you select them first. Go to Customer Area > Developers > Additional data.
errorCodestringThe error code mapped to the error message.
errorTypestringThe category of the error.
messagestringA short explanation of the issue.
pspReferencestringThe PSP reference of the payment.
statusintegerThe HTTP response status.