Online-payment icon

Terms and Conditions

Show the Terms and Conditions to shoppers.

If you use Giving, you must give shoppers the following information:

  • The nonprofit's Privacy Policy.
  • The nonprofit's Terms and Conditions.

You can present this information how you want, to match your platform's styling and user experience. For example, you can provide a link to a separate page or a document with the Terms and Conditions.

The Giving Component integration includes a configuration to show a message and link to Terms and Conditions.

Terms and Conditions template

You can use the following template, filling in the details for your partner nonprofit:

These are the Terms and Conditions which govern each use you make of the donation payment services provided through the campaign with {your merchant name}. The donation is followed by an initial purchase and reuses your chosen payment details. The donation is one-off. By confirming on the {merchant name} Website that you wish to make a donation you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions for that donation. The amount donated is directly given to the charitable organization.

{Legal name of the nonprofit} (further referred to as us or we) is a registered nonprofit/organization/foundation in {country/region} under registration number {charity registration number}). Our registered office is {address}.

{Legal name of the nonprofit} is only permitted to return donations in limited circumstances if we can establish the making of the donation was a genuine mistake or there are other legal grounds for returning the donation.)

We reserve the right to amend these Donation Payment Terms and Conditions at any time.
These Donation Payment Terms and Conditions are governed by {country/region of operation} law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the {country/region of operation} courts.

{If third parties are involved, mention them.}
{Information about data privacy policies.}