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Apple Pay Drop-in integration

Add Apple Pay to an existing Drop-in integration.

This page explains how to add Apple Pay to your existing Web Drop-in integration.


Select which endpoint you are using:

Set up Apple Pay

Enable Apple Pay with your own or Adyen's Apple Pay certificate.

API reference

You do not need to send additional fields for Apple Pay. To see optional fields that you can send for all payment methods, choose the endpoint you integrated:

If you run into an error, refer to Handle Apple Pay errors.

Drop-in configuration

Select which endpoint you are using:

Optional configuration

This optional configuration parameter is only accepted on the dropin instance.

Instant payment button configuration

Use the instantPaymentTypes object to display the Apple Pay payment button at the top of the list of available payment methods. The sample below shows how to do this:

Optional Apple Pay configuration

You can do the following:

Button configuration

Property Description
buttonType The type of button you want to show on your payments form. Possible values:
- plain: Apple Pay
- buy: Buy with Apple Pay
- donate: Donate with Apple Pay
- check-out: Check out with Apple Pay
- book: Book with Apple Pay
- subscribe: Subscribe with Apple Pay

The following types are supported from Web Components v4.1.0:
- add-money: Add money with Apple Pay
- contribute: Contribute with Apple Pay
- order: Order with Apple Pay
- reload: Reload with Apple Pay
- rent: Rent with Apple Pay
- support: Support with Apple Pay
- tip:Tip with Apple Pay
- top-up: Top Up with Apple Pay
buttonColor Specify the color of the button you want displayed on the payment form. Possible values:
- black: Black button
- white: White button with no outline
- white-with-line: White button with black outline

Payment request data

Payment request data Configuration object Description
Transaction information


Check the Apple Pay on the Web documentation for version features and compatibility details.

totalPriceLabel String. Description of the line item.
lineItems A set of line items that explain recurring payments, additional charges, and discounts. Refer to Apple Pay documentation for sample values.
merchantCapabilities Payment capabilities supported by the merchant. Default value is [`supports3DS`]. Refer to Apple Pay documentation for other options.
shippingMethods List of available methods for shipping physical goods. Refer to Apple Pay documentation for sample values.
shippingType Optional value that indicates how purchased items are to be shipped. Refer to Apple Pay documentation for available options.
supportedCountries Specify the ISO 3166 country codes if you only support payments from cards issued in specific countries.
Requested billing and shipping contact information


Billing information fields that you require from the shopper to process the transaction. Refer to Apple Pay documentation for sample values.


Shipping information fields that you require from the shopper to fulfill the order. Refer to Apple Pay documentation for sample values.

Known contact information


Set an up-to-date billing contact information for the shopper.


Set an up-to-date shipping contact information for the shopper.

Custom data


A Base64-encoded string used to contain your application-specific data. For example, a shopping cart identifier or an order number that you will need to identify this transaction.

Recurring payments


Required for recurring payments. Include to specify that the payment is a recurring payment.


The following event handlers are supported for Apple Pay. Select the event handler names to see the related Apple Pay documentation.

Event Description


Called when the shopper clicks the Apple Pay button. Call resolve() to continue or reject() to stop the payment flow.


Called when the payment sheet is displayed. For more information, see Apple Pay Documentation.


Also called after the shopper authorizes the payment with Apple Pay. This contains all the raw event from Apple Pay. For more information, see Apple Pay Documentation.


Called when the shopper selects a new payment method. For more information, see Apple Pay Documentation.


Called when the shopper selects a shipping contact. For more information, see Apple Pay Documentation.


Called when the shopper selects a shipping method. For more information, see Apple Pay Documentation.

Optional Apple Pay Wallet Order Tracking

Supported in v6.0.0 or later.

You can use Apple Pay Wallet Order Tracking to give your shopper order tracking through Apple Pay. For more information, refer to the following resources from Apple:

  1. Implement onOrderTracking:

  2. When onOrderTracking is called depends on which server-side flow your integration uses.

  3. From your server, get the order details and pass it as orderDetails to your client side.
    If an error occurs, the Apple Pay payment overlay is closed, and the payment is successfully completed without creating an order in the shopper's Apple Wallet app.

Recurring payments

To enable recurring payments, you must include recurringPaymentRequest when configuring Apple Pay.

To make recurring Apple Pay payments, you have to create a shopper token and then make subsequent recurring transactions with the token.

Test and go live

Use Apple's test card numbers to test your integration.

For a full list of test cards and instructions how to add these to your test device, see Sandbox testing on Apple's Developer website.

Check the status of an Apple Pay test payment in your Customer Area > Transactions >  Payments.

Going live

To process live Apple Pay payments, your API credential needs to have the API Clientside Encryption Payments role. You can check this in your live Customer Area or ask your Admin user to verify.

Make sure that you follow Apple's guidelines on:

See also