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Configure the available options for creating payment links through your Customer Area.

You can configure Pay by Link settings in your Customer Area.

Before you begin

You must have one of the following user roles:

  • Merchant admin
  • Pay by Link Settings

You can configure:

General settings

To configure general Pay by Link settings, log in to your Customer Area:

  1. Go to Pay by Link > Settings.
  2. Select the General tab at the top of the page.

You can configure the following types of settings:

  • Legal: specify the URL to the page with your terms and conditions.
  • Email updates: configure getting updates about your payment link in your email.
  • Credit card: settings for credit cards.
  • Tokenization: configure if you tokenize shopper's payment details

Creation settings

You can set the available options when creating a payment link through your Customer Area.

For example, you can configure creation settings so that an employee in your shop can only create a payment link that is available for 48 hours, accepts payments in EUR, requires a payment description, and requires the employee to enter the shopper's email address when creating the payment link.

In your Customer Area:

  1. Go to Pay by Link > Settings.
  2. Select the Creation tab at the top of the page.

Select settings for the following types of fields in payment links:

Mandatory fields

Settings for required information when creating a payment link:

Field Description
Available currencies Select the payment currencies to accept.
Link type How many times the payment link can be used to make a payment.
Link validity How long the payment link can be used before it expires.

Additional fields

Settings for optional fields you can include when creating payment links:

Field Description
Shopper reference Select if payment links show the input field to enter a unique identifier for the shopper. Collect the shopper reference if you are tokenizing the shopper's payment details for recurring payments.
Payment description Select if payment links can show a description of the payment that shows up in the payment link.
Shopper country/region Select which shopper countries/regions are available to select in payment links.
Service date Select if payment links show the input field to select a delivery, event, service, or check-in date.

Shopper detail fields

Set options for the fields that ask for the shopper's personal information. You can select what's required for each field when creating the payment link. For each field, you can choose one of the following options:

Option Description
Don't ask Don't show the input field when creating the payment link, and don't show the input field in the payment link for the shopper to fill in.
Ask employee to fill in mandatory Show the mandatory input field when creating the payment link.
Ask employee to fill in optional Show the optional input field when creating the payment link.
Ask shopper to fill in mandatory Show the mandatory input field in the payment link for the shopper to fill in.

Select Save, and your settings apply immediately.