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PayMe Drop-in integration

Add PayMe to an existing Drop-in integration.

On this page, you can find additional configuration for adding PayMe to your Drop-in integration.

Our Web Drop-in renders PayMe in your payment form.

Depending on whether your shopper is using a desktop or laptop, or the browser on their mobile device, Drop-in:

  • Shows the shopper a QR code which they can scan to pay using their PayMe app.
  • Redirects the shopper to the PayMe app on their mobile device.

Implement both flows to make sure that your shoppers can pay on different devices.

PayMe is supported from Web Drop-in version 5.56.0.

Before you begin

This page assumes you have already:

  • If you are using Web Drop-in v6, import the resources you need:
import { AdyenCheckout, PayMe} from '@adyen/adyen-web'

API reference

Select which endpoint you're integrating:

See the Web Drop-in integration guide to get the payment outcome and show your shopper the result of the payment.

Drop-in configuration

There are no configuration steps specific to PayMe required for Drop-in.

Test and go live

Use the PayMe sandbox to test your integration. You do not need to use the PayMe app to test using the sandbox.

Use the amounts specified below to simulate different payment outcomes.

Amount ending in Result Description
81 Authorised Successful payment.
77 OfferCancelled The payment request expired after PayMe's default expiry time of ten minutes.
44 Error There was an error when creating the payment request.