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Not found


Adyen APIs return this error when:

  • A request is trying to perform an operation on a resource that does not exist.
  • A POST request contains a resource ID that does not exist.


Make sure that the request is using an existing resource ID.

Error codes

Find the specific cause and solution for each error code.

00_404 - Not found

Cause: Generic error returned when a resource cannot be found.
Solution: Check if you have the correct resource ID.

30_002 - Balance Platform not found

Cause: The Balance Platform does not exist.
Solution: Check if you have the correct Balance Platform ID.

30_012 - Account holder not found

Cause: The account holder does not exist.
Solution: Check if you have the correct account holder ID.

30_112 - Entity was not found

Cause: The resource provided in the request cannot be found.
Solution: Check if you have the correct resource ID.

32_002 - Not found

Cause: The resource provided in the request cannot be found.
Solution: Check if you have the correct resource ID.