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Payment-method icon

Bizum Component

Add Bizum to an existing Components integration.

On this page, you can find additional configuration for adding Bizum to your Components integration.

Before you begin

To activate Bizum, complete the following:

  • Contract with a local supported bank (this is the acquirer).
    Visit Bizum's official site to see a list of available banks.
  • Receive your MID and Terminal ID from the acquirer.
    MID is also referred to as FUC.
  • Inform the acquirer that Adyen will process payments for you so they can connect your MID with Adyen as a gateway.
    Adyen's IPSP number for e-commerce and Bizum operations is 31710.

After receiving your MID and Terminal ID from the acquirer, and before configuring Bizum, complete the following:

  • Build your Components integration.
  • Add Bizum in your Customer Area.
    You cannot add Bizum in your Customer Area until you have your MID and Terminal ID.

    API reference

    Include fields for the endpoint you integrated:

    The /sessions workflow is the default with Components v5.0.0 or later.

    Parameter name Required Description
    reference -white_check_mark- Your unique reference for the payment.
    Your reference must match the following regular expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,125}$)

    Component configuration

    Step 1: Create a DOM element

    Create a DOM element on your checkout page, placing it where you want the payment method form to be rendered:

     <div id="bizum-container"></div>

    Step 2: Create an instance of the Component

    v6.0.0 or later

    Create an instance of the Component, passing:

    • Your instance of AdyenCheckout.
    const bizum = new Redirect(checkout, { type: 'bizum' }).mount('#bizum-container');

    Use the create method of your AdyenCheckout instance, in this case checkout, to create the Component:

    const bizumComponent = checkout.create('bizum').mount('#bizum-container');

    Test and go live

    To test Bizum payments:

    • Use telephoneNumber: 700 000 000.

    • Note that the payments amount value determines the outcome:

      Amount Outcome
      Less than 15 Payment is authorized
      From 15 to 50 Payment is refused
      From 50 to 1000 Payment is authorized
      More than 1000 Payment is refused
    • Check the status of Bizum test payments in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

    See also