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Native 3DS2 Drop-in v4.x.x integration

Add native 3D Secure 2 authentication to your existing Drop-in integration.

Our Android Drop-in renders the available cards in your payment form, and securely collects any sensitive card information, so it doesn't touch your server. Drop-in also handles the 3D Secure 2 device fingerprinting and challenge flows, including the data exchange between your front end and the issuer's Access Control Server (ACS).

When adding 3D Secure 2 authentication to your integration, you also need to:

  1. Configure Drop-in to collect the cardholder name.
  2. Provide additional parameters when making a payment request.
  3. Submit authentication results if you receive an action object in response to your API request.
  4. If the payment was routed to 3D Secure 2 redirect flow, check the payment result.

Use v4.9.1 or later of Android Drop-in to trigger the native 3D Secure 2 flow and ensure best performance. We recommend you always use the latest Drop-in version.


This page explains how to add cards with native 3D Secure 2 authentication to your existing Android Drop-in integration. The Android Drop-in integration works the same way for all payment methods. If you haven't done this integration yet, refer to our Drop-in integration guide.

Before you begin your integration:

  1. Make sure that you have set up your back end implementation, and added Drop-in to your payment form.
  2. Add the cards that you want to accept in your test Customer Area.

Collect additional parameters in your payment form

For higher authentication rates, we strongly recommend that you collect the shopper's billing address and email address in advance in your payment form. Deliver these parameters to your backend when making a payment as they are required by the card schemes.

Show the available cards in your payment form

For information about the supported countries/regions and currencies for each card, refer to Payment methods.

To show cards in your payment form:

  1. Specify in your /paymentMethods request a combination of countryCode and amount.currency. Drop-in uses this information to show the available cards to your shopper.

  2. When creating an instance of Drop-in, create a CardConfiguration object, passing your client key. To make sure you collect the cardholder name, set holderNameRequired to true.

  3. If you want to set ThreeDSRequestorAppURL, create a adyen3DS2Configuration object and add add3ds2ActionConfiguration in your dropInConfiguration. Always use a universal link if you set ThreeDSRequestorAppURL.

val cardConfiguration = CardConfiguration.Builder(context, "YOUR_CLIENT_KEY")
  // Makes the cardholder name required.
  // When you are ready to accept live payments, change the value to one of our live environments.

val adyen3DS2Configuration = Adyen3DS2Configuration.Builder(context, "YOUR_CLIENT_KEY")
  // Include adyen3DS2Configuration if you want to send threeDSRequestorAppURL. Remember to include add3ds2ActionConfiguration in dropInConfiguration.

val dropInConfiguration = DropInConfiguration.Builder(context,, "YOUR_CLIENT_KEY")
   // When you are ready to accept live payments, change the value to one of our live environments.
   .add3ds2ActionConfiguration(adyen3DS2Configuration) // Only if you want to send threeDSRequestorAppURL and you included adyen3DS2Configuration

Make a payment

When the shopper proceeds to pay, Drop-in returns the paymentComponentData.paymentMethod.

  1. Pass the paymentComponentData to your server.
  2. From your server, make a /payments request, specifying:

To increase the likelihood of achieving a frictionless flow and higher authorisation rates, we recommend that you send additional parameters if you have the data available. Do not send placeholder data in the live environment.

For channel Android, we recommend including these additional parameters: billingAddress, shopperEmail, and shopperIP.

Your next steps depend on whether the /payments response contains an action object, and on the action.type:

Submit authentication results

Present the payment result

Use theĀ  resultCode from the /payments or /payments/details response to present the payment result to your shopper. You will also receive the outcome of the payment asynchronously in a webhook.

For card payments, you can receive the following resultCode values:

resultCode Description Action to take
Authorised The payment was successful. Inform the shopper that the payment has been successful.
If you are using manual capture, you also need to capture the payment.
Cancelled The shopper cancelled the payment. Ask the shopper if they want to continue with the order, or ask them to select a different payment method.
Error There was an error when the payment was being processed. For more information, check the refusalReason field. Inform the shopper that there was an error processing their payment.
Refused The payment was refused. For more information, check the refusalReason field. Ask the shopper to try the payment again using a different payment method.

Test and go live

Use our test card numbers to test how your integration handles different 3D Secure authentication scenarios.


If native 3D Secure 2 is not triggered, check that:

  • Your Drop-in version is 4.9.1 or later
  • paymentMethod.threeDs2SdkVersion is populated and sent in payment request
  • channel is set to Android
  • authenticationData.threeDSRequestData.nativeThreeDS is set to preferred if you use Checkout API v69 or later OR additionalData.allow3DS2 is set to true if you use Checkout API v68 or earlier

See also