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India go-live checklist

Follow this checklist before you start accepting live payments in India.

If you want to process payments in India, follow the steps in the payments India compliance guide first.

Adyen automatically sets up your live Customer Area company and merchant account once all our KYC checks are complete. We follow the naming conventions of your test company account.

When your live India company account is available:

  • The payment methods configured on your test environment are available on live. The payment methods on your merchant accounts are the same as they are on test, with a new merchant ID (MID) for your India Customer Area.
  • Payouts to your bank account in India are set up.
  • Your admin user is the same as the admin user on the test environment. They receive an email asking them to verify that the setup is correct and to change their password.

The following steps show you how to configure your live India company account, and how to perform end-to-end tests.

Configure your live India Company Account

Set up your live account structure

Give team members access to the live environment


Receive payouts from Adyen

Use reports for reconciliation

(Optional) Set up a Reserve

  • Consider setting up a Reserve: this is used for refunds and other operational expenses in case of insufficient in-process funds.


API communication

To make live API requests:

  • Generate an API key in your India company account, and copy this to your live integration.
  • Make sure that your live API credentials have the required API permissions.
  • Update the Adyen endpoints for your India accounts to your live endpoints. You can find the correct URLs in your India company account under Developers > API URLs.
  • If you have implemented Adyen front-end checkout solutions such as Drop-in, Components or a custom card component, set the environment value to live-in in your front-end configuration object and update the URLs to India-specific ones:
  • Your setup is working if the endpoints you are using correspond to the endpoints listed in your India company account and you can see payments listed in the Payments list in your Customer Area.

Set up payment methods

  • Contact our Support Team to add the payment methods that you want to offer to shoppers in India.
  • Make sure that payments appear correctly on the shopper's bank statement. Configure the shopperStatement field when making a payment or when creating a payment session.


End-to-end testing

To make sure your integration can handle the entire payments lifecycle, you need to test possible scenarios with real payment details.

Payments with real details incur fees.

  • For each payment method that you offer, make a successful payment using real details.
  • Make a payment with resultCode: Refused, for example by entering incorrect card details.
  • Make a payment with refusalReason: FRAUD, by triggering multiple risk checks to achieve a risk score above 100.

Local payment methods

The local payment methods Wallets India, Online Banking India, Paytm Wallet and UPI require the shopper to be redirected or manually go to another website or app to complete the payment.

If you implemented any of these, test the following scenarios:

  • After being redirected, wait for more than five minutes to complete the payment.
  • Select the cancel or back button on the redirected page, to cancel the payment.
  • Close the browser when on the redirected page, to simulate the shopper abandoning the session.


  • If you process recurring payments with recurringProcessingmodelModel CardOnFile, UnscheduledCardOnFile or Subscription, implement the CardOnFile and recurring flows.


  • Make a payment in your India company account, then refund it. Check that the authorisation and refund request are going through the India endpoints and company account.