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Securely authorize API requests on behalf of your customers

OAuth is an open protocol we use to let your customers delegate API access to you. OAuth is only available for partners. If you integrate with our OAuth service, you can make API requests on your customer's behalf, without your customer having to share their credentials with you.

When you request access to your customer's account, you specify a scope. Your customer then confirms the scope. This way, you only have access to the resources in your customer's account that you need to access, enhancing security and customer trust.

Use case

Use cases for you to integrate with our OAuth service include:

  • You're an ecommerce platform and want to process online payments on your customer's behalf.

How it works

An OAuth flow involves the following parties:

  • Resource owner: your customer, who grants you access to their account resources.
  • Resource server: Adyen's APIs, through which you access your customer's account resources.
  • Client: your application which requests access to resources on behalf of your customer.
  • Authorization Server: Adyen's OAuth server, where your customer authenticates to grant you access. This server is also responsible for issuing the access tokens.

During an OAuth flow, the parties interact as follows:

  1. Your customer selects the Connect with Adyen button in your application.
  2. You redirect your customer to Adyen where they authenticate and authorize your request to access their resources.
  3. Your customer is redirected back to your application with an authorization code.
  4. You exchange the authorization code for access and refresh tokens.
  5. When you make requests to Adyen's APIs on behalf of your customer, you authorize using the access token.
  6. When your access token expires, you get a new one using the refresh token.

OAuth integration

Next steps

To start building your OAuth integration, select our integration guide below: