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Payment-method icon

KNET Component

Add KNET to an existing Components integration.

On this page, you can find additional configuration for adding KNET to your Components integration.

Before you begin

This page assumes you have already:

API reference

Select which endpoint you're integrating:

This is the default with Components v5.0.0 or later.

Parameter name Required Description
shopperName -white_check_mark- The shopper's full name.
shopperEmail -white_check_mark- The shopper's email address.
telephoneNumber -white_check_mark- The shopper's telephone number.

Component configuration

Step 1: Create a DOM element

Create a DOM element on your checkout page, placing it where you want the payment method form to be rendered:

 <div id="knet-container"></div>

Step 2: Create an instance of the Component

Use the create method of your AdyenCheckout instance, in this case checkout, to create the Component:

const knetComponent = checkout.create('knet').mount('#knet-container');

Test and go live

To test KNET payments, use the test card details provided by Tap.

Before you can accept live KNET payments, you need to submit a request for KNET in your live Customer Area.

See also