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Store payment details

Adyen is no longer developing the Classic API integration

This page is for the Classic API (/authorise) integration, which we no longer accept new integrations with.

We strongly recommend migrating to the newer Tokenization integration. To use this newer integration, you must also migrate to the Checkout API.

A recurring contract is created along with a payment request, similar to a regular payment request, except the below fields to be provided in the payment session HPP form or in the API request. If the payment is successful, the details are stored, and the recurringDetailReference is created. Set the recurringProcessingModel to: 

  • Subscription for payments that recur on a fixed schedule.
  • CardOnFile for payments that do not occur on a fixed schedule.
  • UnscheduledCardOnFile for payments that occur on a non-fixed schedule using stored card details. For example, automatic top-ups when a cardholder's balance drops below certain amount.

For more information on available fields, refer to API Explorer.

Always provide a unique shopperReference parameter for every shopper. Note that you can store maximum 100 card details associated with the same shopperReference value.


The following code examples show the creation of recurring contracts together with a payment request using /authorise endpoint in JSON, SOAP, and cURL.

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"holderName":"John Smith"
"reference":"Your Reference Here",
"recurringProcessingModel": "Subscription"

When you are ready to process a subsequent payment, set the value of the selectedRecurringDetailReference to either:

  • The recurringDetailReference returned from the list of all stored recurring details based on the shopperReference provided during the recurring contract.

  • The word "LATEST", which uses a recent recurring detail.

On AUTHORISATION you receive a webhook event with success set to true.