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Set up tokenization

Learn how to configure tokenization in NetSuite.

Our NetSuite integration allows you to securely store shopper payment details for recurring payments.

Before you begin

You must turn on the Payment Instruments feature in Netsuite for tokenization to work. Turning on this feature changes the UI and the fields in NetSuite.

This feature presents a set of fields that can be used to charge a shopper without any action on the shopper's side, and enables tokenization.

You must configure custom preferences for Pay by Link if you want to enable tokenization for Pay by Link payments.

Configure tokenization

To configure tokenization for Adyen transactions:

Edit the payment processing profile

  1. Log in to your NetSuite Customer Center.

  2. Go to Setup > Accounting > Payment Processing Profiles and select the profile you use with Adyen.

  3. Select Edit and configure the following fields under [ES] Adyen SuitePayment Main Config:

    Field Description
    PAYMENT CARD TOKENIZATION Select Yes if you want to tokenize payment cards. Otherwise, select No.
    RECURRING PROCESSING MODEL Select a default recurring processing model from CardOnFile, UnscheduledCardOnFile, or Subscription depending on how you want to use tokenization. This will be sent with the payment request.
    PAY BY LINK: TOKENIZATION Select the checkbox if you want to tokenize shopper payment details used in a Pay by Link transaction.
    PAY BY LINK: DEFAULT VIA TOKENIZATION Select the checkbox if you want to save the tokenized payment details for a Pay by Link transaction as the default payment method for a shopper. This feature only works if the PAY BY LINK: TOKENIZATION box is also checked.
  4. Under the Tokenization section in your Payment Processing Profile, configure the following fields:

    Field Description
    REPLACE PAYMENT CARD BY TOKEN Select this checkbox if you want a token to replace payment card details. This only applies if PAYMENT CARD TOKENIZATION under [ES] Adyen SuitePayment Main Config is set to Yes.
    PAYMENT CARD TOKEN PAYMENT METHOD Select Payment Card Token if you want to use this token for this profile. You can configure this token in the initial NetSuite Customer Center setup.
    GENERAL TOKEN PAYMENT METHOD Select Payment General Token if you want to use this token for this profile. You can configure this token in the initial NetSuite Customer Center setup.
  5. Add the token to the relevant payment method instance.

Select data to receive

  1. Log in to your Customer Area, and switch to your merchant account.
  2. Go to Developers > Additional data.
  3. Under Card, select the following fields:
    • Cardholder name
    • Card bin
    • Card summary
    • Expiry date
    • Variant
  4. Under Payment, select the following field:
    • Recurring details
  5. Select Save configuration.

Import an existing token

Store a token in a Customer Record

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers. Select View for the customer record you want to view.
  2. Select Edit. Go to the Financial tab and select the Payment Instruments tab. Select New.
  3. Configure the following fields:

    Field Description
    TYPE Select either General Token or Payment Card Token.
    PAYMENT METHOD Select either Adyen General Token or Adyen Card Token, depending on the TYPE.
    TOKEN Enter the token.
    TOKEN FAMILY Select Adyen.
  1. Fill out the other relevant fields on the page and select Save.

If you want to import a token created outside of NetSuite, you need to add an Adyen Shopper Reference. If you don't add a shopper reference, NetSuite uses the shopper's internal ID as the Adyen Shopper Reference. Adyen invalidates any existing token that does not match the Adyen Shopper Reference.

Add an Adyen shopper reference

  1. Select Edit in the Customer Record.
  2. Go to Classification and enter the Adyen Shopper Reference in the ADYEN SHOPPER REFERENCE field.
  3. Select Save.

Manually create tokens

To tokenize payment details of your shoppers after they have completed a payment

Overwrite tokenization options in a transaction

You can override tokenization options for a transaction using a credit card when processing the transaction.

  1. Go to the Transaction for which you want to override tokenization options.
  2. Select Edit and go to the Billing tab.
  3. In the Payment tab, configure the following fields:

    Field Description
    ADYEN PAYMENT CARD TOKENIZATION OVERRIDE Select Yes to tokenize the transaction.
    Select No to not tokenize the transaction.
    Leave blank to inherit the setting from the Payment Processing Profile.
    ADYEN RECURRING PROCESSING MODEL OVERRIDE Select the Recurring Processing Model you want to use. Leave blank to inherit the setting from the Payment Processing Profile.


Before you can receive token notifications, you need to:

  1. Set up webhooks.
  2. Enable the RECURRING_CONTRACT event code.

General token notifications

After you have enabled the RECURRING_CONTRACT webhook, NetSuite creates general tokens for each payment detail used in non-card payments upon receiving the webhook.

You get a general token notification when a non-card token is created. General token notifications do not include notifications for card payment tokens.

To set up company-wide general token notifications:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences and go to the Custom Preferences tab.
  2. Go to the GENERAL TOKEN: PAYMENT METHOD field and select the payment method to use when generating a general token.

To view general token notifications:

  1. Go to Transactions > Management > View Gateway Asynchronous Notifications.
  2. Select the notification you want to view.

Card payment token notifications

To view notifications for transactions that use card payment tokens:

  1. Go to the transaction page for the order you want to view.
  2. Go to the Billing tab. Under the Payment tab, you can see notifications.

To validate if a token was created, you can go to a Customer Record and see their token in the payment instrument.

See also