Create a legal entity
Creates a legal entity.
This resource contains information about the user that will be onboarded in your platform. Adyen uses this information to perform verification checks as required by payment industry regulations. Adyen informs you of the verification results through webhooks or API responses.
Header Parameters
Use a suberror code as your requested verification code. You can include one code at a time in your request header. Requested verification codes can only be used in your test environment.
Request Parameters
List of legal entities associated with the current legal entity. For example, ultimate beneficial owners associated with an organization through ownership or control, or as signatories.
The individual's job title if the type
is uboThroughControl or signatory.
The unique identifier of the associated legal entity.
Default value: falseIndicates if the type
director, secondaryPartner or shareholder is a nominee. Only applicable to New Zealand.
The individual's relationship to a legal representative if the type
is legalRepresentative. Possible values: parent, guardian.
Defines the KYC exemption reason for a settlor associated with a trust. Only applicable to trusts in Australia.
For example, professionalServiceProvider, deceased, or contributionBelowThreshold.
Defines the relationship of the legal entity to the current legal entity.
Possible value for individuals: legalRepresentative.
Possible values for organizations: director, signatory, trustOwnership, uboThroughOwnership, uboThroughControl, or ultimateParentCompany.
Possible values for sole proprietorships: soleProprietorship.
Possible value for trusts: trust.
Possible values for trust members: definedBeneficiary, protector, secondaryTrustee, settlor, uboThroughControl, or uboThroughOwnership.
Possible value for unincorporated partnership: unincorporatedPartnership.
Possible values for unincorporated partnership members: secondaryPartner, uboThroughControl, uboThroughOwnership
Information about the individual. Required if type
is individual.
The individual's birth information.
The individual's date of birth, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The email address of the legal entity.
Information about the individual's identification document.
The card number of the document that was issued (AU only).
The expiry date of the document, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code where the document was issued. For example, US.
The state or province where the document was issued (AU only).
Applies only to individuals in the US. Set to true if the individual does not have an SSN. To verify their identity, Adyen will require them to upload an ID document.
The number in the document.
Type of identity data. For individuals, the following types are supported. See our onboarding guide for other supported countries.
Australia: driversLicense, passport
Hong Kong: driversLicense, nationalIdNumber, passport
New Zealand: driversLicense, passport
Singapore: driversLicense, nationalIdNumber, passport
All other supported countries: nationalIdNumber
The individual's name.
The individual's first name. Must not be blank.
The infix in the individual's name, if any.
The individual's last name. Must not be blank.
The individual's nationality.
The phone number of the legal entity.
The full phone number, including the country code. For example, +3112345678.
The type of phone number. Possible values: mobile, landline, sip, fax.
The residential address of the individual.
The name of the city. Required if stateOrProvince
is provided.
If you specify the city, you must also send postalCode
and street
The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
Postal code. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send city
, postalCode
, and street
The name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The apartment, unit, or suite number.
The tax information of the individual.
The tax ID number (TIN) of the organization or individual.
The TIN type depending on the country where it was issued. Only provide if the country has multiple tax IDs: Singapore, Sweden, the UK, or the US. For example, provide SSN, EIN, or ITIN for the US.
The website and app URL of the legal entity.
The URL of the website or the app store URL.
Information about the organization. Required if type
is organization.
The two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the governing country.
The date when the organization was incorporated in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Your description for the organization.
The organization's trading name, if different from the registered legal name.
The email address of the legal entity.
The financial report information of the organization.
The annual turnover of the business.
The balance sheet total of the business.
The currency used for the net assets and balance sheet total.
The date the financial data were provided, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The number of employees of the business.
The net assets of the business.
The organization's legal name.
The phone number of the legal entity.
The full phone number, including the country code. For example, +3112345678.
The type of phone number. Possible values: mobile, landline, sip, fax.
The address where the organization operates from. Provide this if the principal place of business is different from the registeredAddress
The name of the city. Required if stateOrProvince
is provided.
If you specify the city, you must also send postalCode
and street
The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
Postal code. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send city
, postalCode
, and street
The name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The apartment, unit, or suite number.
The address of the organization registered at their registrar (such as the Chamber of Commerce).
The name of the city. Required if stateOrProvince
is provided.
If you specify the city, you must also send postalCode
and street
The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
Postal code. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send city
, postalCode
, and street
The name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The apartment, unit, or suite number.
The organization's registration number.
Information about the organization's publicly traded stock. Provide this object only if type
is listedPublicCompany.
The four-digit Market Identifier Code of the stock market where the organization's stocks are traded.
The 12-digit International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of the company, without dashes (-).
The stock ticker symbol.
The tax information of the organization.
The tax ID number (TIN) of the organization or individual.
The TIN type depending on the country where it was issued. Only provide if the country has multiple tax IDs: Singapore, Sweden, the UK, or the US. For example, provide SSN, EIN, or ITIN for the US.
The tax reporting classification (FATCA/CRS self-certification) of the organization.
The organization's business type.
Possible values: other, listedPublicCompany, subsidiaryOfListedPublicCompany, governmentalOrganization, internationalOrganization, financialInstitution.
The Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) required for FATCA. Only required if the organization is a US financial institution and the businessType
is financialInstitution.
The organization's main source of income. Only required if businessType
is other.
Possible values: businessOperation, realEstateSales, investmentInterestOrRoyalty, propertyRental, other.
The tax reporting classification type.
Possible values: nonFinancialNonReportable, financialNonReportable, nonFinancialActive, nonFinancialPassive.
Type of organization.
Possible values: associationIncorporated, governmentalOrganization, listedPublicCompany, nonProfit, partnershipIncorporated, privateCompany.
The reason the organization has not provided a VAT number.
Possible values: industryExemption, belowTaxThreshold.
The organization's VAT number.
The website and app URL of the legal entity.
The URL of the website or the app store URL.
Your reference for the legal entity, maximum 150 characters.
Information about the sole proprietorship. Required if type
is soleProprietorship.
The two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the governing country.
The date when the legal arrangement was incorporated in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The registered name, if different from the name
The information from the financial report of the sole proprietorship.
The annual turnover of the business.
The balance sheet total of the business.
The currency used for the net assets and balance sheet total.
The date the financial data were provided, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The number of employees of the business.
The net assets of the business.
The legal name.
The business address. Required if the principal place of business is different from the registeredAddress
The name of the city. Required if stateOrProvince
is provided.
If you specify the city, you must also send postalCode
and street
The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
Postal code. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send city
, postalCode
, and street
The name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The apartment, unit, or suite number.
The address registered at the registrar, such as the Chamber of Commerce.
The name of the city. Required if stateOrProvince
is provided.
If you specify the city, you must also send postalCode
and street
The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
Postal code. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send city
, postalCode
, and street
The name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The apartment, unit, or suite number.
The registration number.
The tax information is absent.
The tax information of the entity.
The tax ID number (TIN) of the organization or individual.
The TIN type depending on the country where it was issued. Only provide if the country has multiple tax IDs: Singapore, Sweden, the UK, or the US. For example, provide SSN, EIN, or ITIN for the US.
The reason for not providing a VAT number.
Possible values: industryExemption, belowTaxThreshold.
The VAT number.
Information about the trust. Required if type
is trust.
The two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the governing country.
The date when the legal arrangement was incorporated in YYYY-MM-DD format.
A short description about the trust. Only applicable for charitable trusts in New Zealand.
The registered name, if different from the name
The legal name.
The business address. Required if the principal place of business is different from the registeredAddress
The name of the city. Required if stateOrProvince
is provided.
If you specify the city, you must also send postalCode
and street
The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
Postal code. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send city
, postalCode
, and street
The name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The apartment, unit, or suite number.
The address registered at the registrar, such as the Chamber of Commerce.
The name of the city. Required if stateOrProvince
is provided.
If you specify the city, you must also send postalCode
and street
The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
Postal code. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send city
, postalCode
, and street
The name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The apartment, unit, or suite number.
The registration number.
The tax information of the entity.
The tax ID number (TIN) of the organization or individual.
The TIN type depending on the country where it was issued. Only provide if the country has multiple tax IDs: Singapore, Sweden, the UK, or the US. For example, provide SSN, EIN, or ITIN for the US.
Type of trust.
See possible values for trusts in Australia and New Zealand.
The undefined beneficiary information of the entity.
The details of the undefined beneficiary.
The reason for not providing a VAT number.
Possible values: industryExemption, belowTaxThreshold.
The VAT number.
The type of legal entity.
Possible values: individual, organization, soleProprietorship, or trust.
Information about the unincorporated partnership. Required if type
is unincorporatedPartnership.
The two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the governing country.
The date when the legal arrangement was incorporated in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Short description about the Legal Arrangement.
The registered name, if different from the name
The legal name.
The business address. Required if the principal place of business is different from the registeredAddress
The name of the city. Required if stateOrProvince
is provided.
If you specify the city, you must also send postalCode
and street
The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
Postal code. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send city
, postalCode
, and street
The name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The apartment, unit, or suite number.
The address registered at the registrar, such as the Chamber of Commerce.
The name of the city. Required if stateOrProvince
is provided.
If you specify the city, you must also send postalCode
and street
The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
Postal code. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send city
, postalCode
, and street
The name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if stateOrProvince
and/or city
is provided.
The apartment, unit, or suite number.
The registration number.
The tax information of the entity.
The tax ID number (TIN) of the organization or individual.
The TIN type depending on the country where it was issued. Only provide if the country has multiple tax IDs: Singapore, Sweden, the UK, or the US. For example, provide SSN, EIN, or ITIN for the US.
The reason for not providing a VAT number.
Possible values: industryExemption, belowTaxThreshold.
The VAT number.
A key-value pair that specifies the verification process for a legal entity. Set to upfront for upfront verification for marketplaces.
Response parameters
After submitting a call, you receive a response message to inform you that your request was received and processed.
Depending on the HTTP status code of the response message, it is helpful to build some logic to handle any errors that a request or the system may return.
HTTP Responses
200 - OK
The request has succeeded.
Show moreShow lesscapabilitiesobjectContains key-value pairs that specify the actions that the legal entity can do in your platform.The key is a capability required for your integration. For example, issueCard for Issuing.The value is an object containing the settings for the capability.
allowedbooleanIndicates whether the capability is allowed. Adyen sets this to true if the verification is successful.
allowedLevelstringThe capability level that is allowed for the legal entity.
Possible values: notApplicable, low, medium, high.
allowedSettingsobjectThe settings that are allowed for the legal entity.
amountPerIndustryobjectThe maximum amount a card holder can spend per industry.
currencystringThe type of currency. Must be EUR (or EUR equivalent)
valueintegerTotal value of amount. Must be >= 0
authorizedCardUsersbooleanThe number of card holders who can use the card.
fundingSourcearray[string]The funding source of the card, for example debit.
intervalstringThe period when the rule conditions apply.
maxAmountobjectThe maximum amount a card holder can withdraw per day.
currencystringThe type of currency. Must be EUR (or EUR equivalent)
valueintegerTotal value of amount. Must be >= 0
requestedbooleanIndicates whether the capability is requested. To check whether the legal entity is permitted to use the capability, refer to the
field.requestedLevelstringThe requested level of the capability. Some capabilities, such as those used in card issuing, have different levels. Levels increase the capability, but also require additional checks and increased monitoring.
Possible values: notApplicable, low, medium, high.
requestedSettingsobjectThe settings that are requested for the legal entity.
amountPerIndustryobjectThe maximum amount a card holder can spend per industry.
currencystringThe type of currency. Must be EUR (or EUR equivalent)
valueintegerTotal value of amount. Must be >= 0
authorizedCardUsersbooleanThe number of card holders who can use the card.
fundingSourcearray[string]The funding source of the card, for example debit.
intervalstringThe period when the rule conditions apply.
maxAmountobjectThe maximum amount a card holder can withdraw per day.
currencystringThe type of currency. Must be EUR (or EUR equivalent)
valueintegerTotal value of amount. Must be >= 0
transferInstrumentsarray[object]The capability status of transfer instruments associated with the legal entity.
allowedbooleanIndicates whether the capability is allowed for the supporting entity.
If a capability is allowed for a supporting entity but not for the parent legal entity, this means the legal entity has other supporting entities that failed verification.
You can use the allowed supporting entity regardless of the verification status of other supporting entities.
idstringSupporting entity reference
requestedbooleanIndicates whether the supporting entity capability is requested.
verificationStatusstringThe status of the verification checks for the capability of the supporting entity.
Possible values:
pending: Adyen is running the verification.
invalid: The verification failed. Check if the
array contains more information. -
valid: The verification has been successfully completed.
rejected: Adyen has verified the information, but found reasons to not allow the capability.
verificationStatusstringThe status of the verification checks for the capability.
Possible values:
pending: Adyen is running the verification.
invalid: The verification failed. Check if the
array contains more information. -
valid: The verification has been successfully completed.
rejected: Adyen has verified the information, but found reasons to not allow the capability.
documentDetailsarray[object]List of documents uploaded for the legal entity.
activebooleanIdentifies whether the document is active and used for checks.
descriptionstringYour description for the document.
fileNamestringDocument name.
idstringThe unique identifier of the resource.
modificationDatestringThe modification date of the document.
pagesarray[object]List of document pages
pageNamestringpageNumberintegertypestringtypestringType of document, used when providing an ID number or uploading a document.
documentsarray[object]Deprecated in version 1Use the
array instead.List of documents uploaded for the legal entity.
idstringThe unique identifier of the resource.
entityAssociationsarray[object]List of legal entities associated with the current legal entity. For example, ultimate beneficial owners associated with an organization through ownership or control, or as signatories.
associatorIdstringThe unique identifier of another legal entity with which the
is associated. When thelegalEntityId
is associated to legal entities other than the current one, the response returns all the associations.entityTypestringThe legal entity type of associated legal entity.
For example, organization, soleProprietorship or individual.
jobTitlestringThe individual's job title if the
is uboThroughControl or signatory.legalEntityIdstringThe unique identifier of the associated legal entity.
namestringThe name of the associated legal entity.
- For individual,
. - For organization,
. - For soleProprietorship,
nomineebooleanDefault value: falseIndicates if the
director, secondaryPartner or shareholder is a nominee. Only applicable to New Zealand.relationshipstringThe individual's relationship to a legal representative if the
is legalRepresentative. Possible values: parent, guardian.settlorExemptionReasonarray[string]Defines the KYC exemption reason for a settlor associated with a trust. Only applicable to trusts in Australia.
For example, professionalServiceProvider, deceased, or contributionBelowThreshold.
typestringDefines the relationship of the legal entity to the current legal entity.
Possible value for individuals: legalRepresentative.
Possible values for organizations: director, signatory, trustOwnership, uboThroughOwnership, uboThroughControl, or ultimateParentCompany.
Possible values for sole proprietorships: soleProprietorship.
Possible value for trusts: trust.
Possible values for trust members: definedBeneficiary, protector, secondaryTrustee, settlor, uboThroughControl, or uboThroughOwnership.
Possible value for unincorporated partnership: unincorporatedPartnership.
Possible values for unincorporated partnership members: secondaryPartner, uboThroughControl, uboThroughOwnership
idstringThe unique identifier of the legal entity.
individualobjectInformation about the individual. Required if
is individual.birthDataobjectThe individual's birth information.
dateOfBirthstringThe individual's date of birth, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
emailstringThe email address of the legal entity.
identificationDataobjectInformation about the individual's identification document.
cardNumberstringThe card number of the document that was issued (AU only).
expiryDatestringThe expiry date of the document, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
issuerCountrystringDeprecated in version 1The two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code where the document was issued. For example, US.
issuerStatestringThe state or province where the document was issued (AU only).
nationalIdExemptbooleanApplies only to individuals in the US. Set to true if the individual does not have an SSN. To verify their identity, Adyen will require them to upload an ID document.
numberstringThe number in the document.
typestringType of identity data. For individuals, the following types are supported. See our onboarding guide for other supported countries.
Australia: driversLicense, passport
Hong Kong: driversLicense, nationalIdNumber, passport
New Zealand: driversLicense, passport
Singapore: driversLicense, nationalIdNumber, passport
All other supported countries: nationalIdNumber
nameobjectThe individual's name.
firstNamestringThe individual's first name. Must not be blank.
infixstringThe infix in the individual's name, if any.
lastNamestringThe individual's last name. Must not be blank.
nationalitystringThe individual's nationality.
phoneobjectThe phone number of the legal entity.
numberstringThe full phone number, including the country code. For example, +3112345678.
phoneCountryCodestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code prefix of the phone number. For example, US or NL.
The value of the
is determined by the country code digit(s) ofphone.number
typestringThe type of phone number. Possible values: mobile, landline, sip, fax.
residentialAddressobjectThe residential address of the individual.
citystringThe name of the city. Required if
is provided.If you specify the city, you must also send
.countrystringThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
postalCodestringPostal code. Required if
is provided.stateOrProvincestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send
, andstreet
.streetstringThe name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if
is provided.street2stringThe apartment, unit, or suite number.
taxInformationarray[object]The tax information of the individual.
numberstringThe tax ID number (TIN) of the organization or individual.
typestringThe TIN type depending on the country where it was issued. Only provide if the country has multiple tax IDs: Singapore, Sweden, the UK, or the US. For example, provide SSN, EIN, or ITIN for the US.
webDataobjectDeprecated in version 1The website and app URL of the legal entity.
webAddressstringThe URL of the website or the app store URL.
webAddressIdstringThe unique identifier of the web address.
organizationobjectInformation about the organization. Required if
is organization.countryOfGoverningLawstringThe two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the governing country.
dateOfIncorporationstringThe date when the organization was incorporated in YYYY-MM-DD format.
descriptionstringYour description for the organization.
doingBusinessAsstringThe organization's trading name, if different from the registered legal name.
emailstringThe email address of the legal entity.
financialReportsarray[object]The financial report information of the organization.
annualTurnoverstringThe annual turnover of the business.
balanceSheetTotalstringThe balance sheet total of the business.
currencyOfFinancialDatastringThe currency used for the net assets and balance sheet total.
dateOfFinancialDatastringThe date the financial data were provided, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
employeeCountstringThe number of employees of the business.
netAssetsstringThe net assets of the business.
legalNamestringThe organization's legal name.
phoneobjectThe phone number of the legal entity.
numberstringThe full phone number, including the country code. For example, +3112345678.
phoneCountryCodestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code prefix of the phone number. For example, US or NL.
The value of the
is determined by the country code digit(s) ofphone.number
typestringThe type of phone number. Possible values: mobile, landline, sip, fax.
principalPlaceOfBusinessobjectThe address where the organization operates from. Provide this if the principal place of business is different from the
.citystringThe name of the city. Required if
is provided.If you specify the city, you must also send
.countrystringThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
postalCodestringPostal code. Required if
is provided.stateOrProvincestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send
, andstreet
.streetstringThe name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if
is provided.street2stringThe apartment, unit, or suite number.
registeredAddressobjectThe address of the organization registered at their registrar (such as the Chamber of Commerce).
citystringThe name of the city. Required if
is provided.If you specify the city, you must also send
.countrystringThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
postalCodestringPostal code. Required if
is provided.stateOrProvincestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send
, andstreet
.streetstringThe name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if
is provided.street2stringThe apartment, unit, or suite number.
registrationNumberstringThe organization's registration number.
stockDataobjectInformation about the organization's publicly traded stock. Provide this object only if
is listedPublicCompany.marketIdentifierstringThe four-digit Market Identifier Code of the stock market where the organization's stocks are traded.
stockNumberstringThe 12-digit International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of the company, without dashes (-).
tickerSymbolstringThe stock ticker symbol.
taxInformationarray[object]The tax information of the organization.
numberstringThe tax ID number (TIN) of the organization or individual.
typestringThe TIN type depending on the country where it was issued. Only provide if the country has multiple tax IDs: Singapore, Sweden, the UK, or the US. For example, provide SSN, EIN, or ITIN for the US.
taxReportingClassificationobjectThe tax reporting classification (FATCA/CRS self-certification) of the organization.
businessTypestringThe organization's business type.
Possible values: other, listedPublicCompany, subsidiaryOfListedPublicCompany, governmentalOrganization, internationalOrganization, financialInstitution.
financialInstitutionNumberstringThe Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) required for FATCA. Only required if the organization is a US financial institution and the
is financialInstitution.mainSourceOfIncomestringThe organization's main source of income. Only required if
is other.Possible values: businessOperation, realEstateSales, investmentInterestOrRoyalty, propertyRental, other.
typestringThe tax reporting classification type.
Possible values: nonFinancialNonReportable, financialNonReportable, nonFinancialActive, nonFinancialPassive.
typestringType of organization.
Possible values: associationIncorporated, governmentalOrganization, listedPublicCompany, nonProfit, partnershipIncorporated, privateCompany.
vatAbsenceReasonstringThe reason the organization has not provided a VAT number.
Possible values: industryExemption, belowTaxThreshold.
vatNumberstringThe organization's VAT number.
webDataobjectDeprecated in version 1The website and app URL of the legal entity.
webAddressstringThe URL of the website or the app store URL.
webAddressIdstringThe unique identifier of the web address.
problemsarray[object]List of verification errors related to capabilities for the legal entity.
entityobjectdocumentsarray[string]List of document IDs corresponding to the verification errors from capabilities.
idstringownerobjectdocumentsarray[string]List of document IDs corresponding to the verification errors from capabilities.
idstringtypestringtypestringverificationErrorsarray[object]capabilitiesarray[string]Contains key-value pairs that specify the actions that the legal entity can do in your platform. The key is a capability required for your integration. For example, issueCard for Issuing.The value is an object containing the settings for the capability.
codestringThe general error code.
messagestringThe general error message.
remediatingActionsarray[object]An object containing possible solutions to fix a verification error.
codestringmessagestringsubErrorsarray[object]An array containing more granular information about the cause of the verification error.
capabilitiesarray[string]Contains key-value pairs that specify the actions that the legal entity can do in your platform. The key is a capability required for your integration. For example, issueCard for Issuing.The value is an object containing the settings for the capability.
codestringThe general error code.
messagestringThe general error message.
typestringThe type of error.
Possible values:
- invalidInput
- dataMissing
- pendingStatus
- rejected
- dataReview
remediatingActionsarray[object]An object containing possible solutions to fix a verification error.
codestringmessagestringtypestringThe type of error.
Possible values:
- invalidInput
- dataMissing
- pendingStatus
- rejected
- dataReview
referencestringMax length: 150Your reference for the legal entity, maximum 150 characters.
soleProprietorshipobjectInformation about the sole proprietorship. Required if
is soleProprietorship.countryOfGoverningLawstringThe two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the governing country.
dateOfIncorporationstringThe date when the legal arrangement was incorporated in YYYY-MM-DD format.
doingBusinessAsstringThe registered name, if different from the
.financialReportsarray[object]The information from the financial report of the sole proprietorship.
annualTurnoverstringThe annual turnover of the business.
balanceSheetTotalstringThe balance sheet total of the business.
currencyOfFinancialDatastringThe currency used for the net assets and balance sheet total.
dateOfFinancialDatastringThe date the financial data were provided, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
employeeCountstringThe number of employees of the business.
netAssetsstringThe net assets of the business.
namestringThe legal name.
principalPlaceOfBusinessobjectThe business address. Required if the principal place of business is different from the
.citystringThe name of the city. Required if
is provided.If you specify the city, you must also send
.countrystringThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
postalCodestringPostal code. Required if
is provided.stateOrProvincestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send
, andstreet
.streetstringThe name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if
is provided.street2stringThe apartment, unit, or suite number.
registeredAddressobjectThe address registered at the registrar, such as the Chamber of Commerce.
citystringThe name of the city. Required if
is provided.If you specify the city, you must also send
.countrystringThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
postalCodestringPostal code. Required if
is provided.stateOrProvincestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send
, andstreet
.streetstringThe name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if
is provided.street2stringThe apartment, unit, or suite number.
registrationNumberstringThe registration number.
taxAbsentbooleanThe tax information is absent.
taxInformationarray[object]The tax information of the entity.
numberstringThe tax ID number (TIN) of the organization or individual.
typestringThe TIN type depending on the country where it was issued. Only provide if the country has multiple tax IDs: Singapore, Sweden, the UK, or the US. For example, provide SSN, EIN, or ITIN for the US.
vatAbsenceReasonstringThe reason for not providing a VAT number.
Possible values: industryExemption, belowTaxThreshold.
vatNumberstringThe VAT number.
transferInstrumentsarray[object]List of transfer instruments that the legal entity owns.
accountIdentifierstringThe masked IBAN or bank account number.
idstringThe unique identifier of the resource.
realLastFourstringFour last digits of the bank account number. If the transfer instrument is created using instant bank account verification, and it is a virtual bank account, these digits may be different from the last four digits of the masked account number.
trustedSourcebooleanIdentifies if the bank account was created through instant bank verification.
trustobjectInformation about the trust. Required if
is trust.countryOfGoverningLawstringThe two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the governing country.
dateOfIncorporationstringThe date when the legal arrangement was incorporated in YYYY-MM-DD format.
descriptionstringA short description about the trust. Only applicable for charitable trusts in New Zealand.
doingBusinessAsstringThe registered name, if different from the
.namestringThe legal name.
principalPlaceOfBusinessobjectThe business address. Required if the principal place of business is different from the
.citystringThe name of the city. Required if
is provided.If you specify the city, you must also send
.countrystringThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
postalCodestringPostal code. Required if
is provided.stateOrProvincestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send
, andstreet
.streetstringThe name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if
is provided.street2stringThe apartment, unit, or suite number.
registeredAddressobjectThe address registered at the registrar, such as the Chamber of Commerce.
citystringThe name of the city. Required if
is provided.If you specify the city, you must also send
.countrystringThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
postalCodestringPostal code. Required if
is provided.stateOrProvincestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send
, andstreet
.streetstringThe name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if
is provided.street2stringThe apartment, unit, or suite number.
registrationNumberstringThe registration number.
taxInformationarray[object]The tax information of the entity.
numberstringThe tax ID number (TIN) of the organization or individual.
typestringThe TIN type depending on the country where it was issued. Only provide if the country has multiple tax IDs: Singapore, Sweden, the UK, or the US. For example, provide SSN, EIN, or ITIN for the US.
typestringType of trust.
See possible values for trusts in Australia and New Zealand.
undefinedBeneficiaryInfoarray[object]The undefined beneficiary information of the entity.
descriptionstringThe details of the undefined beneficiary.
referencestringThe reference of the undefined beneficiary.
vatAbsenceReasonstringThe reason for not providing a VAT number.
Possible values: industryExemption, belowTaxThreshold.
vatNumberstringThe VAT number.
typestringThe type of legal entity.
Possible values: individual, organization, soleProprietorship, or trust.
unincorporatedPartnershipobjectInformation about the unincorporated partnership. Required if
is unincorporatedPartnership.countryOfGoverningLawstringThe two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the governing country.
dateOfIncorporationstringThe date when the legal arrangement was incorporated in YYYY-MM-DD format.
descriptionstringShort description about the Legal Arrangement.
doingBusinessAsstringThe registered name, if different from the
.namestringThe legal name.
principalPlaceOfBusinessobjectThe business address. Required if the principal place of business is different from the
.citystringThe name of the city. Required if
is provided.If you specify the city, you must also send
.countrystringThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
postalCodestringPostal code. Required if
is provided.stateOrProvincestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send
, andstreet
.streetstringThe name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if
is provided.street2stringThe apartment, unit, or suite number.
registeredAddressobjectThe address registered at the registrar, such as the Chamber of Commerce.
citystringThe name of the city. Required if
is provided.If you specify the city, you must also send
.countrystringThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
postalCodestringPostal code. Required if
is provided.stateOrProvincestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US.
If you specify the state or province, you must also send
, andstreet
.streetstringThe name of the street, and the house or building number. Required if
is provided.street2stringThe apartment, unit, or suite number.
registrationNumberstringThe registration number.
taxInformationarray[object]The tax information of the entity.
numberstringThe tax ID number (TIN) of the organization or individual.
typestringThe TIN type depending on the country where it was issued. Only provide if the country has multiple tax IDs: Singapore, Sweden, the UK, or the US. For example, provide SSN, EIN, or ITIN for the US.
typestringType of Partnership.
Possible values:
- limitedPartnership
- generalPartnership
- familyPartnership
- commercialPartnership
- publicPartnership
- otherPartnership
- gbr
- gmbh
- kgaa
- cv
- vof
- maatschap
- privateFundLimitedPartnership
- businessTrustEntity
- businessPartnership
- limitedLiabilityPartnership
- eg
- cooperative
- vos
- comunidadDeBienes
- herenciaYacente
- comunidadDePropietarios
- sep
- sca
- bt
- kkt
- scs
- snc
vatAbsenceReasonstringThe reason for not providing a VAT number.
Possible values: industryExemption, belowTaxThreshold.
vatNumberstringThe VAT number.
verificationDeadlinesarray[object]List of verification deadlines and the capabilities that will be disallowed if verification errors are not resolved.
capabilitiesarray[string]The list of capabilities that will be disallowed if information is not reviewed by the time of the deadline
entityIdsarray[string]The unique identifiers of the legal entity or supporting entities that the deadline applies to
expiresAtstringThe date that verification is due by before capabilities are disallowed.
verificationPlanstringA key-value pair that specifies the verification process for a legal entity. Set to upfront for upfront verification for marketplaces.
400 - Bad Request
A problem reading or understanding the request.
Show moreShow lesserrorCodestringThe error code mapped to the error message.
errorTypestringThe category of the error.
messagestringA short explanation of the issue.
pspReferencestringThe PSP reference of the payment.
statusintegerThe HTTP response status.
403 - Forbidden
Insufficient permissions to process the request.
Show moreShow lesserrorCodestringThe error code mapped to the error message.
errorTypestringThe category of the error.
messagestringA short explanation of the issue.
pspReferencestringThe PSP reference of the payment.
statusintegerThe HTTP response status.
422 - Unprocessable Entity
A request validation error.
Show moreShow lesserrorCodestringThe error code mapped to the error message.
errorTypestringThe category of the error.
messagestringA short explanation of the issue.
pspReferencestringThe PSP reference of the payment.
statusintegerThe HTTP response status.
500 - Internal Server Error
The server could not process the request.
Show moreShow lesserrorCodestringThe error code mapped to the error message.
errorTypestringThe category of the error.
messagestringA short explanation of the issue.
pspReferencestringThe PSP reference of the payment.
statusintegerThe HTTP response status.