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Enable Apple Pay

Enable Apple Pay by using an Apple Pay certificate.

Your shoppers can only see Apple Pay as a payment method option if they:

If you are using one of the following Adyen plugins, refer to the specific documentation for enabling Apple Pay:

To enable Apple Pay you need to use your own certificate or Adyen's certificate:

  • You can use your own certificate for all integrations.
  • You can use the Adyen certificate only for web integrations.
  • It is possible to use a combination of certificates by using your own certificate for native apps and the Adyen certificate for web.

The option to use Adyen's Apple Pay certificate is only available on Web Drop-in, Web Components and API-only. If you have a native mobile integration, you must use your own Apple Pay certificate.

You don't need to create your own Apple Pay certificate for your web integration because you can process payments through Adyen's Apple Pay certificate. The benefits of using Adyen's Apple Pay certificate are:

  • A faster way to add Apple Pay to your integration.
  • There is less configuration required.
  • Apple Pay enabled by default for your Pay by Link integration, if you have one.

How to enable Apple Pay

  1. Set up your server for secure communication with Apple Pay.
    • All pages that include Apple Pay must be served over HTTPS.
    • Your domain must have a valid SSL certificate.
  2. Add Apple Pay in your test Customer Area.
    • You'll be asked for Shop websites: your website URLs, for example If you add more than one, separate them with a comma.
    • You cannot use http://localhost to test.