The Account Updater result file is encrypted if all of the following conditions are true:
- The request file was encrypted.
- There is a PGP key registered at your company-level, with the Purpose of AccountUpdater.
For more information on registering and managing PGP keys, see our PGP encryption documentation.
- The result file contains a card number.
If the result file is not encrypted, then there will be no card number (PAN) in the file.
When parsing or validation errors occur, the result file has the structure described in batch result files with validation errors.
AccountUpdater line
The line record [L] holds the metadata information that applies to its corresponding sub-line [SL] records.
Field # |
Format |
Description |
1 |
Fixed value: |
Record type identifier. |
2 |
Numeric |
3 |
Fixed value: |
Account type. |
4 |
Alphanumeric |
Specifies the merchant account name. |
5 |
Allowed values:
Specifies the requested transaction type:
6 |
Alphanumeric |
A merchant reference, that is, a unique identifier associated to a specific transaction. |
7 |
Allowed values:
Transaction status. This field is not applicable when Field 5 is |
8 |
Alphanumeric |
This field is not applicable when Field 5 is AccountUpdaterRealtime . |
AccountUpdater sub-line
Field # |
Format |
Description |
1 |
Fixed value: |
Record type identifier |
2 |
Fixed value: |
`SL` sub-line record number reference within its parent line. |
3 |
Allowed values:
4 |
Alphanumeric |
This value corresponds to the pspReference when [L] Line record field #5 is set to either ScheduleAccountUpdater , AccountUpdaterAutoUpdate or AccountUpdaterRealtime .
It corresponds to the merchantReference when [SL] sub-line record field #3 is AccountUpdaterResult . |
5 |
Allowed values:
The account update submission request status:
These values do not apply if [L] Line record field #5 is set to |
6 |
The sub-bullet items are the fields returned in the file. We categorize these fields into 6 groups represented by the bullet items.
Account updater action result. You can check the description of the result groups below:
7 |
Processed date. This is the date that Adyen processed the file received from the scheme. |
8 |
Alphanumeric |
New alias. This field is only populated with an alias when either the card number is changed or there is a change to the expiry date of the card. Otherwise, it is empty. |
9 |
Numeric |
New expiry month.
10 |
Numeric |
New expiry year.
11 |
Alphanumeric |
The refusal reason. For batch or automatic account updater, this field is the internal error or the implementation error. It contains reasons for the error in the account update request. This field is populated when sub-line field #5 in the Account Updater result is |
12 |
Alphanumeric |
The new account number (PAN). This field is only populated if all of the following rules apply:
The following is a sample Account Updater batch response file:
FH,1.0,TEST,Company,TestCompany,Default,1,ws@Company.TestCompany,AccountUpdater,FileHeaderEchoData BH,1,BlockHeaderEchoData L,1,MerchantAccount,TestMerchant,ScheduleAccountUpdater,MerchantReference1,Success,EchoData SL,1,AccountUpdaterResult,221234321234543H,Submitted,NoChange,2013-11-13,,,,, L,2,MerchantAccount,TestMerchant,ScheduleAccountUpdater,MerchantReference2,Success, SL,1,AccountUpdaterResult,221234321234543K,Submitted,CloseAccount,2013-11-13,,,,, L,3,MerchantAccount,TestMerchant,ScheduleAccountUpdater,MerchantReference3,Success,EchoData SL,1,AccountUpdaterResult,221234321234543J,Submitted,PANChanged,2013-11-13,D123456789123456,07,2018,, L,4,MerchantAccount,TestMerchant,ScheduleAccountUpdater,MerchantReference4,Success,EchoData SL,1,AccountUpdaterResult,221234321234543F,Submitted,CardExpiryChanged,2013-09-15,F098765432112345,03,2017,, L,5,MerchantAccount,TestMerchant,ScheduleAccountUpdater,MerchantReference5,Success,EchoData SL,1,AccountUpdaterResult,221234321234543T,Submitted,Error,2013-09-15,,,,, L,6,MerchantAccount,TestMerchant,ScheduleAccountUpdater,MerchantReference6,Success,EchoData SL,1,AccountUpdaterResult,221234321234543E,Not Submitted,Error,,,,,No registered account, BT,6 FT,1