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Payment-method icon

Cards Drop-in integration

Add cards to an existing Drop-in integration.

This page explains how to add cards to your existing Web Drop-in integration.


Select which endpoint you are using:

Import resources for v6

If you are using Web Drop-in v6, import the resources you need for cards:

import { AdyenCheckout, Card} from '@adyen/adyen-web'

API reference

You do not need to send additional fields for cards. To see optional fields that you can send for all payment methods, choose the endpoint you integrated:

You can also send additional fields for specific use cases for example if you want to show debit and credit cards separately or make stored card payments.

Drop-in configuration

Additional configuration for cards is optional.

Include optional configuration in the card configuration object. For example, to configure showing the cardholder name and billing address fields as required, and to customize the icon for Visa:

Include the cardConfiguration object when creating a configuration object for Drop-in:

Pass the Drop-in configuration object when creating your instance of AdyenCheckout:

const checkout = await AdyenCheckout(configuration);


Field Description Default
name String that is used to display the payment method name to the shopper. Depends on the shopperLocale specified in /paymentMethods request.
showStoredPaymentMethods Set to false if you do not want Drop-in to show previously stored payment methods in the payment method list. true
brands Array of card brands that will be recognized. For a list of possible values, refer to Supported card types. ['mc','visa','amex']
v4.5.0 or later
Object where you can customize the icons for different brands. For example, to customize the icon for Visa, include inside the brandsConfiguration:
visa: { icon: 'https://...' }
showBrandIcon Set to false to not show the brand logo when the card brand has been recognized. true
v5.12.0 or later
Shows brand logos under the card number field when the shopper selects the card payment method.

This setting also shows a maximum of 4 brand logos in the list of payment methods. If you support more than 4 brands, it shows 3 brand logos and the number of additional supported brands.
enableStoreDetails Set to true to show the checkbox for saving the card details for recurring payments. false
hasHolderName Set to true to show the input field for the cardholder name. false
holderNameRequired Set to true to make the cardholder name a required field. To show the field, you additionally need to set hasHolderName to true. false
v4.2.0 or later
Renders the cardholder name field at the top of the payment form. false
hideCVC Set to true to hide the CVC field. false
v4.2.0 or later
Renders a social security number field. For example, this is required for certain card payments in Brazil. Possible values are:
- show: Always renders the field.
- hide: Never renders the field.
- auto: Renders the field based on the card's BIN.
styles Set a style object to customize the card input fields.
For a list of supported properties, refer to Styling card input fields.
Refer to
Default styles and labels.
billingAddressRequired Set to true to collect the shopper's billing address and mark the fields as required. false
v5.14.0 or later
If billingAddressRequired is set to true, you can set this to partial to require the shopper's postal code instead of the full address.

v5.31.0 or later:
When set to partial, you can configure to validate the postal code your shopper enters.
If billingAddressRequired is false: none.
If billingAddressRequired is true: full.
billingAddressAllowedCountries Specify allowed country codes for the billing address. For example, ['US', 'CA', 'BR']. The Country field dropdown menu shows a list of all countries.
data Object that contains placeholder information that you can use to prefill fields.
For example:
- holderName: Placeholder for the cardholder name field.
- billingAddress: Object that contains placeholder information for the billing address such as street, postalCode, city, country, and stateOrProvince.
installmentOptions If you want to offer credit card installments, specify here the numbers of monthly installments that the shopper can choose from.
For example, to have 2, and 3, and 4 as the default installment options for all cards:
{ "card": { "values": [2, 3, 4] }}.

v3.15.0 or later:
You can also configure plans for Japanese installments: regular, revolving, or both.
Refer to credit card installments for a code sample.
v3.15.0 or later:
plans: regular
 v4.3.0 or later
If a shopper enters a date that is earlier than specified here, they will see the following error:
"Your card expires before check out date."
Format: mm/yy
v3.15.0 or later
If you want to offer credit card installments, set to true to show the payment amount per installment.
Refer to credit card installments for a code sample.
autoFocus Automatically move the focus from date field to the CVC field.

v5.8.0 or later:
The focus also moves to the date field when the entered card number reaches the expected length.
SRConfig Object for configuring screen reader behavior. Does not affect what gets rendered in the checkout form.
SRConfig.collateErrors Indicates if all errors in the form are read out after each validation. For example, if there is an error in the card number field, the error is read out after validating each of the other fields, until the error is fixed. true
SRConfig.moveFocus Indicates if focus automatically switches to the first field with an error when the shopper selects the Pay button.
Can only be set if SRConfig.collateErrors is true.
maskSecurityCode Set to true to mask the CVV/CVC code when your shopper enters it in the Card Component.
disclaimerMessage Object for adding a disclaimer to your Card Component
disclaimerMessage.message A string of text that is displayed in the Card Component. Use %{linkText} to reference disclaimerMessage.linkText, if defined.
disclaimerMessage.linkText The hyperlink text. The hyperlink destination. The link opens in a new tab.
addressSearchDebounceMs For the address lookup feature, the number of milliseconds for the debounce of the onAddressLookup callback.


You can also customize your shopper's experience when specific events occur.

Event Description
onChange Called when the shopper enters data in the card input fields.
onSubmit Called when the shopper selects the Pay button and payment details are valid.
onLoad Called when all card input fields have been created but are not yet ready to use.
onConfigSuccess Called when all card input fields are ready to use.
onFieldValid Called when the input in a field becomes valid and also if the input changes and becomes invalid. For the card number field, it returns the following:
- endDigits: the last 4 digits of the card number.
- v5.10.0 or later issuerBin: the first 6 or 8 digits of the card number.
onBrand Called when Drop-in detects the card brand.
onError Called when Drop-in detects an invalid card number, invalid expiry date, or incomplete field. Called again when errors are cleared.
Starting from v5.0.0, the onError handler is no longer used only for card component related errors, and returns an object for every component.
onFocus Called when focus moves to or away from a field.
v3.21.0 or later
Called when the shopper enters the card number. Requires a minimum of 11 digits of the card number to be entered. Returns the following:
- type: type of the card.
- brands: brands on the card.
- supportedBrands: the brands you support.
- detectedBrands: brands detected on the card.
- v5.30.1 or later issuingCountryCode: the two-letter country code of the country where the card was issued.
- v5.43.0 or later paymentMethodVariant: the card type variant.
v3.10.1 or later
Called when the shopper enters the card number. Returns binValue: the first 6 digits of the card number.
Requires the client key for client-side authentication.
v5.45.0 or later
Called when the shopper enters characters in the address input fields. You must implement it with an external address lookup API.
The following properties must be configured:
- billingAddressRequired: true
- billingAddressMode: full
v5.54.0 or later
Call when the shopper selects a suggested address. You must implement it with an external address lookup API that uses two API requests to complete the suggestion.
The following properties must be configured:
- billingAddressRequired: true
- billingAddressMode: full

Implementing the address lookup feature

The Component includes optional callbacks that you can use to suggest addresses to the shopper when they enter data into address input fields. The callbacks work with an external application that you choose to get addresses.

There are different ways that external APIs work:

  • One request: one API request is required that returns the a list of items with full address details. For example, you can use this with Radar.
  • Two requests: two API requests are required. The first returns a list of items with partial address details. After selecting an item from the list, the second request returns the full details of the selected item. For example, you can use this with Google Places.

Choose the implementation you require:

Show debit and credit cards separately

Choose which server-side flow your integration uses:

Drop-in then automatically renders separate payment forms for Credit card and Debit card.

Card brand recognition

When the shopper is entering their card details, Drop-in tries to recognize the card brand. When successful, Drop-in renders the brand icon and the corresponding input field for the card security code (CVC, CVV, or CID).

Co-badged cards

Co-badged cards are rendered by Drop-in according to the co-badged card regulations for the applicable regions. This means that Drop-in renders all supported brands, and allows the cardholder to choose their preferred brand.

Stored card payments

Adyen's tokenization service allows you to securely store shopper's card details for payments.

Store card details

Choose which server-side flow your integration uses:

Make a payment with stored card details

When the shopper selects to pay, Drop-in calls the onSubmit event, which contains a

  1. Pass the to your server.
  2. From your server, make a /payments request, specifying:

    • paymentMethod: The from the onSubmit event.

    • shopperReference: The unique shopper identifier that you specified when creating the token.

    • shopperInteractionContAuth.

    • recurringProcessingModel: CardOnFile.

The /payments response contains:

  • resultCode: Use this to inform the shopper about the payment status.

You can also use tokens to make shopper-not-present payments for subscriptions or contracts. For more information, refer to Making a payment for a subscription or contract.

Test and go live

If your client-side integration isn't ready, you can test API requests with encrypted card details by adding a test_ prefix to the test card details.

v5.20.0 or later: Card input fields use JSON Web Encryption, so your test environment must be a secure context. Use either a local or https domain, and add it to your allowed origins.

Before making live card payments:

  1. Test your integration using our test card numbers. You can check the status of test payments in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

  2. Add the cards that you want to accept in your live Customer Area.

  3. Before you can start accepting card payments in the live environment, you need to assess your PCI DSS compliance and submit the required Self-Assessment Questionnaire A document. For more information, refer to PCI DSS compliance guide.

See also