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Boleto Bancário Drop-in integration

Add Boleto Bancário to an existing iOS Drop-in integration.

This page explains how to add Boleto Bancário to your existing iOS Drop-in integration.


Select the server-side flow that your integration uses:

API reference

Select which endpoint you are using:

Drop-in configuration

You can add the following optional configuration for collecting the shopper details:

  • If you already have the required shopper details, you can turn off the form sections where these details are collected.
  • You can pre-fill some of the fields. To collect the missing details, turn on the corresponding form sections.
Parameter name Description Default
personalDetailsRequired Set to false if you have already collected the shopper's first name, last name, and CPF/CNPJ (socialSecurityNumber).

The CPF/CNPJ is a unique identifier similar to a social security number. The shopper can provide their Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) number or their Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) number.

billingAddressRequired Set this to false if you have already collected the shopper's street, house number or name, city, postal code, and state or province. true
showEmailAddress Set this to false if you have already collected the shopper's email address. true
data Object to pre-fill shopper details on the form: socialSecurityNumber, shopperName, billingAddress, and shopperEmail as shown in the example below. Empty

If you want to add optional configuration, include this in a configuration object. The following example shows how to configure Drop-in to remove the shopper details fields and prefill the form.

const boletoBancarioConfiguration = {
  personalDetailsRequired: false, //turn personalDetails section on/off
  billingAddressRequired: false, // turn billingAddress section on/off
  showEmailAddress: false, // allow shopper to specify their email address

  // Optionally pre-fill some fields, here all fields are filled:
  data: {
    firstName: 'José',
    lastName: 'Silva',
    billingAddress: {
      city: 'São Paulo',
      country: `BR`
      houseNumberOrName: '952',
      postalCode: '04386040',
      stateOrProvince: 'SP',
      street: 'Rua Funcionarios',
    socialSecurityNumber: '56861752509',