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Helper functions

Simplify your 3D Secure 2 implementation web implementation with our helper functions.

Adyen is no longer developing the Classic API integration

This page is for the Classic API (/authorise) integration, which we no longer accept new integrations with.

We strongly recommend migrating to the newer 3D Secure 2 helper functions on Checkout API integration. To use this newer integration, you must also migrate to the Checkout API.

Use our helper functions to:

  • Collect browser info and store data in properties required in the EMVCo specifications.
  • Perform base64url encoding and decoding.
  • Create an iframe with an onload event listener for the 3D Secure 2 device fingerprinting and challenge results.
  • Create a form with a target attribute to send the issuer requests for 3D Secure 2 device fingerprinting and the challenge.
  • Configure the challenge window size according to the EMVCo specifications.

The use of helper functions replaces the Web 3D Secure 2 SDK implementation. If you are currently using Web 3D Secure 2 SDK and require assistance, contact Support Team.

Before you begin

Before you begin to integrate, make sure you have followed the Get started with Adyen guide to:

  • Get an overview of the steps needed to accept live payments.
  • Create your test account.

After you have created your test account:

  1. Get your API Key. Save a copy as you'll need it for API calls you make to the Adyen payments platform.

  2. Install one of our Libraries to connect with the Adyen APIs. For more information on these steps, refer to Get started with Adyen.

  3. Set up the following webhooks. The issuer will send an HTTP POST containing the 3D Secure 2 device fingerprinting process and the challenge result to these URLs.

    • YOUR_3DS_METHOD_NOTIFICATION_URL: Absolute URL to where the issuer can post the result of the 3D Secure device fingerprinting process. 
    • YOUR_3DS_NOTIFICATION_URL: Absolute URL to where the issuer can post a base64url encoded Challenge Response (CRes) message, containing the challenge result.
  4. Import our helper functions by:

    • Cloning our repository from and importing the files into your project. 

      Copy code
      import collectBrowserInfo from "./browser";
      import base64Url from "./base64url";
      import createIframe from "./iframe";
      import createForm from "./form";
      import {validateChallengeWindowSize, getChallengeWindowSize} from "./config.js";
    • Or by building the file, hosting it, and then embedding it in your page. 

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      <script type="text/javascript" src="YOUR_PATH/threeds2-js-utils.js">

Collect the shopper's browser information

The browserInfo object is required when submitting a 3D Secure 2 payment request. To get the required values for the transaction, use the collectBrowserInfo function. Pass on the values to your server.

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const browserInf = collectBrowserInfo();
const requestObj =
browserInfo : {
"acceptHeader" : "TO BE ADDED BY SERVER",
"colorDepth" : browserInf.colorDepth,
"javaEnabled" : browserInf.javaEnabled,
"language" : browserInf.language,
"screenHeight" : browserInf.screenHeight,
"screenWidth" : browserInf.screenWidth,
"timeZoneOffset": browserInf.timeZoneOffset,
"userAgent" : browserInf.userAgent

Submit a payment request

Submit a payment request with a POST /authorise call. Include the threeDS2RequestData and browserInfo objects to indicate that you are ready to accept 3D Secure 2 authenticated payments.

  • deviceChannelbrowser

    You can send additional parameters for better authorization rates, and to increase the chance of a frictionless flow. You do not have to send all the additional parameters. Send parameters that you know you can provide accurately, or that are mandatory in specific scenarios.

Here is an example of how to make a request for a EUR 150 purchase:

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curl \
-H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"userAgent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/70.0.3538.110 Safari\/537.36",
"shopperIP": "",
"holderName":"Simon Hopper",

You receive a response containing:

To optimize authorization rates, Adyen's Authentication Engine routes each payment to either the 3D Secure 2 or the 3D Secure 1 flow, based on issuer performance. See 3D Secure fallback for more information.

For a complete list of resultCode values and the actions you need to take, see Result codes.

Response - IdentifyShopper
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"additionalData": {
"threeds2.threeDSServerTransID": "f8062b92-66e9-4c5a-979a-f465e66a6e48",
"threeds2.threeDS2Token": "BQABAQBPCQZ98WKh3v7qGnBlUMGClVzDolIjs8w/8L64WIAqaOGZipbZod7n+E=...",
"threeds2.threeDSMethodURL": ""
"pspReference": "8835494629682519",
"resultCode": "IdentifyShopper"

Get the 3D Secure 2 device fingerprint

If your server receives an  IdentifyShopper resultCode, start the 3D Secure 2 device fingerprinting process.

  1. Get the following values from the /authorise response:

    • threeds2.threeDSServerTransID
    • threeds2.threeDSMethodURL
    • threeds2.threeDS2Token
  2. Create objects and pass on the values of threeds2.threeDSServerTransID and YOUR_3DS_METHOD_NOTIFICATION_URL. Next, use helper functions to base64url encode the data, create an iframe, and create a form that will send an HTTP POST to the threeDSMethodURL.

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    const perform3DSDeviceFingerprint = (responseData) =>
    const serverTransactionID = responseData.additionalData['threeds2.threeDSServerTransID'];
    const threeDSMethodURL = responseData.additionalData['threeds2.threeDSMethodURL'];
    const threedsContainer = document.getElementById('threedsContainer');
    const dataObj = {
    threeDSServerTransID : serverTransactionID,
    const stringifiedDataObject = JSON.stringify(dataObj);
    // Encode data
    const base64URLencodedData = base64Url.encode(stringifiedDataObject);
    const IFRAME_NAME = 'threeDSMethodIframe';
    // Create hidden iframe
    const iframe = createIframe(threedsContainer, IFRAME_NAME, '0', '0');
    // Create a form that will use the iframe to POST data to the threeDSMethodURL
    const form = createForm('threedsMethodForm', threeDSMethodURL, IFRAME_NAME, 'threeDSMethodData', base64URLencodedData);
    setTimeout( function () {
    threedsContainer.removeChild( form );
    }, 1000 );
  3. Wait for the issuer's response posted in your YOUR_3DS_METHOD_NOTIFICATION_URL within 10 seconds after you sent the HTTP POST. If do not get any response within 10 seconds, proceed to the next step.

    The issuer will post the threeDSMethodData. This contains the base64encoded threeDSServerTransID which you can use to identify which request the webhook event is for.

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    To trigger your front end to remove the iframe after your webhook receives a response or after 10 seconds has elapsed, see Handling the communication from webhooks to your front end.

  4. Make a POST /authorise3ds2 request from your server and include:

    • threeDS2Token
    • threeDSCompInd: If you received a response in YOUR_3DS_METHOD_NOTIFICATION_URL within 10 seconds, set this to Y. Otherwise, set this to N.

    You can send additional parameters for better authorization rates, and to increase the chance of a frictionless flow. You do not have to send all the additional parameters. Send parameters that you know you can provide accurately, or that are mandatory in specific scenarios.

    Request - Submit device fingerprint
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    curl \
    -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{

    You receive a response containing a resultCode that can either be:

    • Authorised – Indicates that the 3D Secure 2 authentication was frictionless, and the payment authorisation was successfully completed. This state serves as an indicator to proceed with the delivery of goods and services. 
    • ChallengeShopper – The issuer has requested further shopper interaction. Perform the Challenge flow.

    For a complete list of resultCode values and the actions you need to take, see Result codes.

    Response - ChallengeShopper
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Present a challenge

If your server receives a ChallengeShopper resultCode, this means that the issuer would like to perform additional checks in order to verify that the shopper is indeed the cardholder.

  1. Get the following parameters from the /authorise response or from /authorise3ds2 if you are proceeding from the IdentifyShopper flow.

    • threeds2.threeDS2Token
    • threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.threeDSServerTransID
    • threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsTransID
    • threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.messageVersion
  2. Create a cReqData object and pass on the values of threeds2.threeDSServerTransIDthreeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsTransIDthreeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.messageVersion and challengeWindowSize

    Set the challengeWindowSize to any of the following specifications:



    250px x 400px


    390px x 400px


    500px x 600px


    600px x 400px


    100% x 100%

    Next, base64url encode the CReq message, create an iframe, and create a form that will send an HTTP POST to the threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsURL.

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    const perform3DSChallenge = (responseData) =>
    const challengeWindowSize = validateChallengeWindowSize('04');// Corresponds to a 600px x 400px iframe size
    // Extract the ACS hosted url that will provide the content for the challenge iframe
    const acsURL = responseData.additionalData['threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsURL'];
    // Collate the data required to make a cReq
    const cReqData = {
    threeDSServerTransID : responseData.additionalData['threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.threeDSServerTransID'],
    acsTransID : responseData.additionalData['threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsTransID'],
    messageVersion : responseData.additionalData['threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.messageVersion'],
    messageType : 'CReq',
    const stringifiedDataObject = JSON.stringify(cReqData);
    // Encode data
    const base64URLencodedData = base64Url.encode(stringifiedDataObject);
    const IFRAME_NAME = 'threeDSChallengeIframe';
    const threedsContainer = document.getElementById('threedsContainer');
    const iframeSizesArr = getChallengeWindowSize(challengeWindowSize);
    // Create iframe with challenge window dimensions
    const iframe = createIframe(threedsContainer, IFRAME_NAME, iframeSizesArr[0], iframeSizesArr[1]);
    // Create a form that will use the iframe to POST data to the acsURL
    const form = createForm('cReqForm', acsURL, IFRAME_NAME, 'creq', base64URLencodedData);
    setTimeout( function () {
    threedsContainer.removeChild( form );
    }, 1000 );
  3. Wait for the issuer's response which will be posted to YOUR_3DS_NOTIFICATION_URL within 10 minutes after you sent the HTTP POST.  The response will contain the Challenge Response (CRes) in a base64url encoded format. If do not get any response within 10 minutes, proceed to the next step.

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    Once you get the response, Base64url decode the message and get the transStatus value.

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    To trigger your front end to remove the iframe after your webhook endpoint receives a response or after 10 minutes has elapsed, see Handling the communication from notification URLs to your front end.

  4. Make a POST /authorise3ds2 request from your server and include transStatus and threeds2.threeDS2Token parameters.

    If you do not receive a response in YOUR_3DS_NOTIFICATION_URL within 10 minutes, assume that something went wrong or the shopper aborted the transaction. In this case, send transStatus: U to Adyen in order to order to finalize the payment.

    Request - Submit challenge result
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    curl \
    -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "merchantAccount": "YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",
    "threeDS2Result": {
    "transStatus": "Y"
    "threeDS2Token": "BQABAQBPCQZ98WKh3v7qGnBlUMGClVzDolIjs8w/8L64WIAqaOGZipbZod7n+E=..."

    You receive Authorised as the resultCode if the payment was successful.

    Response - Authorised
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    "additionalData": {
    "liabilityShift": "true",
    "authCode": "44402",
    "avsResult": "4 AVS not supported for this card type",
    "threeDOffered": "true",
    "refusalReasonRaw": "AUTHORISED",
    "authorisationMid": "1000",
    "acquirerAccountCode": "TestPmmAcquirerAccount",
    "cvcResult": "1 Matches",
    "avsResultRaw": "4",
    "threeDAuthenticated": "true",
    "cvcResultRaw": "M",
    "acquirerCode": "TestPmmAcquirer",
    "acquirerReference": "7CASOGMCCB4"
    "pspReference": "8825495331860022",
    "resultCode": "Authorised",
    "authCode": "44402"

Handling the communication from notification URLs to your front end

The notification URLs YOUR_3DS_METHOD_NOTIFICATION_URL and YOUR_3DS_NOTIFICATION_URL on your server are the ideal places from where you should perform the next /authorise3ds2 request. However, you may want to communicate with your front end after performing the device fingerprinting or after presenting a challenge in order to hide the iframes and to perform other actions if needed.

In case you do not have an existing implementation for your front end and back end communication, our recommended implementation is to:

  • Use the message event on the front end to listen to a window.postMessage method from the pages running the iframes at the notification URLs. See sample codes below:

Add this in the notification URLs, running within the iframe:

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<script type="text/javascript">
// For IdentifyShopper (3DSMethod) flow
// NOTE: This redirect of the iframe should have happened within 10 seconds of POST-ing the form to the
// threeDSMethodURL otherwise threeDSCompInd should be set to 'N'
const data = {
type: 'identifyShopper',
threeDSCompInd: 'Y'
// For ChallengeShopper flow
// NOTE: This redirect of the iframe should have happened within 10 minutes of POST-ing the form
// to the acsURL otherwise transStatus should be set to 'U'
const data = {
type: 'challengeShopper',
transStatus: 'Y',
threeDSServerTransID: threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.threeDSServerTransID
window.parent.postMessage(data, YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN);

Add this in your website:

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window.addEventListener("message", (e) =>
const eventData =;
// IdentifyShopper (3DSMethod) response
// If you haven't already performed the next /authorise3ds2 call from your notification URL this
// represents a good place to initiate the an API request
// Challenge response
if(eventData.hasOwnProperty('transStatus') && eventData.hasOwnProperty('threeDSServerTransID')){
// If you haven't already performed the next /authorise3ds2 call from your notification URL this
// represents a good place to initiate the an API request
authorise3DS2RequestAfterChallenge(eventData.transStatus, eventData.threeDSServerTransID);
// Run code to remove the iframe from the '#threedsContainer' element

Testing 3D Secure 2

Before going live, use the following card numbers and credentials to test your integration.

We recommend testing each Card Type.

To test how your integration handles different 3D Secure 2 authentication scenarios, use our test card numbers.

All our test cards use the following expiry dates and security codes:

Expiry Date CVC/CVV CID
03/2030 737 7373

When prompted for 3D Secure 2 text challenges, use the following credentials:

  • For mobile, use password: 1234
  • For web, use password: password
Card Type Card Number
Cartes Bancaires 4035 5014 2814 6300
Maestro 1 5000 5500 0000 0029
Mastercard 5454 5454 5454 5454
Visa 4917 6100 0000 0000

1 This card doesn't require a CVC.

When you make a payment request with these cards, you'll receive the following result codes depending on your integration:

  • RedirectShopper: You'll receive this result code if you are using the Redirect authentication.
  • IdentifyShopper: You'll receive this result code if you are using the Native authentication.
  • ChallengeShopper: You might get this result code after you submit the 3D Secure 2 device fingerprinting result in a Native authentication, indicating a challenge flow.

To test the web-based flow where the device fingerprinting step is skipped (because the issuer's ACS has not configured a threeDSMethodURL), and you get a ChallengeShopper resultCode immediately after submitting the payment request, use the following card:

Card Type Card Number
Visa 4212 3456 7891 0006

To test the frictionless flow, specify in your payment request:

  • amount.value: 12002

App-based integration

To test different authentication scenarios for app-based integration, use the following test cards:

Card number Authentication scenario
5201 2855 6567 2311 Basic text authentication
5201 2874 9905 2008 Basic single select
5201 2815 9233 1633 Basic multi select
5201 2888 2269 6974 Basic out-of-band (OOB) authentication
5201 2895 0084 3268 HTML OOB authentication
5201 2861 5377 1465 App single select then text authentication

Other scenarios

Card number Scenario
4199 3500 0000 0002 The card is not enrolled for 3D Secure transactions,
5201 2829 9900 5515 There was a technical error.