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Android 3D Secure 2 SDK

Support 3D Secure 2 authentication on your Android app.

Adyen is no longer developing the Classic API integration

This page is for the Classic API (/authorise) integration, which we no longer accept new integrations with.

We strongly recommend migrating to the newer Native 3D Secure 2 for Android integration. To use this newer integration, you must also migrate to the Checkout API.

PSD2 compliance

If you are implementing 3D Secure to comply with PSD2 SCA, learn more from our comprehensive guide.

The Adyen 3DS2 Android SDK gets the device fingerprint and presents the challenge to your shopper. From your server, you need to send a payment request, the encrypted device fingerprint, and the challenge result to Adyen.

In a full 3D Secure 2 implementation, a payment can go through either a frictionless or a challenge authentication flow before it can be authorised.

If you only want to perform a 3D Secure 2 authentication and then authorise the payment later, refer to the Authentication-only documentation.

How it works

Here's how a 3D Secure 2 challenge authentication flow works:

  1. Submit a payment request with the required 3D Secure 2 objects to start the authentication process. Build your implementation depending on the resultCode returned in the response. If the transaction is exempted from 3D Secure, you might get an Authorised result code.
  2. If you receive an IdentifyShopper resultCode, get the 3D Secure 2 device fingerprint and send the encrypted device fingerprint information to Adyen. After you send the device fingerprint, it is possible that you receive an AuthorisedresultCode in the response. This means that the 3D Secure 2 authentication was frictionless, and the payment was authorised.
  3. If you receive ChallengeShopperresultCode, this means that the issuer requires further shopper interaction and you need to present a challenge to the shopper.
  4. After the 3D Secure 2 flow is complete, whether the transaction is successful or not, close the transaction and clean up the ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE.

The payment might also be routed to 3D Secure 1, based on issuer performance. This is indicated by a RedirectShopper resultCode. If you do not want to automatically fall back to 3D Secure 1, contact our Support Team.

To test your integration, see Testing 3D Secure 2.

Before you begin

Adyen 3DS2 Android

Subscribe to our GitHub repository to get the latest updates and versions.

Before you begin to integrate, make sure you have followed the Get started with Adyen guide to:

  • Get an overview of the steps needed to accept live payments.
  • Create your test account.

After you have created your test account:

  1. Get your API Key. Save a copy, because you'll need it for API calls you make to the Adyen payments platform.

  2. Install one of our Libraries to connect with the Adyen APIs.

  3. Install the latest SDK version either through Maven Central or our GitHub repository. You must use version 2.2.9 or later to trigger the 3D Secure 2 native flow.

    Install the SDK through Maven Central.

    Add this line to your build.gradle file.

    Copy code
        implementation "com.adyen.threeds:adyen-3ds2:<latestSDKVersion>"

Step 1: Submit a payment request

Collect your shopper's card details then make a payment with a POST /authorise request, and include the following:

Parameter name Required Description
card -white_check_mark- Object that contains the shopper's card details.
threeDS2RequestData.deviceChannel -white_check_mark- Set to app.
browserInfo -white_check_mark- Object that contains the userAgent and acceptHeader fields. Indicates that your integration can handle 3D Secure 1 redirect authentication in case the transaction is routed to 3D Secure 1. If your integration is unable to generate this information, you can send the same data as in the request below.
sdkVersion -white_check_mark- We recommend you use the ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE.getSDKVersion() function to determine your 3DS2 sdkVersion. You can also get the sdkVersion from Github

You can send additional parameters for better authorization rates, and to increase the chance of a frictionless flow. You do not have to send all the additional parameters. Send parameters that you know you can provide accurately, or that are mandatory in specific scenarios.

Here is an example of how to make a request for a EUR 150 purchase:

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curl \
-H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"sdkVersionRequired to trigger native. Get your sdkVersion and send it here. Do not hard code your sdkVersion.": "STATE_DATA"
"holderName":"Simon Hopper",
"browserInfoRequired for 3D Secure 1": {
"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 6P Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.83 Mobile Safari/537.36",

You receive a response containing a resultCode of:

  •  IdentifyShopper. This means that you need to perform the Identify the shopper flow. You also get the following parameters from the response, which you'll need to create a transaction in the SDK:
    • additionalData.threeds2.threeDS2DirectoryServerInformation.directoryServerId
    • additionalData.threeds2.threeDS2DirectoryServerInformation.publicKey
    • additionalData.threeds2.threeDS2DirectoryServerInformation.rootCertificates
    • additionalData.threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.messageVersion

We recommend that you always get these values from the /authorise response and pass them to the SDK.

For a complete list of resultCode values and the actions you need to take, see Result codes.

Here's an example of a response showing an IdentifyShopper result code:

Payment response
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"additionalData": {
"threeds2.threeDSServerTransID": "055fadfb-9fe4-4e70-99f0-9b8935bf1eb2",
"threeds2.threeDS2DirectoryServerInformation.algorithm": "RSA",
"threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.messageVersion" : "2.1.0",
"threeds2.threeDS2Token": "BQABAQC2LEWucYNwQRzhH9c1/hup5ZZa9HUehFbwdC86PAfhpGJ/+...",
"threeds2.threeDS2DirectoryServerInformation.directoryServerId": "A000000003",
"threeds2.threeDS2DirectoryServerInformation.publicKey": "eyJrdHkiOiJSU0EiLCJlIjoiQVFBQiIsIm4iOiI4VFBxZkFQ==...",
"threeds2.threeDS2DirectoryServerInformation.rootCertificates": "........"
"pspReference": "8835495304426403",
"resultCode": "IdentifyShopper"

Save additionalData.threeds2.threeDS2Token and include it in every request.

Step 2: Get the 3D Secure 2 device fingerprint

If your server receives an IdentifyShopper resultCode, start the 3D Secure 2 device fingerprinting process.

  1. Create an instance of ConfigParameters passing the directoryServerId, the publicKey and the rootCertificates parameters from the /authorise response or from your prefetched cached keys.

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    ConfigParameters configParameters = new AdyenConfigParameters.Builder(
    directoryServerIdThe directoryServerId from the authorise response,
    directoryServerPublicKeyThe publicKey from the authorise response,
    directoryServerRootCertificatesThe rootCertificates from the authorise response // null if using prefetched device fingerprinting keys.
  2. Use ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE to create a transaction.

    Keep a reference to your Transaction instance until the transaction is complete.

    Create a transaction in the SDK
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    ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE.initialize(/*Activity*/ this, configParameters, null, null);
    Transaction mTransaction = ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE.createTransaction(
    messageVersionThe messageVersion from the authorise response
  3. Use the AuthenticationRequestParameters to get the device fingerprint information.

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    AuthenticationRequestParameters authenticationRequestParameters = mTransaction.getAuthenticationRequestParameters();

    You'll get the following information:

    • transaction.authenticationRequestParameters.deviceData
    • transaction.authenticationRequestParameters.SDKTransactionID
    • transaction.authenticationRequestParameters.SDKAppID
    • transaction.authenticationRequestParameters.SDKReferenceNumber
    • transaction.authenticationRequestParameters.SDKEphemeralPublicKey
    • transaction.authenticationRequestParameters.messageVersion

  4. From your server, make a POST /authorise3ds2 request to send the encrypted device fingerprint information to Adyen:

    • sdkEncData: Device data
    • sdkTransID: SDK Transaction ID
    • sdkAppID: SDK App ID
    • sdkReferenceNumber: SDK Reference Number
    • sdkEphemPubKey: The SDK provides output as a string. Transform this string into a JSON object to send in your /authorise3ds2 request.
    • messageVersion: 3D Secure 2 protocol version

      You can send additional parameters for better authorization rates, and to increase the chance of a frictionless flow. You do not have to send all the additional parameters. Send parameters that you know you can provide accurately, or that are mandatory in specific scenarios.

    Send device fingerprint to Adyen
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    curl \
    -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "merchantAccount": "YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",
    "threeDS2RequestData": {
    "deviceChannel": "app",
    "sdkAppID": "9063b12c-fcde-43c7-b28e-8d0af5520e8a",
    "sdkEncData": "<device-fingerprint>",
    "sdkEphemPubKey": {
    "crv": "P-256",
    "kty": "EC",
    "x": "LYImJkRzS92vogM6AUPCBhJ20VagSe8IL0Q9SdisUSo",
    "y": "Rav4sKHnLUIUHVdyR4dyV7G2_EeAnuCn_6621ZhqZYU"
    "sdkReferenceNumber": "3DS_LOA_SDK_ADBV_739485_94783",
    "sdkTransID": "b60c9879-ac77-4918-a317-7b01c4317053/8Q==..",
    "messageVersion": "2.2.0"

    You receive a response containing a resultCode. Some of the possible values for resultCode are:

    • Authorised – Indicates that the 3D Secure 2 authentication was frictionless, and the payment authorisation was successfully completed. This means that you can already proceed with the delivery of goods and services.
    • ChallengeShopper – The issuer has requested further shopper interaction. This means that you'll have to perform the challenge flow. You also get the following parameters from the response, which you'll need to start the challenge flow in the SDK:
      • threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.threeDSServerTransID
      • threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsTransID
      • threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsReferenceNumber
      • threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsSignedContent
      • threeds2.threeDS2Token

    For a complete list of resultCode values and the actions that you need to take, see Result codes.

    Here's an example of a challenge flow response:

    Response showing ChallengeShopper
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    "additionalData": {
    "threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsSignedContent": "eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsIngPVEFOQmdrcWhraUc5dtw4I-RBJ8_OUt8yIZEsoc...",
    "threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.transStatus": "C",
    "threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsChallengeMandated": "Y",
    "threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsURL": "",
    "threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.threeDSServerTransID": "930h2k09-1986-4hl2-800a-c8d7783918bf",
    "threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.authenticationType": "01",
    "threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.messageVersion": "2.1.0",
    "threeds2.threeDS2Token": "BQABAQC2LEWucYNwQRzhH9c1/hup5ZZa9HUehFbwdC86PAfhpGJ/+...",
    "threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsTransID": "45e79886-e60c-4c6d-a962-7aa43d59b150",
    "threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsReferenceNumber": "ADYEN-ACS-SIMULATOR"
    "pspReference": "8825495326513370",
    "resultCode": "ChallengeShopper"

Step 3: Present a challenge

If your server receives a ChallengeShopper resultCode, this means that the issuer would like to perform additional checks in order to verify that the shopper is indeed the cardholder.

  1. Create an instance of ChallengeParameters and pass the following:

    • The values from the /authorise3ds2 response.

    • ThreeDSRequestorAppURL: This field is an optional field. If you use Adyen 3DS2 Android SDK version 2.2.12 and later, your ThreeDSRequestorAppURL should be an Android App Link. This is used to call your app after an out-of-band (OOB) authentication. Your app must handle the Android App Link. Supported in 3D Secure version 2.2.0 and later.

      Create instance of ChallengeParameters
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      Map<String, String> additionalData = ...; // Retrieved from Adyen.
      ChallengeParameters challengeParameters = new ChallengeParameters();
      challengeParameters.setThreeDSRequestorAppURL("https://{}/adyen3ds2"); // Optional
  2. Present the challenge.

    Present the challenge flow
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    mTransaction.doChallenge(/*Activity*/ this, challengeParameters, new ChallengeStatusReceiver() {
    public void completed(CompletionEvent completionEvent) {
    String transactionStatus = completionEvent.getTransactionStatus();
    // Submit the transactionStatus to /authorise3ds2.
    public void cancelled() {
    // Cancelled by the user or the App.
    public void timedout() {
    // The user didn't submit the challenge within the given time, 5 minutes in this case.
    public void protocolError(ProtocolErrorEvent protocolErrorEvent) {
    // An error occurred.
    public void runtimeError(RuntimeErrorEvent runtimeErrorEvent) {
    // An error occurred.
    }, 5);
  3. When the challenge flow has been completed, get the transactionStatus from the completionEvent and pass this to your server.

  4. From your server, make a POST /authorise3ds2 request specifying the transStatus generated by the SDK and the threeds2.threeDS2Token.

    Send challenge result
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    curl \
    -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "merchantAccount": "YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",
    "threeDS2Result": {
    "transStatus": "Y"
    "threeDS2Token": "BQABAQC2LEWucYNwQRzhH9c1/hup5ZZa9HUehFbwdC86PAfhpGJ/+..."

    You'll receive Authorised as the resultCode if the payment was successful.

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    "additionalData": {
    "liabilityShift": "true",
    "authCode": "44402",
    "avsResult": "4 AVS not supported for this card type",
    "threeDOffered": "true",
    "refusalReasonRaw": "AUTHORISED",
    "authorisationMid": "1000",
    "acquirerAccountCode": "TestPmmAcquirerAccount",
    "cvcResult": "1 Matches",
    "avsResultRaw": "4",
    "threeDAuthenticated": "true",
    "cvcResultRaw": "M",
    "acquirerCode": "TestPmmAcquirer",
    "acquirerReference": "7CASOGMCCB4"
    "pspReference": "8825495331860022",
    "resultCode": "Authorised",
    "authCode": "44402"
  1. Copy the following code to your app Manifest file. Replace the value of android:host from {} with your web domain name. Do not change any other configuration.

    Optional: You can specify another value for android:pathPrefix that will generate a unique App Link.

    Copy to your app Manifest file
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    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
    android:scheme="https" />
  2. Verify the App Link following Android documentation

Step 4: Close the transaction

A transaction instance can only be used once. Close every transaction when it is finished and clean up the ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE, whether it was successful or not.

Do not skip this step. If you do not close a transaction, the following transactions can fail.

Close the Transaction
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UI customizations

Customize the SDK theme

The SDK inherits your app's theme to ensure the UI of the challenge flow fits your app's look and feel. You can override the default SDK theme to inherit from one of AppCompat's theme variants. To do this, add the following XML snippet to your styles.xml file.

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<style name="ThreeDS2Theme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
<!-- Customize the SDK theme here. -->
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
<item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>

Customize UI elements

If you require further UI customizations, the SDK provides some customization options through the UiCustomization class.

To use the UiCustomization class, create an instance of UiCustomization, configure the UI elements that you want to customize, and pass it during initialization of the ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE.

For example, to change the toolbar's title text and text color:

Change toolbar text and text color
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ToolbarCustomization toolbarCustomization = new ToolbarCustomization();
toolbarCustomization.setHeaderText("Secure Checkout");
UiCustomization uiCustomization = new UiCustomization();
ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE.initialize(getContext(), configParameters, null, uiCustomization);

Customizable UI elements

Refer to the UiCustomization class reference documentation for a complete list of customizable properties.

You can also customize the following UI elements used in the challenge flow:

Customizable elementsCustomizable properties


  • Font size


  • Text

  • Font color

  • Font size

Info items

  • Heading and info text

  • Heading and info font color

  • Heading and info font size

  • Expanded state indicator color

  • Highlighted background color

Input fields

  • Font size

Input fields header

  • Font size

Navigation bar

  • Text

  • Font color

  • Font size


  • Status bar background color

Continue/Verify button

  • Font size

Cancel button

  • Font size

  • Highlighted background color

Resend button

  • Font size

  • Highlighted background color

Testing 3D Secure 2

Before going live, use the following card numbers and credentials to test your integration.

We recommend testing each Card Type.

To test how your integration handles different 3D Secure 2 authentication scenarios, use our test card numbers.

All our test cards use the following expiry dates and security codes:

Expiry Date CVC/CVV CID
03/2030 737 7373

When prompted for 3D Secure 2 text challenges, use the following credentials:

  • For mobile, use password: 1234
  • For web, use password: password
Card Type Card Number
Cartes Bancaires 4035 5014 2814 6300
Maestro 1 5000 5500 0000 0029
Mastercard 5454 5454 5454 5454
Visa 4917 6100 0000 0000

1 This card doesn't require a CVC.

When you make a payment request with these cards, you'll receive the following result codes depending on your integration:

  • RedirectShopper: You'll receive this result code if you are using the Redirect authentication.
  • IdentifyShopper: You'll receive this result code if you are using the Native authentication.
  • ChallengeShopper: You might get this result code after you submit the 3D Secure 2 device fingerprinting result in a Native authentication, indicating a challenge flow.

To test the web-based flow where the device fingerprinting step is skipped (because the issuer's ACS has not configured a threeDSMethodURL), and you get a ChallengeShopper resultCode immediately after submitting the payment request, use the following card:

Card Type Card Number
Visa 4212 3456 7891 0006

To test the frictionless flow, specify in your payment request:

  • amount.value: 12002

App-based integration

To test different authentication scenarios for app-based integration, use the following test cards:

Card number Authentication scenario
5201 2855 6567 2311 Basic text authentication
5201 2874 9905 2008 Basic single select
5201 2815 9233 1633 Basic multi select
5201 2888 2269 6974 Basic out-of-band (OOB) authentication
5201 2895 0084 3268 HTML OOB authentication
5201 2861 5377 1465 App single select then text authentication

Other scenarios

Card number Scenario
4199 3500 0000 0002 The card is not enrolled for 3D Secure transactions,
5201 2829 9900 5515 There was a technical error.

See also