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Payment-method icon

PaySafeCard iOS Component

Add PaySafeCard to your existing iOS Components integration.

On this page, you can find additional configuration for adding PaySafeCard to your Components integration.

Before you begin

This page assumes you have already:

API reference

Select which endpoint you're integrating:

This is the default with Components v5.0.0 or later.

Parameter name Required Description
shopperReference -white_check_mark- Your reference to uniquely identify this shopper, for example user ID or account ID.

For a full list of optional fields that you can send for all payment methods, see /sessions.

Component configuration

v5.0.0 or later

If your integration uses iOS Components v5.0.0 or later, configure and create an instance of the PaySafeCard Component:


If your integration uses an earlier version of iOS Components:

There are no configuration steps specific to PaySafeCard required for Components.

Test and go live

Before you go live, test your integration using the following credentials:

  • 16-digit code: 0000 0000 0990 3417

Check the status of test payments in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

Before you can accept live payments, contact our Support Team to add PaySafeCard in your live Customer Area.

See also