Classic-integration icon

API reference

Learn about parameters that you can use in your 3D Secure request.

Adyen is no longer developing the Classic API integration

This page is for the Classic API (/authorise) integration, which we no longer accept new integrations with.

We strongly recommend migrating to the newer 3D Secure on Checkout API integration. To use this newer integration, you must also migrate to the Checkout API.

To support 3D Secure 2 authentication on your Classic integration, use v40 or later of the following endpoints:

3D Secure 2 additional parameters

In addition to the regular parameters you provide on your payment request, we recommend that you provide all available information to increase the likelihood of achieving a frictionless flow and a higher authorisation rate.

Some of these objects might be mandatory for the issuer and the card scheme, and not providing them in your payment request might result in a failed authentication. Click the object names to see all the parameter descriptions for that object.

Object name Required Description
accountInfo -x- Shopper account information for 3D Secure 2.
billingAddress -x- We strongly recommend that you include this object in your request. Card schemes require this for deviceChannel browser or app implementations.
browserInfo -white_check_mark-
Required for all channels for 3D Secure 1
Full object required for deviceChannel browser.

The userAgent and acceptHeader fields are required for mobile integrations (deviceChannel app) if you want to support 3D Secure 1 redirect authentication in case the transaction is routed to 3D Secure 1.
deliveryAddress -x- The address where the purchased goods should be delivered. Include this in your request whenever available.
installments -x- Include in your request when you want to split the payments into installments.
merchantRiskIndicator -x- Additional risk fields for 3D Secure 2. Include this in your request whenever available.
mpiData -x- Use this object to authorise a payment with Adyen if you have 3D Secure 2 authentication data from another 3D Secure 2 provider.
recurring -x- Use this object when you want to enable recurring payments, with additional optional fields for 3D Secure 2 transactions.
shopperEmail -x- We strongly recommend that you include this object in your request. Card schemes require this for deviceChannel browser or app implementations. We recommend that you include this object in your request.
shopperIP -x- We strongly recommend that you include the shopper's IP address for deviceChannel browser.
socialSecurityNumber -x- The shopper's CPF or CNPJ number. We strongly recommend that you include this for shoppers in Brazil. Supported from v50 and later of our API.
threeDS2RequestData -x- Include this in your request when required. For example, in an authentication-only implementation.
authenticationData.authenticationOnly -x- If set to true, you will only do the 3D Secure 2 authentication, and not the payment authorisation.





Indicator for the length of time since this shopper account was created.

Allowed values:

  • notApplicable

  • thisTransaction

  • lessThan30Days

  • from30To60Days

  • moreThan60Days



Date when the shopper's account was last changed.

Format: ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD

Example: 2017-07-17T13:42:40+01:00



Indicator for when the shopper's account was last changed.

Allowed values:

  • thisTransaction

  • lessThan30Days

  • from30To60Days

  • moreThan60Days



Date when the shopper's account was created.

Format: ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD

Example: 2017-07-17T13:42:40+01:00

You can also use this field to include the account creation date in your payment request. This information can then be used for the Shopper account age risk check when you select the creation date option.



Date when the shopper last changed their password.

Format: ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD

Example: 2017-07-17T13:42:40+01:00



Indicator for when the shopper's account was last changed.Allowed values:
  • thisTransaction

  • lessThan30Days

  • from30To60Days

  • moreThan60Days




Number of purchases in the last 6 months.Maximum value: 9999




Number of attempts the shopper tried to add a card to their account in the last day.Maximum value: 999




Number of transactions from this shopper in the past 24 hours.

Maximum value: 999




Number of transactions from this shopper in the past year.Maximum value: 999



Date this payment method was added to the shopper's account.

Format: ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD

Example: 2017-07-17T13:42:40+01:00



Indicator for the length of time since this payment method was added to the shopper's account.

Allowed values:

  • notApplicable

  • thisTransaction

  • lessThan30Days

  • from30To60Days

  • moreThan60Days




Date when the selected delivery address was first used with the 3DS Requestor.

Format: ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD

Example: 2017-07-17T13:42:40+01:00



Indicator for when this delivery address was first used with the 3DS Requestor.
  • thisTransaction

  • lessThan30Days

  • from30To60Days

  • moreThan60Days




Whether suspicious activity was recorded on this account.




Shopper's home phone number (including the country code).




Shopper's mobile phone number (including the country code).




Shopper's work phone number (including the country code).

Mapping Adyen parameters to EMVCo fields

Below is a reference to map Adyen accountInfo parameters to EMVCo specifications.

Adyen parameter EMVCo parameter
accountAgeIndicator chAccAgeInd
accountChangeDate chAccDate
accountChangeIndicator chAccChangeInd
accountCreationDate chAccDate
passwordChangeDate chAccPwChange
passwordChangeIndicator chAccPwChangeInd
purchasesLast6Months nbPurchaseAccount
addCardAttemptsDay provisionAttemptsDay
pastTransactionsDay txnActivityDay
pastTransactionsYear txnActivityYear
paymentAccAge paymentAccountAge
paymentAccountIndicator paymentAccInd
deliveryAddressUsageDate shipAddressUsage
deliveryAddressUsageIndicator shipAddressUsageInd


We strongly recommend that you include this in your request. Card schemes require this for deviceChannel browser or app implementations. If you include this object in your request, provide the following fields.

Field Type Required Description
city String -white_check_mark- The name of the city.
country String -white_check_mark- The country code.
Format: the two-letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Exception: QZ (Kosovo).
houseNumberOrName String -white_check_mark- The number or name of the house.
postalCode String -white_check_mark- A maximum of five digits for an address in the US, or a maximum of ten characters for an address in all other countries/regions.
stateOrProvince String -x- State or province codes as defined in ISO 3166-2. Required for the US and Canada. For example, CA in US or ON for Canada.
street String -white_check_mark- The name of the street.


The full object is required for deviceChannel browser.

For mobile integrations (deviceChannel app), the userAgent and acceptHeader fields are required if you want to support 3D Secure 1 redirect authentication in case the transaction is routed to 3D Secure 1

Field Type Required Description




The accept header value of the shopper's browser.




The color depth of the shopper's browser in bits per pixel. Use the browser's screen.colorDepth property to obtain the value. Accepted values: 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 24, 32, or 48 bit.




Boolean value indicating if the shopper's browser is able to execute Java.




Boolean value indicating if the shopper's browser is able to execute JavaScript. A default 'true' value is assumed if the field is not present.




The name of the browser language used by the shopper. This is the navigator.language value of the shopper's browser as defined in IETF BCP 47.Examples:nl-NL,fr-FR,en-US.




The pixel height of the shopper's screen.




The pixel width of the shopper's screen.




Time difference between UTC time and the shopper's browser local
time, in minutes. Example: "-120"




The user agent value of the shopper's browser.


Field Type Required Description
number String -white_check_mark- Cardholder Account Number
expiryMonth String -white_check_mark- Card/Token Expiry Month
expiryYear String -white_check_mark- Card/Token Expiry Year
cvc String -white_check_mark- Card Security Code
holderName String -white_check_mark- Name of the cardholder


Include this object in your request if you want to submit the shopper's delivery address. If you include this object in your request, provide the following fields.

Field Type Required Description
city String -white_check_mark- The name of the city.
country String -white_check_mark- The country code.
Format: the two-letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Exception: QZ (Kosovo).
houseNumberOrName String -white_check_mark- The number or name of the house.
postalCode String -white_check_mark- A maximum of five digits for an address in the US, or a maximum of ten characters for an address in all other countries/regions.
stateOrProvince String -x- State or province codes as defined in ISO 3166-2. Required for the US and Canada. For example, CA in US or ON for Canada.
street String -white_check_mark- The name of the street.


Include this object in your request when you want to split the payment into installments. If you include this object in your request, provide the following field.

Field Type Required Description
value Int -white_check_mark- Required only when you want to split the payment into installments. The number of installments, value needs to be greater than zero. Usually, the acquirer sets the maximum allowed number of installments. For example, it may not be possible to split a payment in more than 24 installments.






Whether the chosen delivery address is identical to the billing address.




The delivery email address (for digital goods).



The estimated delivery time for the shopper to receive the goods.

Allowed values:

  • electronicDelivery

  • sameDayShipping

  • overnightShipping

  • twoOrMoreDaysShipping




For prepaid or gift card purchase, the purchase amount total of prepaid or gift card(s).




For prepaid or gift card purchase, total count of individual prepaid or gift cards/codes purchased.



For pre-order purchases, the expected date this product will be available to the shopper.

Format: ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD

Sample: 2017-07-17T13:42:40+01:00




Whether this transaction is for pre-ordering a product.




Whether the shopper has already purchased the same items in the past.



Indicator regarding the delivery address.

Allowed values:

  • shipToBillingAddress

  • shipToVerifiedAddress

  • shipToNewAddress

  • shipToStore

  • digitalGoods

  • goodsNotShipped

  • other


Field Type Required Description
authenticationResponse String -x- In 3D Secure 1, this is the authentication response if a shopper was redirected.
In 3D Secure 2, this is the transStatus from the last CRes (Challenge Response) message or in the RReq (Results Request) sent after the shopper completes the challenge. If the transaction was frictionless there is no RReq, so omit this parameter.
cavv String -x- This is the cardholder authentication value (base64 encoded, 20 bytes in a decoded form). In 3DS2 this is the authenticationValue returned in the ARes (if frictionless) or the RReq (if a challenge flow).
cavvAlgorithm String -x- Include this only for 3D Secure 1. The CAVV algorithm used.
challengeCancel String -x- Indicator informing the Access Control Server (ACS) and the Directory Server (DS) that the authentication has been cancelled. See possible values.
directoryResponse String -x- The enrollment response from the directory server. In 3D Secure 1, this is the enrollment response from the VERes message from the directory server.
In 3D Secure 2, this is the transStatus from the ARes (Authentication Response).
dsTransID String -x- Supported for 3D Secure 2. The unique transaction identifier assigned by the Directory Server to identify a single transaction.
eci String -x- The electronic commerce indicator.
xid String -x- Supported for 3D Secure 1. The transaction identifier assigned by directory server (base64 encoded, 20 bytes in a decoded form).
threeDSVersion String -x- Include this only for 3D Secure 2. The version of 3D Secure 2 used: 2.1.0 or 2.2.0.
transStatusReason String -x- Provides information on why the transStatus field has the specified value. See possible values.


Field Type Required Description
recurringFrequency String -x- Use this in 3D Secure 2 transactions to specify minimum number of days between authorisations.
recurringExpiry String -x- Use this in 3D Secure 2 transactions to specify a date after which no further authorisations shall be performed.


If you want to request an exemption for a transaction, include this object in the additionalData of your request.

Field Type Required Description




Indicates the exemption type that you want to request for the particular transaction. If a value is specified, this will override our exemption logic. Possible values:

  • lowValue
  • secureCorporate
  • trustedBeneficiary
  • transactionRiskAnalysis


We strongly recommend that you include this object in your request. Card schemes require this for deviceChannel browser or app implementations.

Field Type Required Description
shopperEmail String -x- The cardholder's email address.


We strongly recommend that you include the shopper's IP address for deviceChannel browser.

Field Type Required Description
shopperIP String -x- The shopper's IP address.


Field Type Required Description
socialSecurityNumber String -x- The shopper's CPF or CNPJ number. We strongly recommend that you include this for shoppers in Brazil. Supported from v50 and later of our API.


Field Type Required Description
acquirerBIN String
The acquiring BIN enrolled for 3D Secure 2. Required if you enrolled for 3D Secure 2 through a different acquirer or PSP and are performing an authentication-only integration. This string should match the value that you will use in the authorization.
acquirerMerchantID String
The authorisation MID enrolled for 3D Secure 2. Required if you enrolled for 3D Secure 2 through a different acquirer or PSP and are performing an authentication-only integration. This string should match the value that you will use in the authorization.
challengeIndicator String
Possibility to specify a preference for receiving a challenge from the issuer.

Allowed values:

  • noPreference

  • requestNoChallenge

  • requestChallenge

  • requestChallengeAsMandate

deviceChannel String
Use this only for Classic integration. The environment of the shopper.

Allowed values:

  • app

  • browser

deviceRenderOptions Object
Optional and only for deviceChannel app. Display options for the 3DS2 SDK.
  sdkInterface String
Supported SDK interface types. Defaults to native.

Allowed values:

  • native

  • html

  • both

 sdkUiType Array
String array of UI types supported for displaying specific challenges. Defaults to all values.

Allowed values:

  • text

  • singleSelect

  • multiSelect

  • outOfBand

  • otherHtml

merchantName String
The merchant name that the issuer presents to the shopper if they get a challenge. Required if you enrolled for 3D Secure 2 through a different acquirer or PSP and are performing an authentication-only integration. We recommend to use the same value that you will use in the authorization. Maximum length is 40 characters.

Optional for a full 3D Secure 2 integration. Use this field if you are enrolled with us and want to override the merchant name already configured on your account.

notificationURL String
Required for deviceChannel browser or if you built your own implementation with channel web. URL where the Challenge Response value will be sent.


Required for deviceChannel app. The sdkAppID value as received from the 3D Secure 2 SDK.
sdkEncData String
Required for deviceChannel app. The sdkEncData value as received from the 3D Secure 2 SDK.


Required for deviceChannel app. The sdkEphemPubKey value as received from the 3D Secure 2 SDK.
  crv String
The crv value as received from the 3D Secure 2 SDK.
  kty String
The kty value as received from the 3D Secure 2 SDK.
  x String
The x value as received from the 3D Secure 2 SDK.
  y String
The y value as received from the 3D Secure 2 SDK.
sdkMaxTimeout Integer
Optional and used only for deviceChannel set to app. The maximum amount of time in minutes for the 3D Secure 2 authentication process. Defaults to 60 minutes.
sdkReferenceNumber String
Required for deviceChannel set to app. The sdkReferenceNumber value as received from the 3D Secure 2 SDK.
sdkTransID String
Required for deviceChannel set to app. The sdkTransID value as received from the 3D Secure 2 SDK.
threeDSCompInd String
Completion indicator for the threeDSMethodUrl fingerprinting.
threeDSRequestorID String
Unique requestor ID assigned by the Directory Server when you enrol for 3D Secure 2. Required if you enrolled for 3D Secure 2 for Visa through a different acquirer or PSP and are performing an authentication-only integration
threeDSRequestorName String
Unique requestor name assigned by the Directory Server when you enrol for 3D Secure 2. Required if you enrolled for 3D Secure 2 for Visa through a different acquirer or PSP and are performing an authentication-only integration
threeDSRequestorURL String
URL of the (customer service) website that will be shown to the shopper in case of technical errors during the 3D Secure 2 process.
transactionType String
The type of transaction being authenticated. Highly recommended for Brazil.

Allowed values:

  • goodsOrServicePurchase

  • checkAcceptance

  • accountFunding

  • quasiCashTransaction

  • prepaidActivationAndLoad

Supported from v50 and later of our API.


Send the property below within the threeDS2Result object to submit the results of the challenge flow. Refer to the web, iOS, or Android integration pages for the values that you should use.

Field Type Required Description




Indicates whether a transaction was authenticated.Possible values:

  • Y = Authentication / Account verification successful.
  • N = Not Authenticated / account not verified. Transaction denied.
  • U = Authentication / account verification could not be performed.
  • A = Authentication / verification was attempted but could not be verified.
  • C = Challenge Required. Additional authentication is required using a Challenge.
  • R = Authentication / account verification rejected by the Issuer.


If you perform an authentication-only transaction, the following properties are returned in the additionalData object in an /authorise3ds2 response.

Field Type Description



The value for the 3D Secure 2 authentication session. The returned value is a Base64-encoded 20-byte array.Example: AQIDBAUGBwgJCgsMDQ4PEBESExQ=



The unique transaction identifier assigned by the Directory Server to identify a single transaction.



The Electronic Commerce Indicator returned from the schemes for the 3D Secure 2 payment session.Example: 02



The unique identifier assigned to the transaction by the 3D Secure 2 Server.



Indicates whether a transaction was authenticated, or whether additional verification is required. Possible values:

  • Y = Authentication / Account verification successful.
  • N = Not Authenticated / account not verified. Transaction denied.
  • U = Authentication / account verification could not be performed.
  • A = Authentication / verification was attempted but could not be verified.
  • C = Challenge Required. Additional authentication is required using a Challenge.
  • R = Authentication / account verification rejected by the Issuer.



Provides information on why the transStatus field has the specified value. See possible values .

Possible 'transStatusReason' values

Value Scheme Description
01 All Card authentication failed.
02 All Unknown device.
03 All Unsupported device.
04 All Exceeds authentication frequency limit.
05 All Expired card.
06 All Invalid card number.
07 All Invalid transaction.
08 All No card record.
09 All Security failure.
10 All Stolen card.
11 All Suspected fraud.
12 All Transaction not permitted for cardholder.
13 All Cardholder not enrolled in service.
14 All Transaction timed out at ACS.
15 All Low confidence.
16 All Medium confidence.
17 All High confidence.
18 All Very high confidence.
19 All Exceeds ACS maximum challenges.
20 All Non-payment transaction not supported.
21 All 3RI transaction not supported.
22 All ACS technical issue.
23 All Decoupled Authentication required by ACS but not requested by 3DS Requestor.
24 All 3DS Requestor decoupled max expiry time exceeded.
25 All Decoupled Authentication was provided insufficient time to authenticate cardholder. ACS will not make attempt.
26 All Authentication attempted but not performed by the cardholder.
80 Visa Error connecting to ACS.
80 Mastercard Returned on all Data Only authentications.
80 American Express Safekey is not available for this type of card.
81 Visa ACS timed out.
81 Mastercard Challenge exemption accepted.
82 Visa Invalid response from ACS.
82 Mastercard Challenge Mandate requested but could not be performed.
83 Mastercard, Visa System Error response from ACS.
84 Visa Internal error while generating CAVV.
85 Visa VMID not eligible for requested program.
86 Visa Protocol version not supported by ACS
87 Visa Transaction is excluded from Attempts Processing (includes non- reloadable pre-paid cards and non-payments (NPA)).
88 Visa Requested program not supported by ACS.


Field Type Required Description
authenticationData.authenticationOnly String -x- If set to true, you will only do the 3D Secure 2 authentication, and not the payment authorisation.