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Authorise a recurring payment

Adyen is no longer developing the Classic API integration

This page is for the Classic API (/authorise) integration, which we no longer accept new integrations with.

We strongly recommend migrating to the newer Tokenization integration. To use this newer integration, you must also migrate to the Checkout API.

After you successfully stored payment details during the first /authorise call, you can refer to these details in subsequent calls every time a recurring payment should take place.

One-click payments

For subsequent one-click payments, include in your /authorise request:

  • card.cvc: the card CVC that you collected from the shopper.
  • recurring.contractONECLICK
  • recurringProcessingModel: CardOnFile
  • shopperReference: The shopperReference that you specified when storing the payment details.
  • shopperInteractionContAuth
  • selectedRecurringDetailReference: Either the recurringDetailReference returned from the list of all stored details based on the shopperReference, or LATEST to use the most recent recurring detail.

The following code examples show the request of a one-click payment.

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"reference":"Your Reference Here",
"recurringProcessingModel": "CardOnFile",

If you are hosting the CSE library, include the encrypted card CVC in additionalData:

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"reference":"Your Reference Here",

Recurring payments

For subsequent recurring payments, include in your /authorise request:

  • recurring.contractRECURRING
  • recurringProcessingModel: Subscription
  • shopperReference: The shopperReference that you specified when storing the payment details.
  • shopperInteractionContAuth
  • selectedRecurringDetailReference: Either the recurringDetailReference returned from the list of all stored details based on the shopperReference, or LATEST to use the most recent recurring detail.

The following code examples show the request of a recurring payment.

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"reference":"Your Reference Here",
"recurringProcessingModel": "Subscription",

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