Get an account holder
Returns an account holder.
The unique identifier of the account holder.
After submitting a call, you receive a response message to inform you that your request was received and processed.
Depending on the HTTP status code of the response message, it is helpful to build some logic to handle any errors that a request or the system may return.
HTTP Responses
200 - OK
The request has succeeded.
balancePlatformstringThe unique identifier of the balance platform to which the account holder belongs. Required in the request if your API credentials can be used for multiple balance platforms.
capabilitiesobjectContains key-value pairs that specify the actions that an account holder can do in your platform. The key is a capability required for your integration. For example, issueCard for Issuing. The value is an object containing the settings for the capability.
allowedbooleanIndicates whether the capability is allowed. Adyen sets this to true if the verification is successful and the account holder is permitted to use the capability.
allowedLevelstringThe capability level that is allowed for the account holder.
Possible values: notApplicable, low, medium, high.
allowedSettingsobjectA JSON object containing the settings that are allowed for the account holder.
authorizedCardUsersbooleanfundingSourcearray[string]intervalstringenabledbooleanIndicates whether the capability is enabled. If false, the capability is temporarily disabled for the account holder.
problemsarray[object]Contains verification errors and the actions that you can take to resolve them.
entityobjectContains the type of the entity and the corresponding ID.
documentsarray[string]List of document IDs to which the verification errors related to the capabilities correspond to.
idstringThe ID of the entity.
ownerobjectContains details about the owner of the entity that has an error.
documentsarray[string]List of document IDs to which the verification errors related to the capabilities correspond to.
idstringThe ID of the entity.
typestringType of entity.
Possible values: LegalEntity, BankAccount, Document.
typestringType of entity.
Possible values: LegalEntity, BankAccount, Document.
verificationErrorsarray[object]Contains information about the verification error.
capabilitiesarray[string]Contains the capabilities that the verification error applies to.
codestringThe verification error code.
messagestringA description of the error.
remediatingActionsarray[object]Contains the actions that you can take to resolve the verification error.
codestringThe remediating action code.
messagestringA description of how you can resolve the verification error.
subErrorsarray[object]Contains more granular information about the verification error.
capabilitiesarray[string]Contains the capabilities that the verification error applies to.
codestringThe verification error code.
messagestringA description of the error.
typestringThe type of error.
Possible values: invalidInput, dataMissing.
remediatingActionsarray[object]Contains the actions that you can take to resolve the verification error.
codestringThe remediating action code.
messagestringA description of how you can resolve the verification error.
typestringThe type of error.
Possible values: invalidInput, dataMissing.
requestedbooleanIndicates whether the capability is requested. To check whether the account holder is permitted to use the capability, refer to the
field.requestedLevelstringThe requested level of the capability. Some capabilities, such as those used in card issuing, have different levels. Levels increase the capability, but also require additional checks and increased monitoring.
Possible values: notApplicable, low, medium, high.
requestedSettingsobjectA JSON object containing the settings that were requested for the account holder.
authorizedCardUsersbooleanfundingSourcearray[string]intervalstringtransferInstrumentsarray[object]Contains the status of the transfer instruments associated with this capability.
allowedbooleanIndicates whether the supporting entity capability is allowed. Adyen sets this to true if the verification is successful and the account holder is permitted to use the capability.
allowedLevelstringThe capability level that is allowed for the account holder.
Possible values: notApplicable, low, medium, high.
enabledbooleanIndicates whether the capability is enabled. If false, the capability is temporarily disabled for the account holder.
idstringThe ID of the supporting entity.
requestedbooleanIndicates whether the capability is requested. To check whether the account holder is permitted to use the capability, refer to the
field.requestedLevelstringThe requested level of the capability. Some capabilities, such as those used in card issuing, have different levels. Levels increase the capability, but also require additional checks and increased monitoring.
Possible values: notApplicable, low, medium, high.
verificationStatusstringThe status of the verification checks for the supporting entity capability.
Possible values:
pending: Adyen is running the verification.
invalid: The verification failed. Check if the
array contains more information. -
valid: The verification has been successfully completed.
rejected: Adyen has verified the information, but found reasons to not allow the capability.
verificationStatusstringThe status of the verification checks for the capability.
Possible values:
pending: Adyen is running the verification.
invalid: The verification failed. Check if the
array contains more information. -
valid: The verification has been successfully completed.
rejected: Adyen has verified the information, but found reasons to not allow the capability.
contactDetailsobjectDeprecatedContact details of the account holder.
addressobjectThe address of the account holder.
citystringMax length: 3000The name of the city. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
countrystringThe two-character ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For example, US.
If you don't know the country or are not collecting the country from the shopper, provide
.houseNumberOrNamestringMax length: 3000The number or name of the house. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
postalCodestringA maximum of five digits for an address in the US, or a maximum of ten characters for an address in all other countries.
stateOrProvincestringThe two-character ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US or ON in Canada.
Required for the US and Canada.
streetstringMax length: 3000The name of the street. Maximum length: 3000 characters.
The house number should not be included in this field; it should be separately provided via
.emailstringThe email address of the account holder.
phoneobjectThe phone number of the account holder.
numberstringThe full phone number provided as a single string. For example, "0031 6 11 22 33 44", "+316/1122-3344",
or "(0031) 611223344".
typestringType of phone number. Possible values: Landline, Mobile.
webAddressstringThe URL of the account holder's website.
descriptionstringMax length: 300Your description for the account holder.
idstringThe unique identifier of the account holder.
legalEntityIdstringThe unique identifier of the legal entity associated with the account holder. Adyen performs a verification process against the legal entity of the account holder.
metadataobjectA set of key and value pairs for general use. The keys do not have specific names and may be used for storing miscellaneous data as desired.
Note that during an update of metadata, the omission of existing key-value pairs will result in the deletion of those key-value pairs.
migratedAccountHolderCodestringThe unique identifier of the migrated account holder in the classic integration.
primaryBalanceAccountstringThe ID of the account holder's primary balance account. By default, this is set to the first balance account that you create for the account holder. To assign a different balance account, send a PATCH request.
referencestringMax length: 150Your reference for the account holder.
statusstringThe status of the account holder.
Possible values:
active: The account holder is active and allowed to use its capabilities. This is the initial status for account holders and balance accounts. You can change this status to suspended or closed.
suspended: The account holder is temporarily disabled and payouts are blocked. You can change this status to active or closed.
closed: The account holder and all of its capabilities are permanently disabled. This is a final status and cannot be changed.
timeZonestringThe time zone of the account holder. For example, Europe/Amsterdam. Defaults to the time zone of the balance platform if no time zone is set. For possible values, see the list of time zone codes.
verificationDeadlinesarray[object]List of verification deadlines and the capabilities that will be disallowed if verification errors are not resolved.
capabilitiesarray[string]The names of the capabilities to be disallowed.
entityIdsarray[string]The unique identifiers of the bank account(s) that the deadline applies to
expiresAtstringThe date that verification is due by before capabilities are disallowed.
400 - Bad Request
A problem reading or understanding the request.
detailstringA human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
errorCodestringA code that identifies the problem type.
instancestringA unique URI that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
invalidFieldsarray[object]Detailed explanation of each validation error, when applicable.
namestringThe field that has an invalid value.
valuestringThe invalid value.
messagestringDescription of the validation error.
requestIdstringA unique reference for the request, essentially the same as
.responseobjectJSON response payload.
statusintegerThe HTTP status code.
titlestringA short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
typestringA URI that identifies the problem type, pointing to human-readable documentation on this problem type.
401 - Unauthorized
Authentication required.
detailstringA human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
errorCodestringA code that identifies the problem type.
instancestringA unique URI that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
invalidFieldsarray[object]Detailed explanation of each validation error, when applicable.
namestringThe field that has an invalid value.
valuestringThe invalid value.
messagestringDescription of the validation error.
requestIdstringA unique reference for the request, essentially the same as
.responseobjectJSON response payload.
statusintegerThe HTTP status code.
titlestringA short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
typestringA URI that identifies the problem type, pointing to human-readable documentation on this problem type.
403 - Forbidden
Insufficient permissions to process the request.
detailstringA human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
errorCodestringA code that identifies the problem type.
instancestringA unique URI that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
invalidFieldsarray[object]Detailed explanation of each validation error, when applicable.
namestringThe field that has an invalid value.
valuestringThe invalid value.
messagestringDescription of the validation error.
requestIdstringA unique reference for the request, essentially the same as
.responseobjectJSON response payload.
statusintegerThe HTTP status code.
titlestringA short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
typestringA URI that identifies the problem type, pointing to human-readable documentation on this problem type.
422 - Unprocessable Entity
A request validation error.
detailstringA human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
errorCodestringA code that identifies the problem type.
instancestringA unique URI that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
invalidFieldsarray[object]Detailed explanation of each validation error, when applicable.
namestringThe field that has an invalid value.
valuestringThe invalid value.
messagestringDescription of the validation error.
requestIdstringA unique reference for the request, essentially the same as
.responseobjectJSON response payload.
statusintegerThe HTTP status code.
titlestringA short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
typestringA URI that identifies the problem type, pointing to human-readable documentation on this problem type.
500 - Internal Server Error
The server could not process the request.
detailstringA human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
errorCodestringA code that identifies the problem type.
instancestringA unique URI that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
invalidFieldsarray[object]Detailed explanation of each validation error, when applicable.
namestringThe field that has an invalid value.
valuestringThe invalid value.
messagestringDescription of the validation error.
requestIdstringA unique reference for the request, essentially the same as
.responseobjectJSON response payload.
statusintegerThe HTTP status code.
titlestringA short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
typestringA URI that identifies the problem type, pointing to human-readable documentation on this problem type.