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Shopware 6

Use Adyen's plugin for Shopware 6 to accept payments.

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Our plugin for Shopware 6 gives you access to the native payment features of the Adyen payments platform.


  • Credit cards: accept credit card payments on your website and mobile application, without redirecting to an external website. Sensitive cardholder data is collected securely using our Card Component, which reduces your PCI DSS-compliance requirements.
  • Dynamic 3D Secure 2 authentication, including AVS checks.
  • Local payment methods: accept local payment methods including iDEAL, Klarna, Google Pay, and many others.
  • Tokenization: offer returning shoppers a faster checkout experience by saving their card details.
  • Revenue Protect: use our risk management system to identify and block fraudsters, while reducing friction for legitimate shoppers.
  • Adyen Giving: allow shoppers to donate to a chosen nonprofit at checkout. This feature is available with card payments and iDEAL payments.

Supported versions

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You can find the latest version of our plugin on GitHub.

This documentation reflects the latest version of the plugin. You can find the latest version on GitHub. Our plugin supports the following:

  • Shopware v6.3.1.1 or later, using PHP 7.0 or later.

We may be unable to provide support if you are not using the default Shopware checkout. We do not recommend customizing the plugin, because this could make it harder to upgrade and maintain your integration. If you decide to customize, we recommend that you:

  • Keep track of the custom code added to your integration.
  • Create an issue on GitHub if you want to suggest a new feature for the plugin.

Support levels

We provide three levels of support for major versions of the plugin:

  • Level 1: Full support.
  • Level 2: High priority bug fixes and security updates.
  • Level 3: Security updates only.
Major version Release date Level 1 support until Level 2 support until Level 3 support until
V2 March 2021 March 2022 October 2022 March 2023
V3 June 2021 Schedule not yet available
V4 In development 12 months after release 18 months after release 24 months after release

When the level 3 support period has ended, security updates will no longer be provided and Adyen support ends. You should upgrade to a later version or consider the plugin your own custom integration.


Implementation examples
  Try it out on GitHub!

Before you begin to integrate, make sure you have followed the Get started with Adyen guide to:

  • Get an overview of the steps needed to accept live payments.
  • Create your test account.

Step 1: Install the plugin

You have the following options for installing the plugin:

Step 2: Generate an API key

To authenticate API requests from Shopware, you need to provide an API key. You will need to enter the API key when setting up the Shopware back end in Step 5.

To generate an API key:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area.
  2. Go to Developers > API credentials, and select the API credential username for your integration, for example ws@Company.[YourCompanyAccount].
  3. Under Server settings > Authentication select the API key tab.
  4. Select Generate API key.
  5. Select the copy icon and store your API key securely in your system.
  6. Select Save changes.

Make sure that your API credential has the following permissions:

  • API Clientside Encryption Payments role
  • Checkout webservice role

Step 3: Generate a client key

The plugin needs the client key to show the input fields for card details.

The client key is linked to one or more allowed origins — the domains from which we expect to get your client-side requests. For example, if you are collecting shopper's payment information at:, you would need to link the domain as an allowed origin to your client key.

To generate a client key:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area.
  2. Go to Developers > API credentials, and select the credential username for your integration, for example ws@Company.[YourCompanyAccount].
  3. Under Client settings > Authentication select the Client key tab.
  4. Select Generate client key.
  5. Select the copy icon and store your client key securely in your system.
  6. Under Add allowed origins, enter your domains and select Add.
  7. Select Save changes.

You now have a client key for your test environment. To get a client key for your live environment, follow the same steps in your live Customer Area.

You will need to copy the test and live client keys and add them in the Shopware back end as described in Step 5.

Step 4: Set up webhooks

Adyen uses webhooks to inform your Shopware platform of payment status changes. For more information, refer to Webhooks

To set up webhooks: 

  1. In your Customer Area, go to Developers >  Webhooks. If you want to configure webhooks for a merchant account, switch to that merchant account.

  2. Select Webhook.

  3. From the list of webhooks, next to Standard webhook, select Add.

  4. Under General, configure the following:

    Setting Description
    Enabled Select the toggle to enable or disable the webhook.
    Version The webhook version.
    Description Your description of the webhook.
  5. Under Server configuration, configure the following:

    Setting Description
    URL Your website URL followed by /adyen/notification.
    Method JSON
  6. Under Security, configure the following:

    Setting Description
    Basic authentication Enter your server's username and password. You need to enter these credentials when you set up the Shopware back end later.
    HMAC Key Generate the HMAC Key, copy it, and store it securely in your system. You need to enter HMAC key when you set up the Shopware back end later.
  7. Select Save configuration.

Step 5: Configure the plugin

  1. Log in to the Shopware back end and go to Settings > System > Plugins.
  2. Find the Adyen Payment plugin, and select the action button (...) > Config.
  3. Fill out the following fields:

    If you have more than one Shopware shop, you need to set up these configurations for each shop.

    Field Notes Required field
    Merchant account Name of your Adyen merchant account for which the payments will be processed. -white_check_mark-
    API Key for test Your API key from Adyen test Customer Area. In the live environment, you can enter a dummy value here. -white_check_mark-
    API Key for live Your API key from Adyen live Customer Area. In the test environment, you can enter a dummy value here. -white_check_mark-
    Client Key for test Your client key from your Adyen test Customer Area. -x-
    Client Key for live Your client key from your Adyen live Customer Area. -white_check_mark-
    Environment Select whether you want to enable live (production) mode or keep using test mode. -white_check_mark-
    Live endpoint URL prefix The prefix for your live URL. Get it from your Adyen live Customer Area > Developers > API URLs > Prefix.
    This field is only required for live (production) mode.
    Username for standard notifications The username for basic authentication that you generated in Step 4. -x-
    Password for standard notifications The password for basic authentication that you generated in Step 4. -x-
    HMAC Key for test The HMAC key that you generated in Step 4. -x-
    HMAC Key for live The HMAC key that you generated in Step 4. -white_check_mark-

Step 6: Add payment methods

  1. Log in to your Shopware back end and go to Storefront.
  2. Under Payment and shipping, add payment methods to show on the checkout page.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Add the payment methods in your Customer Area.
  5. Some payment methods have additional setup instructions which you can find on the payment method page in our documentation. For example, for Apple Pay, you must use Adyen's Apple Pay certificate.

Stored payment methods

The plugin allows you to securely store shopper's payment details giving your returning shoppers a faster checkout experience. To enable or disable this functionality:

  1. Log in to your Shopware back end and go to Storefront.
  2. Under Payment and shipping, add or remove the Stored Payment Methods | Adyen Payment payment method.
  3. Select Save.

Updating payment method logos

By default, the Shopware 6 plugin automatically keeps the logos for all your payment methods up to date.

To turn off automatic logo updating, in the Shopware 6 configuration file platform/src/Core/Framework/Resources/config/packages/shopware.yaml, set to false.

To manually update the logos, go to your Shopware 6 project root directory and run:

bin/console adyen:fetch-logos


With our Giving feature, you can give shoppers the option to donate to a nonprofit after they have placed an order. Make sure that the nonprofit is onboarded at Adyen before you configure this feature.

To configure donations using Giving:

  1. In your Shopware environment, go to Extensions > My Extensions.

  2. In the Adyen Payments, click Configure.

  3. In your plugin configuration panel, scroll down to Adyen Giving. Fill out the following fields:

    Field Description
    Enabled Select Yes to enable Giving.
    Charity merchant account Adyen merchant account name for the charity.
    Charity name Name of the charity displayed on the Adyen Giving component.
    Charity description Description of the charity.
    Charity website Link to the charity website.
    Donation amounts Suggested amounts that the shopper can donate using the order currency, separated by commas. The minimum amount is the equivalence of EUR 1 in your selected currency.
    Charity logo Logo displayed on the Adyen Giving component.
    Background image Background image of the Adyen Giving component.
  4. In the Customer Area, go to Developers > *Additional data.

  5. In the Card section, select Variant.

Next steps