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Dispute webhooks

Learn about dispute events that trigger a webhook.

Adyen notifies you of any disputed payments via webhooks. You can use these webhooks to alert staff of (pending) chargebacks, so that they can take appropriate action.

A dispute webhook contains:

  • eventCode: Indicates an event in the dispute process.
  • pspReference: The PSP reference of the dispute process. All webhook event codes related to a particular dispute have the same PSP reference.
  • originalReference: The PSP reference of the disputed payment.

For certain webhooks, you need to enable receiving the dispute pspReference and the originalReference.

Most webhooks also contain a dispute status in the additionalData object:

  • disputeStatus: This field gives more information about the stage the dispute is in.

The disputeStatus is not returned in webhooks for disputed payments processed in Brazil.

For more information on the dispute flow and process in general, refer to Understanding and defending disputes

The following tables show an overview of the webhook event codes, what they mean, and where applicable, the possible values for the dispute status:

Webhook eventCode Description Possible disputeStatus values
NOTIFICATION_OF_FRAUD The alert passed on by issuers to schemes and subsequently to processors. Visa calls them TC40 and Mastercard calls them System to Avoid Fraud Effectively (SAFE). These are informational webhooks offered at no charge by Adyen, letting you take action, such as blocking a shopper or issuing a refund before a chargeback is incurred. Not applicable
REQUEST_FOR_INFORMATION Information requested for this payment.
  • Unresponded
  • Responded
  • Expired
NOTIFICATION_OF_CHARGEBACK Adyen has received a notification from the scheme that a chargeback is incoming on a payment. This webhook informs you of that event. This is your starting point for the defense, and marks the start of the defense period. Use the Disputes API or the Customer Area to evaluate the chargeback. You can now start your defense, you don't have to wait for the CHARGEBACK webhook.
  • Undefended
  • Pending
CHARGEBACK A payment was charged back.
  • Undefended
  • Pending
  • Lost
  • Accepted
SECOND_CHARGEBACK The issuing bank declines the material submitted during defense of the original chargeback.
  • Lost
CHARGEBACK_REVERSED A chargeback has been defended towards the issuing bank. This stage is not final and a "second" chargeback can be presented by the issuing bank, resulting in losing the chargeback case.
  • Pending
  • Won
PREARBITRATION_WON The Pre-Arbitration case that was initiated has been accepted by the cardholder's bank. This event code is only used for disputes in the pre-arbitration stage in the Visa allocation or the UnionPay flow.
  • Won
PREARBITRATION_LOST The Pre-Arbitration case that was initiated has been declined by the cardholder's bank. This event code is only used for disputes in the pre-arbitration stage in the Visa allocation or the UnionPay flow.
  • Lost

For some webhooks, more configuration is needed on our end. Contact our Support Team to enable the following webhooks:

Webhook eventCode Description Possible disputeStatus values
DISPUTE_DEFENSE_PERIOD_ENDED You have not defended the dispute within the timeframe, or the defense period ended because you accepted liability for the chargeback and will not defend the dispute.
  • Undefended
  • Lost
  • Accepted
INFORMATION_SUPPLIED You have successfully uploaded your dispute defense documents, or Adyen has auto-defended the dispute.
  • Responded
  • Pending
ISSUER_RESPONSE_TIMEFRAME_EXPIRED The issuer either accepted your defense of the dispute, or did not respond in time.
  • Won
ISSUER_COMMENTS Includes any free-text issuer comments that include relevant information about the dispute process, such as why the issuer decided to initiate or continue the dispute. You can receive issuer comments in the chargeback stage, and the pre-arbitration stage. Not applicable

Enable webhooks

For details on how you can receive webhooks, refer to Webhooks.

To return the PSP reference of the payment in the originalReference field, and the PSP reference of the dispute in the pspReference for the webhooks CHARGEBACK_REVERSED, SECOND_CHARGEBACK, PREARBITRATION_WON and PREARBITRATION_LOST, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area
  2. Go to Developers > Webhooks.
  3. Next to Standard webhook select the edit webhook icon .
  4. Under Additional Settings > Risk select the edit icon .
  5. Enable Include the originalReference for CHARGEBACK_REVERSED events, and then select Apply.
  6. Select Save changes.


For possible values for the reason and nofReasonCode  fields, refer to Dispute reason codes.

            "reason":"Card Not Present Fraud",


For possible values for the reason and rfiReasonCode  fields, refer to Dispute reason codes.

                "disputeStatus" : "Unresponded"
            "reason":"Request for copy bearing signature",


For a list of all values for reason and chargebackReasonCode  fields, refer to Dispute reason codes.

            "reason":"Other Fraud-Card Absent Environment",


For a list of all values for reason and chargebackReasonCode  fields, refer to Dispute reason codes.

               "defendable" : "true",
               "disputeStatus" : "Undefended"
            "reason":"Other Fraud-Card Absent Environment",


For a list of all values for reason and chargebackReasonCode  fields, refer to Dispute reason codes.

To return the originalReference in the SECOND_CHARGEBACK webhook:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area
  2. Go to Developers > Webhooks.
  3. Next to Standard webhook select the edit webhook icon .
  4. Under Additional Settings > Risk select the edit icon .
  5. Enable Include the originalReference for CHARGEBACK_REVERSED events, and then select Apply.
  6. Select Save changes.
    "live" : "true",
    "notificationItems" : [
         "NotificationRequestItem" : {
            "additionalData" : {
               "chargebackReasonCode" : "13.1",
               "modificationMerchantReferences" : "",
               "chargebackSchemeCode" : "visa",
               "disputeStatus" : "Lost"
            "amount" : {
               "currency" : "GBP",
               "value" : 10000
            "eventCode" : "SECOND_CHARGEBACK",
            "eventDate" : "2020-03-13T11:35:42+01:00",
            "merchantAccountCode" : "YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",
            "merchantReference" : "YOUR_REFERENCE",
            "paymentMethod" : "visa",
            "pspReference" : "9915555555555555",
            "reason" : "Merchandise/Services Not Received",
            "success" : "true"


To return the originalReference in the CHARGEBACK_REVERSED webhook:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area
  2. Go to Developers > Webhooks.
  3. Next to Standard webhook select the edit webhook icon .
  4. Under Additional Settings > Risk select the edit icon .
  5. Enable Include the originalReference for CHARGEBACK_REVERSED events, and then select Apply.
  6. Select Save changes.
            "additionalData" : {
                "disputeStatus" : "Pending"
            "reason":"No Cardholder Authorization",


To return the originalReference in the PREARBITRATION_WON webhook:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area
  2. Go to Developers > Webhooks.
  3. Next to Standard webhook select the edit webhook icon .
  4. Under Additional Settings > Risk select the edit icon .
  5. Enable Include the originalReference for CHARGEBACK_REVERSED events, and then select Apply.
  6. Select Save changes.
            "additionalData" : {
               "disputeStatus" : "Won"
            "reason":"Other Fraud-Card Absent Environment",


To return the originalReference in the PREARBITRATION_LOST webhook:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area
  2. Go to Developers > Webhooks.
  3. Next to Standard webhook select the edit webhook icon .
  4. Under Additional Settings > Risk select the edit icon .
  5. Enable Include the originalReference for CHARGEBACK_REVERSED events, and then select Apply.
  6. Select Save changes.
            "additionalData" : {
              "disputeStatus" : "Lost"
            "reason":"Other Fraud-Card Absent Environment",


To receive this webhook, more configuration is needed on our end. Contact our Support Team to enable this webhook.

               "disputeStatus" : "Lost"
            "reason":"Other Fraud-Card Absent Environment",


To receive this webhook, more configuration is needed on our end. Contact our Support Team to enable this webhook.

   "live" : "true",
   "notificationItems" : [
         "NotificationRequestItem" : {
            "additionalData" : {
               "chargebackReasonCode" : "13.3",
               "chargebackSchemeCode" : "visa",
               "disputeStatus" : "Pending"
            "amount" : {
               "currency" : "USD",
               "value" : 10000
            "eventCode" : "INFORMATION_SUPPLIED",
            "eventDate" : "2021-05-17T09:35:14+02:00",
            "merchantAccountCode" : "YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",
            "originalReference" : "9914444444444444",
            "merchantReference" : "YOUR_REFERENCE",
            "paymentMethod" : "visa",
            "pspReference" : "9915555555555555",
            "reason" : "Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/Services",
            "success" : "true"


To receive this webhook, more configuration is needed on our end. Contact our Support Team to enable this webhook.

   "live" : "true",
   "notificationItems" : [
         "NotificationRequestItem" : {
            "additionalData" : {
               "chargebackReasonCode" : "13.1",
               "chargebackSchemeCode" : "visa",
               "modificationMerchantReferences" : "",
               "disputeStatus" : "Won"
            "amount" : {
               "currency" : "USD",
               "value" : 10000
            "eventCode" : "ISSUER_RESPONSE_TIMEFRAME_EXPIRED",
            "eventDate" : "2021-05-19T09:35:14+02:00",
            "merchantAccountCode" : "YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",
            "originalReference" : "9914444444444444",
            "merchantReference" : "YOUR_REFERENCE",
            "paymentMethod" : "visa",
            "pspReference" : "9915555555555555",
            "reason" : "Merchandise/Services Not Received",
            "success" : "true"


To receive this webhook, more configuration is needed on our end. Contact our Support Team to enable this webhook. For examples of which issuer comments you can receive, see issuer comments.

   "live" : "true",
   "notificationItems" : [
         "NotificationRequestItem" : {
            "additionalData" : {
                "chargebackReasonCode" : "13.3",
                "chargebackSchemeCode" : "visa",
                "issuerComments.type": "chargeback",
                "issuerComments.disputeAmountChangeReason": "some_text",
                "issuerComments.cancellationMethod": "some_text",
                "issuerComments.orderDetailsNotAsDescribed": "some_text",
                "issuerComments.explanation": "some_text",
                "issuerComments.damagedOrDefectiveOrderInfo": "some_text",
                "issuerComments.howChAttemptReturnAndDispOfMerchandise": "some_text",
                "issuerComments.whatWasNotReceived": "some_text",
                "issuerComments.cancellationDate": "some_text"
            "amount" : {
               "currency" : "EUR",
               "value" : 1000
            "eventCode" : "ISSUER_COMMENTS",
            "eventDate" : "2021-05-17T09:35:14+02:00",
            "merchantAccountCode" : "YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",
            "originalReference" : "9914444444444444",
            "merchantReference" : "YOUR_REFERENCE",
            "paymentMethod" : "visa",
            "pspReference" : "9915555555555555",
            "reason" : "Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/Services",
            "success" : "true"

See also