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Balance accounts

Create balance accounts to hold your user's funds.

After you create account holders, you must create a balance account resource to hold their funds. All card transactions are processed against a balance account.

To use their balance account, the account holder must have the capabilities to use it.

In most cases, one balance account for an account holder is sufficient, but there are some scenarios when you might need to create multiple balance accounts.

For example:

  • A user requests additional cards to keep separate balances for their checking and savings accounts.
  • A user requests additional cards with separate balances for their spouse or other family members.

Before you begin

Make sure that:

Create a balance account

To create a balance account, make a POST /balanceAccounts request specifying the accountHolderId to be associated with the balance account. In your request, you can also include a human-readable description to help you differentiate between multiple balance accounts under one account holder.

Include the parameter defaultCurrencyCode to define the default three-character ISO currency code of the balance account. Otherwise, the default currency of your balance platform is used instead. Once you create a balance account, you can no longer change its default currency code.

This example shows how you can create a balance account for an account holder with id AH00000000000000000000001.

The response returns the balanceAccount resource, identified by its unique id. The response also includes the balances array that contains information about the account's funds. By default, the first balance account that you create for an account holder is assigned as their primary balance account. To change their primary balance account, you can update the account holder.

See also