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Payouts to a PaySafeCard account

Use the Payout API to make a payout directly into a shopper's MyPaySafeCard account.

Creating a payout


To make a payout to a MyPaySafeCard account, make a POST call to /storeDetailAndSubmitThirdParty, and include:

  • selectedBrand : paysafecard
  • account : the MyPaySafeCard id of the recipient
  • shopperName : the name of the MyPaySafeCard accountholder
  • dateOfBirth : the date of birth of the MyPaySafeCard accountholder

The response will contain a pspReference and a resultCode.

Confirming a payout

Manually from the Customer Area

  1. Log in to your Customer Area.
  2. Select Transactions > Payouts. You will see an overview of all open payouts.
  3. When the payout is processed, it will be visible in the Processed tab.

Using the API

Confirm a payout

To confirm a payout send a request to /confirmThirdParty.

For originalReference use the value of pspReference that you received in the response to the /storeDetailAndSubmitThirdParty request.


Cancel a payout

To cancel a payout send a request to /declineThirdParty.

For originalReference use the value of pspReference that you received in the response to the /storeDetailAndSubmitThirdParty request.



You can test payouts with a PaySafeCard test account that you can request through PaySafeCard support directly.

Use the following endpoints for testing:

Creating a payout: /storeDetailAndSubmitThirdParty

Confirming a payout: /confirmThirdParty

Canceling a payout: /declineThirdParty