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Riverty Component

Add Riverty to an existing Components integration.

Accept Riverty payments using an existing Components integration. Our Web Component renders Riverty in your payment form, and collects the required payment information from the shopper.


Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have an existing Web Components integration.
The minimum required version is 5.58.0.
Setup steps Before you begin, add Riverty in your test Customer Area.

Process overview

When accepting a payment with Riverty:

  1. Collect your shopper's details, and specify these in your /payments request.
  2. Provide information about the purchased items in the lineItems object of your /payments request.
  3. Use Riverty’s profile tracking technology to calculate the profile tracking ID, and specify this in your /payments request.
  4. Capture the payment after the goods are sent. This triggers the invoice that the merchant sends to the shopper.

When using profile tracking

When making a Riverty payment, profile tracking is a requirement in DE, AT, CH. It is used for risk evaluation of shoppers.

Implement profile tracking by using a Riverty script that calculates a profile tracking ID for each shopper. Use the script in one of two ways:

  • Run the script when the shopper is on your checkout page.
    The script collects data about the shopper’s device, the so-called profile tracking ID, to be able to predict scripted attacks. This data can be encrypted in a string which can be sent in the /payments request as deviceFingerprint.
    You need a Riverty profileTrackingShopId for the profile tracking integration. Get this profileTrackingShopId from Riverty’s implementation support team via

  • Redirect the shopper to a page hosted by Riverty that will run the script.
    If the deviceFingerprint value is missing in the /payments request, the result of the transaction attempt might be redirectShopper (as explained below). You are to then redirect the shopper to a Riverty hosted page where the same profile tracking script is already implemented to ensure in the end the transaction is compliant with regulation.

To improve the customer experience and reduce the number of transactions that are redirected, it is advisable to run the script when the shopper is on your checkout page.

Show Riverty in your payment form

To show Riverty in your payment form:

  1. From your server, make a POST /paymentMethods request and specify one of the following combinations of countryCode and amount.currency:

    Country/region countryCode amount.currency
    Germany DE EUR
    Austria AT EUR
    Switzerland CH CHF
    Netherlands NL EUR
    Belgium BE EUR

    The response contains the payment method type riverty.

  2. Pass the full response from the /paymentMethods call as the paymentMethodsResponse object when creating an instance of the AdyenCheckout.

  3. Add the Riverty Component:

    a. Create a DOM element on your checkout page, placing it where you want the payment method form to be rendered:

    <div id="riverty-container"></div>

    b. Use the create method of your AdyenCheckout instance, in this case checkout, to create the Component. Optionally include configuration for the visibility settings of the following shopper input fields:

    Parameter Description
    personalDetails Shopper name, date of birth, phone number, and email address.
    billingAddress The address where to send the invoice.
    deliveryAddress The address where the purchased goods should be delivered.

    If you remove these fields from your payment form, you need to provide this information in your /payments request. For information on the required fields, refer to Make a payment.

    This is an example of creating an instance of the Riverty Component with various configuration options:

    const riverty = checkout.create("riverty", {
    countryCode: "DE", // the country code from the /paymentMethods` request
    visibility: { // Optional configuration
        personalDetails: "hidden", // These fields will not appear on the payment form.
        billingAddress: "readOnly", // These fields will appear on the payment form, but the shopper cannot edit them.
        deliveryAddress: "editable" //These fields will appear on the payment form, and the shopper can edit them. This is the default behavior.

    When the shopper selects to pay, the Component calls the onSubmit event, which contains a If state.isValid is true, collect the and pass this to your server and proceed making a /payments request from your server.

Make a payment

Riverty uses profile tracking technology to detect and recognize internet access devices (for example PCs, smartphones, and tablets) and to identify possible fraud attempts on your websites. Before making a payment you need to implement Riverty’s profile tracking integration. Send the calculated profile tracking ID (using the deviceFingerprint parameter) when making a /payments request.

From your server, make a /payments request:

Parameter Required Description
paymentMethod.type -white_check_mark- The type of Riverty payment. Possible values:
- riverty: Pay in 14.
- riverty_account: Monthly Consolidated Invoice.
- sepadirectdebit_riverty: Secure Direct Debit.
paymentMethod.iban When the paymentMethod.type = sepadirectdebit_riverty provide the IBAN of the shopper.
deviceFingerprint A string containing the shopper's calculated profile tracking ID.
shopperName.firstName -white_check_mark- Shopper's first name. (B2B payments are currently not supported. Providing a business name here may result in a rejection.)
shopperName.lastName -white_check_mark- Shopper's last name. (B2B payments are currently not supported. Providing a business name here may result in a rejection.)
telephoneNumber -white_check_mark- Shopper's telephone number.
shopperEmail -white_check_mark- Shopper's email address.
dateOfBirth -white_check_mark- Shopper's date of birth, in format: YYYY-MM-DD
shopperIP -white_check_mark- The shopper's IP address. Riverty uses this for risk checks.
billingAddress -white_check_mark- The address where to send the invoice.
deliveryAddress -white_check_mark- The address where the purchased goods should be delivered.
If the shopper is using Riverty for the first time, the payment can be rejected if deliveryAddress is different from billingAddress, for risk reasons.
If deliveryAddress is different from billingAddress, the following fields are required to identify the recipient at the delivery address: deliveryAddress.firstName and deliveryAddress.lastName.
lineItems -white_check_mark- Price and product information about the purchased items. This is included on the invoice that Riverty sends to the shopper.

The /payments response contains:

Parameter Description
resultCode Use this to present the payment result to your shopper.
pspReference Our unique reference for the payment.
merchantReference Your reference from the /payments request.

Present the payment result

Use the resultCode that you received in the /payments response to present the payment result to your shopper.

The response to your /payments request depends on the shopper’s country. Some countries require strong customer authentication and potentially a manual order review performed by Riverty.

The resultCode values you can receive for Riverty are:

resultCode Type of flow Description Action to take
Authorised sync The payment was successfully authorised. Inform the shopper that the payment was successful.
After the goods have been sent, you also need to capture the payment.
Refused sync The payment was refused by Riverty. Ask the shopper to try the payment again using a different payment method.
redirectShopper async The shopper must be redirected to a page of Riverty where additional risk verification(s) will be performed. When the shopper is redirected back to the URL specified in the returnUrl of the /payments request, use a /payments/details request to find the outcome of this event. The most likely scenario is definitive, meaning the shopper either completed the flow successfully or not. In rare scenarios, the status will still be pending, as the verification process has been stepped up to the Manual Order Review process.


In the /payments response, note the action object. This contains the information needed to redirect the shopper.

Handle the redirect

  1. To complete the payment, redirect the shopper to the action.url returned in the /payments response.

    When using the HTTP GET method:
    For security reasons, when displaying the redirect in the app, we recommend that you use SFSafariViewController for iOS or Chrome Custom Tabs for Android, instead of WebView objects. Also refer to the security best practices for WebView.

  2. After the shopper is redirected back to your website, check the payment result by making a POST /payments/details request, specifying:

    • details: the object that contains the URL-decoded redirectResult returned when the shopper was redirected back to your site.

Capture the payment

After the goods have been sent, you also need to capture the payment. All Riverty payments must be manually captured, even if you have enabled automatic capture for other payment methods. Capturing the payment is what triggers the invoice to be sent to the shopper and starts the payment schedule. If you do not manually capture the payment within 30 days, the authorization will expire.

Partial captures

To partially capture a Riverty payment, specify in your /payments/{paymentPspReference}/captures request:

Parameter Description
amount The amount that the shopper should pay.
lineItems Price and product information for the items that the shopper should pay for. You only need to specify lineItems if you are sending a partial capture, not if you are sending a full capture. The sum of the lineItems must match the amount declared in the capture call, otherwise Adyen will add a dummy lineItems entry to account for the difference.

Only specify the items that you are capturing. Any unclaimed amount that is left after partially capturing a payment should be manually cancelled.

To set up multiple partial captures, contact our Support Team. Multiple partial captures will create a new invoice for each capture.

The following example shows how to make a partial capture request if the shopper only kept item #1 of the order.

The following response is returned:

Manually cancel any amount that remains after partially capturing a payment.

If a part of the authorized amount has been captured, simply sending an empty /payments/{paymentPspReference}/cancels request releases the remaining balance (without having to specify the lineItems remaining that need to be canceled).

To set up multiple partial captures, contact our Support Team. Multiple partial captures will create a new invoice for each capture. 

Refunds and cancellations

If you have not captured a Riverty payment, you can cancel it. If you have captured the payment and you want to return the funds to the shopper, you need to refund it.

As with captures, you don’t need to specify lineItems in the refund request if you are doing a full refund. To partially refund a Riverty payment, specify in your /payments/{paymentPspReference}/refunds request:

Parameter Description
amount The amount that is refunded to the shopper.
lineItems Price and product information for the items that the shopper should pay for. The sum of the lineItems needs to match the amount declared in the refund call. If they do not match, Adyen will add a dummy lineItem entry to account for the difference.

Only specify the items that you are refunding the money for.

The following example shows how to make a partial refund for item #1 of the above order.

The following response is returned:

The pspReference is specifically for the refund transaction, not for the original payment.

Test and go live

To test Riverty, submit a request to add Riverty in your test Customer Area.

Riverty provides detailed error codes, recommendations on how to test some of the most common scenarios as well as a comprehensive list of market specific test data.

Test redirect flow

To test the redirect flow, provide firstName : Risky and lastName : SCA-H in the /payments request.

Go-live requirements

Riverty requires you to display Terms & Conditions as well as data protection guidelines in your checkout for the shopper to approve before making the payment. See Riverty's documentation for details.

See also