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DuitNow Drop-in integration

Add DuitNow to your existing iOS Drop-in integration.

Our iOS Drop-in renders DuitNow in your payment form, and generates a QR code that the shopper uses to pay with their choice of app from DuitNow participating banks.


Select the server-side flow that your integration uses:

Show DuitNow in your payment form

Drop-in uses the countryCode and the amount.currency from your /paymentMethods request to show the available payment methods to your shopper.

To show DuitNow in your payment form, you need to specify in your /paymentMethods request:

After the shopper selects a payment method and provides payment details, Drop-in invokes the didSubmit method which contains data.paymentMethod. Pass data.paymentMethod to your server and make a payment request.

Make a payment

When the shopper proceeds to pay, Drop-in invokes the didSubmit method which contains data.paymentMethod.

  1. Pass data.paymentMethod to your server.
  2. From your server, make a /payments request, specifying:

    • paymentMethod: The data.paymentMethod from the didSubmit event from your client app.

    Drop-in generates the QR code that the shopper uses to pay.

Check the payment result

To check the payment result, use the object from the corresponding event handler:

  • onAdditionalDetailsfor successful payments.
  • onError for unsuccessful or timed out payments.

From your server, make a POST /payments/details request with:

  • details: the from the onAdditionalDetails or onError event.
  • paymentData: the from the onAdditionalDetails or onError event.

You receive a response containing:

  • additionalData: Object containing the value and currency for the payment.
  • pspReference: Our unique identifier for the transaction.
  • resultCode: Authorised for successful payments or Refused for unsuccessful or timed-out payments. Use this to present the payment result to your shopper.