Gift cards are stored value cards: payment cards with a monetary value that is stored on the card itself instead of in a bank account. Gift cards can be virtual or plastic cards. Some plastic gift cards can be reused by loading more funds, others are disposable cards that cannot be reloaded.
With Adyen, you can process online and in-person payments for gift cards provided by Givex, Stored Value Solutions (SVS), Fiserv (formerly ValueLink), and key local gift card providers in several countries/regions. You first need to complete an onboarding process with a gift card provider.
Partial payments
When a shopper wants to pay with a gift card that has a balance less than the full payment amount, you can let the shopper make a partial payment with the gift card and pay the remaining amount with different payment method.
Depending on your integration, you may need to take additional steps to accept partial payments. See the page for your integration type for details.
Getting the funds for gift card payments
Gift cards can be specific to your business, or they can be used to buy goods or services from a number of businesses.
If the gift card can only be used for your business, then you receive the funds upfront. When a shopper redeems a gift card, a request is sent to your gift card provider to remove the amount from the card. No funds are exchanged.
If a shopper redeems a gift card with you that can be used at a number of businesses, you receive funds from the gift card provider.
Other gift card transactions
Apart from making payments, you can also do other gift card transactions such as checking the balance of a gift card or deactivating it. The supported features depend on the provider and on whether the gift card is used online or at the point of sale.
Payment type | Payment flow | Countries/regions | Currencies | Recurring | Refunds | Partial refunds | Separate captures |
Partial captures |
Chargebacks |
Loyalty program | Direct | International | Multiple | ![]() |
![]() See note 1 |
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1 For some gift cards, there are regulatory limits on transaction amounts. Check with your gift card provider to learn if these limits affect you.
How do you want to integrate?
Supported gift cards
You can use paymentMethod.brand
genericgiftcard for any gift card that isn't listed in the table.
Gift card name | Countries/regions | paymentMethod.brand |
Provider |
Auriga | SE, DK, NO, FI | auriga | Nets |
Baby Gift Card | NL | babygiftcard | Intersolve |
Bloemen Giftcard | NL | bloemengiftcard | Intersolve |
Cashcom | SE, DK, NO, FI | cashcomgiftcard | Nets |
Eagle Eye | UK CA AU | eagleeye_voucher | FIS |
EnterCard | SE, DK, NO, FI | entercard | Nets |
Expert Cadeaukaart | NL | expertgiftcard | Intersolve |
Fashioncheque | NL | fashioncheque | Intersolve |
FijnCadeau | NL | fijncadeau | Intersolve |
Fiserv (formerly ValueLink) | International | valuelink | Fiserv |
Fleurop Bloemenbon | NL | fleuropbloemenbon | Intersolve |
Fonq Giftcard | NL | fonqgiftcard | Intersolve |
Gall & Gall | NL | gallgall | Intersolve |
Givex | International | givex | Givex |
Hallmark | International | hallmarkcard | FIS |
Hunkemoller Lingerie Card | NL | hmlingerie | Intersolve |
iGive | SE, DK, NO, FI | igive | Nets |
Ikano | SE, DK, NO, FI | ikano | Nets |
Kado Werekeld | NL | kadowereld | Intersolve |
Kids Cadeau | NL | kidscadeau | Intersolve |
Kindpas | NL | kindpas | Intersolve |
Leisure Voucher | GB | leisurecard | Intersolve |
Nationale Bioscoopbon | NL | nationalebioscoopbon | Intersolve |
Netscard | Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland? | netscard | Nets |
Oberthur | SE, DK, NO, FI | oberthur | Nets |
Pathe Giftcard | NL | pathegiftcard | Nets |
PayEx | SE, DK, NO, FI | payex | Nets |
Podium Card | NL | podiumcard | Intersolve |
Resurs Gift Card | SE, DK, NO, FI | resursgiftcard | Nets |
Rotterdampas | NL | rotterdampas | Intersolve |
Savvy | EMEA | genericgiftcard | Intersolve |
Schoolspullenpas | NL | schoolspullenpas | Intersolve |
Spar Nord | SE, DK, NO, FI | sparnord | Nets |
SpareBank | SE, DK, NO, FI | sparebank | Nets |
Stored Value Solutions (SVS) | International | svs | SVS |
Universal Gift Card | SE, DK, NO, FI | universalgiftcard | Nets |
VVV Cadeaubon | NL | vvvcadeaubon | Intersolve |
VVV Giftcard | NL | vvvgiftcard | Intersolve |
Webshop Giftcard | NL | webshopgiftcard | Intersolve |
Winkel Cheque | NL | winkelcheque | Intersolve |
Winterkledingpas | NL | winterkledingpas | Intersolve |
XPonCard | SE, DK, NO, FI | xponcard | Nets |
Your Gift | NL | yourgift | Intersolve |
Illicado | FR | prosodie_illicado | Prosodie |