You can use our tokenization feature to store payment details for transactions like automatic subscription renewal payments.
Test your integration with Adyen's tokenization features, using our test card numbers. The following steps take you through the different steps for storing, using, updating, and removing payment details.
- Store payment details for one-off payments
- Make a test one-off payment with stored payment details
- Store payment details for subscription payments
- Make a test subscription payment with stored payment details
- Update stored payment details
- Remove stored payment details
Additionally, you can optionally test Real Time Account Updater scenarios if you use the feature.
Step 1: Store payment details for one-off payments
Test storing payment details for one-off payments.
Create a token with an amount of 0 (zero-auth transaction). In your API request, set the following parameters:
Parameter Value shopperInteraction
Ecommerce recurringProcessingModel
CardOnFile -
Store the token from the webhook and the shopper reference for test one-off payments.
Step 2: Make a test one-off payment
Test making a one-off payments with stored payment details.
Make a test one-off payment with the token you created for testing. In your API request, set the following parameters:
Parameter Value shopperInteraction
ContAuth recurringProcessingModel
CardOnFile -
Get the AUTHORISATION webhook on your server. It includes the status of the payment.
Step 3 (optional): Store payment details for subscription payments
If you accept subscription payments, test storing payment details for subscription payments.
Create a token with an amount of 0 (zero-auth transaction). In your API request, set the following parameters:
Parameter Value shopperInteraction
Ecommerce recurringProcessingModel
Subscription -
Store the token from the webhook and the shopper reference for test subscription payments.
Step 4 (optional). Make a test subscription payment
If you accept subscription payments, test making a subscription payment with stored payment details.
Make a test one-off payment with the token you created for testing. In your API request, set the following parameters:
Parameter Value shopperInteraction
ContAuth recurringProcessingModel
Subscription -
Get the AUTHORISATION webhook on your server. It includes the status of the payment.
Step 5. Update stored payment details
Test updating stored payment details.
- Make a request to update stored payment details for one of the tokens you created for testing.
- Get the stored for the shopper reference you stored the token with.
Step 6. Remove stored payment details
Test deleting stored payment details. Make a request to delete stored payment details for one of the tokens you created for testing.
Real Time Account Updater scenarios
To test how different Real Time Account Updater scenarios work for your integration, use the following test card numbers and expiry dates in your payment request. The response will contain the corresponding status in the additionalData.realtimeAccountUpdaterStatus
Card number | Expiry month/year | Status |
5454 5476 9908 4950 | 03/2030 | CardChanged |
5454 5418 5840 6567 | Any date except 03/2030 | CardExpiryChanged |
5454 5415 8031 1093 | 03/2030 | CloseAccount |
4111 1131 5971 2925 | 03/2030 | ContactCardAccountHolder |
If you are not fully PCI compliant and thus unable to process raw card data, add a prefix of test_
to the credentials. For example, use "encryptedCardNumber": "test_5454547699084950"
. This allows you to test using encrypted card details.