Create a shipping location
Creates a shipping location for the merchant account identified in the path. A shipping location defines an address where orders can be shipped to.
To make this request, your API credential must have the following role:
- Management API—Terminal ordering read and write
In the live environment, requests to this endpoint are subject to rate limits.
The unique identifier of the merchant account.
The address details of the shipping location.
The contact details for the shipping location.
The unique identifier of the shipping location, for use as shippingLocationId
when creating an order.
The unique name of the shipping location.
After submitting a call, you receive a response message to inform you that your request was received and processed.
Depending on the HTTP status code of the response message, it is helpful to build some logic to handle any errors that a request or the system may return.
HTTP Responses
200 - OK
The request has succeeded.
204 - No Content
The request has been successfully processed, but there is no additional content.
400 - Bad Request
A problem reading or understanding the request.
401 - Unauthorized
Authentication required.
403 - Forbidden
Insufficient permissions to process the request.
422 - Unprocessable Entity
A request validation error.
500 - Internal Server Error
The server could not process the request.