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Testing card CVC/CVV/CID result codes

Test getting card CVC/CVV/CID result codes with your integration and troubleshoot issues before it goes live.

You can test this if your integration uses the following:

  • Advanced flow
  • Sessions flow with additional methods

Acquirers check the card security code (CVC/CVV/CID) for online transactions. Based on the check, the transaction can be approved or declined.

Before you begin

Enable additionalData.cvcResult field in your API response:

  1. In your test Customer Area, go to Developers > Additional data.
  2. Under Acquirer, select the checkbox for Acquirer result.

Step 1: Make a test payment request

For testing, you must use unencrypted test card details. In your live environment, if you only use encrypted card details, the API response includes the same information.

Make a test /payments request and set paymentMethod.cvc to one of the result codes values. Add 00to the beginning of the value. For example, to make a test payment request that gets the result code 4, specify paymentMethod.cvc: 004:

Step 2: Get the result code in the response

The API response includes the cvcResult that you specified in the request:

Result code values

CVC/CVV result code Result
0 Unknown Approval
1 Matches Approval
2 Doesn't match Decline
3 Not checked Approval
4 No CVC/CVV provided, but was required Decline
5 Issuer not certified for CVC/CVV Approval
6 No CVC/CVV provided Approval