Get a transaction
Versions 1 and 2 of the Transfers API are deprecated. If you are just starting your implementation, use the latest version.
Returns a transaction.
The unique identifier of the transaction.
After submitting a call, you receive a response message to inform you that your request was received and processed.
Depending on the HTTP status code of the response message, it is helpful to build some logic to handle any errors that a request or the system may return.
HTTP Responses
200 - OK
The request has succeeded.
accountHolderIdstringUnique identifier of the account holder.
amountobjectContains information about the amount of the transaction.
valueintegerThe amount of the transaction, in minor units.
balanceAccountIdstringUnique identifier of the balance account.
balancePlatformstringThe unique identifier of the balance platform.
bookingDatestringThe date the transaction was booked into the balance account.
categorystringThe category of the transaction indicating the type of activity.
Possible values:
platformPayment: The transaction is a payment or payment modification made with an Adyen merchant account.
internal: The transaction resulted from an internal adjustment such as a deposit correction or invoice deduction.
bank: The transaction is a bank-related activity, such as sending a payout or receiving funds.
issuedCard: The transaction is a card-related activity, such as using an Adyen-issued card to pay online.
counterpartyobjectContains information about the other party in the transaction.
balanceAccountIdstringThe unique identifier of the counterparty balance account.
bankAccountobjectContains information about the counterparty bank account.
accountHolderobjectInformation about the owner of the bank account.
addressobjectThe address of the bank account or card owner.
citystringMin length: 3The name of the city.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] . - — / # , ’ ° ( ) : ; [ ] & \ | and Space.
countrystringThe two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For example, US, NL, or GB.
line1stringFirst line of the street address.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] . - — / # , ’ ° ( ) : ; [ ] & \ | and Space.
line2stringSecond line of the street address.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] . - — / # , ’ ° ( ) : ; [ ] & \ | and Space.
postalCodestringMin length: 3The postal code. Maximum length:
- 5 digits for an address in the US.
- 10 characters for an address in all other countries.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] and Space.
stateOrProvincestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US or ON in Canada.
Required for the US and Canada.
dateOfBirthstringThe date of birth of the individual in ISO-8601 format. For example, YYYY-MM-DD.
Allowed only when
is individual.firstNamestringThe first name of the individual.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] - . / — and space.
This parameter is:
- Allowed only when
is individual. - Required when
is card.
fullNamestringThe full name of the entity that owns the bank account or card.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] , . ; : - — / \ + & ! ? @ ( ) " ' and space.
Required when
is bank.lastNamestringThe last name of the individual.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] - . / — and space.
This parameter is:
- Allowed only when
is individual. - Required when
is card.
referencestringMax length: 150A unique reference to identify the party or counterparty involved in the transfer. For example, your client's unique wallet or payee ID.
Required when you include
.typestringThe type of entity that owns the bank account or card.
Possible values: individual, organization, or unknown.
Required when
is card. In this case, the value must be individual.accountIdentificationContains the bank account details. The fields required in this object depend on the country of the bank account and the currency of the transfer.
cardobjectContains information about the counterparty card.
cardHolderobjectContains information about the cardholder.
addressobjectThe address of the bank account or card owner.
citystringMin length: 3The name of the city.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] . - — / # , ’ ° ( ) : ; [ ] & \ | and Space.
countrystringThe two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For example, US, NL, or GB.
line1stringFirst line of the street address.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] . - — / # , ’ ° ( ) : ; [ ] & \ | and Space.
line2stringSecond line of the street address.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] . - — / # , ’ ° ( ) : ; [ ] & \ | and Space.
postalCodestringMin length: 3The postal code. Maximum length:
- 5 digits for an address in the US.
- 10 characters for an address in all other countries.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] and Space.
stateOrProvincestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-2 state or province code. For example, CA in the US or ON in Canada.
Required for the US and Canada.
dateOfBirthstringThe date of birth of the individual in ISO-8601 format. For example, YYYY-MM-DD.
Allowed only when
is individual.firstNamestringThe first name of the individual.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] - . / — and space.
This parameter is:
- Allowed only when
is individual. - Required when
is card.
fullNamestringThe full name of the entity that owns the bank account or card.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] , . ; : - — / \ + & ! ? @ ( ) " ' and space.
Required when
is bank.lastNamestringThe last name of the individual.
Supported characters: [a-z] [A-Z] - . / — and space.
This parameter is:
- Allowed only when
is individual. - Required when
is card.
referencestringMax length: 150A unique reference to identify the party or counterparty involved in the transfer. For example, your client's unique wallet or payee ID.
Required when you include
.typestringThe type of entity that owns the bank account or card.
Possible values: individual, organization, or unknown.
Required when
is card. In this case, the value must be individual.cardIdentificationobjectContains the identification details of the card.
expiryMonthstringMin length: 2Max length: 2The expiry month of the card.
Format: two digits. Add a leading zero for single-digit months. For example:
- 03 = March
- 11 = November
expiryYearstringMin length: 4Max length: 4The expiry year of the card.
Format: four digits. For example: 2020
issueNumberstringMin length: 1Max length: 2The issue number of the card. Applies only to some UK debit cards.
numberstringMin length: 4Max length: 19The card number without any separators.
For security, the response only includes the last four digits of the card number.
startMonthstringMin length: 2Max length: 2The month when the card was issued. Applies only to some UK debit cards.
Format: two digits. Add a leading zero for single-digit months. For example:
- 03 = March
- 11 = November
startYearstringMin length: 4Max length: 4The year when the card was issued. Applies only to some UK debit cards.
Format: four digits. For example: 2020
storedPaymentMethodIdstringThe unique token created to identify the counterparty.
merchantobjectContains information about the merchant.
acquirerIdstringThe unique identifier of the merchant's acquirer.
mccstringThe merchant category code.
merchantIdstringThe unique identifier of the merchant.
nameLocationobjectContains the name and location of the merchant.
citystringThe city where the merchant is located.
countrystringThe country where the merchant is located in three-letter country code format.
countryOfOriginstringThe home country in three-digit country code format, used for government-controlled merchants such as embassies.
namestringThe name of the merchant's shop or service.
rawDatastringThe raw data.
statestringThe state where the merchant is located.
postalCodestringThe postal code of the merchant.
transferInstrumentIdstringThe unique identifier of the counterparty transfer instrument.
createdAtstringThe date the transaction was created.
creationDatestringThe date and time when the event was triggered, in ISO 8601 extended format. For example, 2020-12-18T10:15:30+01:00.
from the/transfers
request.eventIdstringDeprecated in version 3This field will be removed in version 4.
The PSP reference of the transaction in the journal.
idstringThe unique identifier of the transaction.
instructedAmountobjectThe amount that the sender instructed their bank to send. This can be higher than
when their bank deducts costs for the transfer.valueintegerThe amount of the transaction, in minor units.
paymentInstrumentIdstringThe unique identifier of the payment instrument that was used for the transaction.
from the/transfers
request. If you haven't provided any, Adyen generates a unique reference.referenceForBeneficiarystringThe reference sent to or received from the counterparty.
For outgoing funds, this is the
from the/transfers
request. -
For incoming funds, this is the reference from the sender.
statusstringThe status of the transaction.
Possible values:
pending: The transaction is still pending.
booked: The transaction has been booked to the balance account.
transferIdstringUnique identifier of the related transfer.
typestringThe type of the transaction.
Possible values: payment, capture, captureReversal, refund refundReversal, chargeback, chargebackReversal, secondChargeback, atmWithdrawal, atmWithdrawalReversal, internalTransfer, manualCorrection, invoiceDeduction, depositCorrection, bankTransfer, miscCost, paymentCost, fee
valueDatestringThe date the transfer amount becomes available in the balance account.
401 - Unauthorized
Authentication required.
detailstringA human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
errorCodestringA code that identifies the problem type.
instancestringA unique URI that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
invalidFieldsarray[object]Detailed explanation of each validation error, when applicable.
messagestringDescription of the validation error.
namestringThe field that has an invalid value.
valuestringThe invalid value.
requestIdstringA unique reference for the request, essentially the same as
.responseobjectJSON response payload.
statusintegerThe HTTP status code.
titlestringA short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
typestringA URI that identifies the problem type, pointing to human-readable documentation on this problem type.
403 - Forbidden
Insufficient permissions to process the request.
detailstringA human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
errorCodestringA code that identifies the problem type.
instancestringA unique URI that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
invalidFieldsarray[object]Detailed explanation of each validation error, when applicable.
messagestringDescription of the validation error.
namestringThe field that has an invalid value.
valuestringThe invalid value.
requestIdstringA unique reference for the request, essentially the same as
.responseobjectJSON response payload.
statusintegerThe HTTP status code.
titlestringA short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
typestringA URI that identifies the problem type, pointing to human-readable documentation on this problem type.
422 - Unprocessable Entity
A request validation error.
detailstringA human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
errorCodestringA code that identifies the problem type.
instancestringA unique URI that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
invalidFieldsarray[object]Detailed explanation of each validation error, when applicable.
messagestringDescription of the validation error.
namestringThe field that has an invalid value.
valuestringThe invalid value.
requestIdstringA unique reference for the request, essentially the same as
.responseobjectJSON response payload.
statusintegerThe HTTP status code.
titlestringA short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
typestringA URI that identifies the problem type, pointing to human-readable documentation on this problem type.
500 - Internal Server Error
The server could not process the request.
detailstringA human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
errorCodestringA code that identifies the problem type.
instancestringA unique URI that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
invalidFieldsarray[object]Detailed explanation of each validation error, when applicable.
messagestringDescription of the validation error.
namestringThe field that has an invalid value.
valuestringThe invalid value.
requestIdstringA unique reference for the request, essentially the same as
.responseobjectJSON response payload.
statusintegerThe HTTP status code.
titlestringA short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
typestringA URI that identifies the problem type, pointing to human-readable documentation on this problem type.