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Retrieve stored details

Adyen is no longer developing the Classic API integration

This page is for the Classic API (/authorise) integration, which we no longer accept new integrations with.

We strongly recommend migrating to the newer Tokenization integration. To use this newer integration, you must also migrate to the Checkout API.

After you store payment details along with an /authorisation call, you need the recurringDetailReference to refer to the stored details in other requests.


To retrieve the payment details and their reference number, use the /listRecurringDetails call. In this call, pass your merchant account and a reference of a shopper, whose payment details were previously stored.

For information on all available fields, see .

The following example demonstrates how to get payment details stored with your TestMerchant account for a shopper 14194858.

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If there are payment details stored for the specified shopperReference, the response contains one or more RecurringDetail objects. In this object some fields may be missing or nil, depending on the payment method being used.

The response is different in the following scenarios:

  • If the shopperReference does not exist, the endpoint returns an empty object.
  • If the shopperReference exists but the request contains a specific contract type and a recurring detail for that contract does not exist, the details array is not included in the response.

For information on all fields available in a response, see RecurringDetailsResult.

The following example shows the response if a shopper 14194858 stored the details of their VISA Debit card with a number starting with 492179. In this case, the recurringDetailReference is equal to 8313147988756818. 

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"holderName":"John Doe",
"contractTypes": [
"name": "1132",

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