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Klarna raw acquirer responses

These are the most common raw acquirer responses from Klarna for successful, refused, failed or cancelled transactions.

Last journal type Raw acquirer response Description
PENDING This is an expected response for Klarna Widget integrations.
Authorised ACCEPTED The payment was authorised.
Error Internal error Generic API response from Klarna. Check your Customer Area for additional information.
Error BAD_VALUE : locale The locale in your payment request is not compatible. Refer to our Klarna documentation for compatible combinations.
Error BAD_VALUE : order_lines[X].tax_rate Error message on the validation criteria for the tax calculation. Refer to our Klarna documentation for more information about the tax calculation.
Error BAD_VALUE : order_lines[X].total_tax_amount There is an error in the tax amounts for order line [X]. Tax amounts should add up over all order lines. Klarna validates this on their end. Refer to our Klarna documentation to see how to send in tax amounts in your payment request.
Error BAD_VALUE : order_tax_amount There is an error in the tax amounts. Tax amounts should add up over all order lines. Klarna validates this on their end. Refer to our Klarna documentation to see how to send in tax amounts in your payment request.
Error BAD_VALUE : purchase_currency The amount.currency in your payment request not formatted correctly or doesn't apply for a certain locale. Refer to our Klarna documentation for compatible combinations.
Error BAD_VALUE : billing_address.postal_code, shipping_address.postal_code or BAD_VALUE : shipping_address.postal_code, billing_address.postal_code The postal code in the billingAddress or the deliveryAddress in your payment request is not formatted correctly. Refer to our Klarna documentation to see how to format the shopper's address.
Error BAD_VALUE : attachment.attachment The data sent in the additionalData.openinvoicedata.merchantData in your payment request does not follow Klarna's requirements. Refer to Klarna's documentation to see how to format the merchant data.
Error BAD_VALUE :, or BAD_VALUE :, The telephoneNumber in your payment request is not formatted correctly. Refer to our Klarna documentation to see how to format the telephone number.
Error BAD_VALUE : billing_address.given_name, billing_address.family_name, or BAD_VALUE : shipping_address.given_name, shipping_address.family_name Your request contains invalid characters. Make sure that you only submit UTF-8 encoded values when creating a Klarna payment.
Error Payment method not available (contact Klarna) The payment method defined in the payment request is not configured correctly on Klarna's end. Verify that you have enabled Klarna in your Customer Area.
Error Allowed category list is empty Edit your payment request. Your payment request does not follow the guidelines defined in our Klarna documentation. For example, make sure that the country code and billing address are for the same location.
Error Missing returnUrl Your payment request is missing the returnUrl parameter.
Error No InvoiceLines provided Your payment request did not include invoice lines. Refer to our Klarna documentation to see how to send in invoice lines in your payment request.
OfferCancelled NOT_FOUND : Invalid session id The shopper has tried to make a payment for an offer that has expired. We recommend that you ask the shopper to retry the transaction.
Not linked to a payment status, check logs. ReadSessionResponse does not have valid authorisation token Klarna sends this error when:
  • The /payments/details call to Adyen is made before the shopper received an authorisation from Klarna.
  • The shopper's authorisation token from Klarna has expired after 60 minutes.
There could be multiple reasons for this to happen.
Refused REFUSED Klarna's internal risk engine refused the payment. A possible reason is that the shopper has an unpaid balance towards Klarna.
Refused UNAVAILABLE_PAYMENT_METHOD or PAYMENT_METHOD_FAILED : Purchase for payment method failed Klarna's internal risk engine refused the payment. A possible reason is that the shopper has an unpaid balance towards Klarna.