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Received payment details report

Use this report to get details about authorised and refused payments, including the shopper interaction, risk score, and acquirer response.

The Received payment details report provides more detail on all transactions you processed through Adyen.

Generating and downloading: Get this report manually or automatically.

Time zone: The time zone setting of your account.

Availability: Available for company accounts and merchant accounts.

We have migrated to a new technology platform to make report generation faster. You may have to update your data ingestion pipeline if you automatically ingest report data. To determine if you have to take action, check the migration overview.

Sample report

Download a sample Received payment details report for examples of the included data.

Report structure


Under the header line, each line in the report is a separate entry.


Each column shows specific information about the entries.

Standard columns

The table below reflects the standard columns that are included in the report, and the default order after the migration. You can add more columns, or change the order of the default columns.

# Column Data type Description
# Column Data type Description
1 Company Account Unicode Text (80-character) The name of your company account as registered in the Adyen payments platform.
2 Merchant Account Unicode Text (80-character) The name of the merchant account that was used to process the original payment request.
The report may contain line items for multiple merchant accounts.
3 Psp Reference Unicode Text (16-character limit) Adyen's 16-character unique reference associated with the transaction/the request. This value is globally unique; quote it when communicating with us about this request.
4 Merchant Reference Unicode Text (80-character) The reference that was specified in the payment request.
5 Payment Method Unicode Text (30-character) The payment method used for the transaction.
For example: visa, mc, mc_applepay, amex.
6 Creation Date String The timestamp indicating when the payment was created on the Adyen payments platform.
For example: 2012-07-26 19:58:55.
Creation Date Time Zone

Before the migration: TimeZone
Alpha Text (4-character limit) The time zone of the Creation Date.
This is the ISO code for your time zone setting.
7 Currency Unicode Text (3-character limit) The three-character ISO currency code.
Amount Numeric


String (only in .XLS and .XLSX report files)
The amount of the payment (authorisation amount). Always a positive value, even if the payment was canceled before being captured.
8 Type Unicode Text (50-character) The record type.
For this report, the value is always Payment.
9 Risk Scoring Integer The total risk score of the payment.
10 Shopper Interaction Alpha Text (30-character limit) The transaction type.
Possible values: Ecommerce, ContAuth, POS, MOTO.
11 Shopper Name Unicode Text (80-character) The name of the cardholder, as specified in the transaction, if available.
12 Shopper PAN Alphanumeric (80-character) The Primary Account Number (PAN).
In case of card payments, the last four digits of the card number.
For SEPA, this field shows the IBAN and BIC in the following format: IBAN/BIC
13 Shopper IP Unicode Text (50-character) The IP address (IPV4 or IPV6) of the shopper as specified in the original transaction, if available.
14 Shopper Country Alpha Text (2-character limit) The ISO country code of the shopper, if available. If not available, this is computed based on the shopper's IP address.
15 Issuer Name Unicode Text The name of the issuing bank, if available.
16 Issuer Id Alphanumeric (30-character limit) The unique identifier of the issuer.
In case of card payments this will be the issuer BIN (first six digits of the card number).
17 Issuer City Unicode Text (80-character) The city of the issuer, if available.
18 Issuer Country Alpha Text (2-character limit) The ISO country code of the issuer.
19 Acquirer Response

Before the migration: value had a limited length.
Alphanumeric The normalized response from the acquirer. Not necessarily the final status of the payment. When a payment is canceled before being captured, the acquirer response will be Unknown.
20 Authorisation Code Unicode Text (50-character) The authorisation code returned for a successful payment.
21 Shopper Email Unicode Text (256-character) The email address of the shopper, as specified in the original transaction, if available.
22 Shopper Reference Unicode Text (256-character) The shopper ID or reference that was specified in the original transaction.
23 3D Directory Response Alpha Text (1-character limit) For payments processed with 3D Secure (Secure Code/Verified by Visa), the 3D Directory response.
Values: Y, N, U, E
24 3D Authentication Response Alpha Text (1-character limit) For payments processed with 3D Secure (Secure Code/Verified by Visa), and directory response Y, this holds the authentication response.
Values: Y, N, U, A, E
25 CVC2 Response Text field Numeric (1-Character limit) The result passed back by the issuer after verifying the CVC2, or CVV2/CID in case of Visa/Amex.
26 AVS Response Text field Numeric (2-Character limit) If Address Verification (AVS) was performed, the result of the AVS Check.
27 Billing Street Unicode Text (256-character) The street part of the billing address.
28 Billing House Number / Name Unicode Text (256-character) The house number or name part of the billing address.
29 Billing City Unicode Text (256-character) The city part of the billing address.
30 Billing Postal Code / ZIP Unicode Text (30-character) The ZIP code or postal code part of the billing address.
31 Billing State / Province Unicode Text (256-character) The state or province of the billing address.
32 Billing Country Alpha Text (2-character limit) The ISO country code of the billing address.
33 Delivery Street String The street part of the delivery address.
34 Delivery House Number / Name String The house number or name part of the billing address.
35 Delivery City String The city part of the delivery address.
36 Delivery Postal Code / ZIP String The ZIP code or postal code part of the delivery address.
37 Delivery State / Province String The state or province of the delivery address.
38 Delivery Country String The ISO country code of the delivery address.
39 Acquirer Reference String The reference number for the transaction provided by the acquirer.
40 Payment Method Variant Unicode Text (32-character) The payment method sub-brand, or the main payment method if not available (for example mccredit or visagold).
41 Raw Acquirer Response

Before the migration: Raw acquirer response
String The raw response we receive from the acquirer, where available. When a payment is canceled before being captured, the raw acquirer response will be empty.

Removed standard columns

From November 2023, the following columns have been removed.

Column Data type Description
Column Data type Description
Reserved 4 String Reserved for future enhancements.
Reserved 5 String Reserved for future enhancements.
Reserved 6 String Reserved for future enhancements.
Reserved 7 String Reserved for future enhancements.
Reserved 8 String Reserved for future enhancements.
Reserved 9 String Reserved for future enhancements.
Reserved 10 String Reserved for future enhancements.

Additional columns

You can configure report columns to add these to your report:

Column Data type Description
Column Data type Description
Global Card Brand String The brand of the card used for the payment.
Original Amount

Before the migration: Original amount


String (only in .XLS and .XLSX report files)
The original amount of the payment.
Cashback Amount

Before the migration: Cashback amount


String (only in .XLS and .XLSX report files)
The additional cashback amount on the payment.
POS Charity Amount Numeric


String (only in .XLS and .XLSX report files)
The additional charity amount on the payment. Applies to point-of-sale transactions.
POS Gratuity Amount Numeric


String (only in .XLS and .XLSX report files)
The additional gratuity amount on the payment. Applies to point-of-sale transactions.
POS Cashback Amount Numeric


String (only in .XLS and .XLSX report files)
The additional cashback amount on the payment. Applies to point-of-sale transactions.
POS Discount Amount Numeric


String (only in .XLS and .XLSX report files)
The additional discount amount on the payment. Applies to point-of-sale transactions.
POS Surcharge Amount

Before the migration: Surcharge Amount


String (only in .XLS and .XLSX report files)
The surcharge amount on the payment.
POS Payment Device

Before the migration: Payment Device
String The device that was used to make the payment.
Shopper Phone Number String The phone number of the shopper, as specified in the original transaction, if available.
Alternative Acquirer Reference String The alternative acquirer reference of the acquirer that was used for the transaction.
Acquirer String Name of the acquirer that processed the original payment.
Acquirer Account String The acquirer account that was used for the transaction.
Installments String Where installment transactions are applicable, this field shows the total number of installments requested by the merchant.
DCC String Indicates if Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) was used during the transaction.
Possible values:
  • DCC accepted – The shopper accepted DCC and completed the transaction in their currency.
  • DCC declined – The shopper refused DCC and completed the transaction in the merchant's currency.
  • DCC not offered – The shopper and merchant both share the same currency, therefore DCC was not offered.
BCMC IBAN/BIC String The Bancontact IBAN or BIC.
BIN Funding Source String The card funding source.
Possible values:
Device Fingerprint String The device fingerprint of the shopper's device, as specified in the original transaction, if available.
Device String The device that was used to make the payment.
Browser String The browser that was used to make the payment.
Merchant Order Reference String A reference that allows you to link multiple transactions to each other for reporting purposes. See merchantOrderReference.
Payment Requester Type String Contains the value autorescue if there was an auto rescue attempt for the payment.
Network Token Used String If true, a network token was used to authorise the payment.
Network Token Available String If true, a network token was available for use for the payment.
Metadata String The contents of the metadata object of the payment, in the form of key value pairs.
Airline Data

Before the migration: Airlinedata
String Airline data related to the payment, if available.
Risk Profile String The name of the risk profile that was evaluated during the transaction.
Risk Profile Id

Before the migration: Risk Profile ID
Numeric The ID of the risk profile that was evaluated during the transaction.
Risk Profile Reference String The reference number of the risk profile that was evaluated during the transaction.
POS Transaction Date

Before the migration: milliseconds were included.
Date The transaction date for a point-of-sale transaction.
POS Store

Before the migration: Store
String The identifier assigned to the store in your point-of-sale account.
POS Entry Mode String Indicates how card details were entered into the terminal. Common entry modes: MKE (Manual Key Entry), MSR (PAN auto-entry via magnetic stripe), Chip (PAN auto-entry via chip), CTLS MSR (Contactless card).
Possible values:
  • Unknown
  • MKE
  • MSR
  • Bar Code Read
  • OCR Coding Read
  • Chip
  • CLTS Chip
  • RFID
  • MSR (transmitted)
  • Biometrics
  • Chip (CVV unreliable)
POS CVM Performed

Before the migration: CVM Performed
String A two-digit hexadecimal code indicating the type of card verification that was used.
POS Library Implementation

Before the migration: Library Implementation
String The type of library implementation, for example Android, iOS, C or .NET.
Library Version String Version number of the library used, or standalone if the payment terminal is not integrated with the POS system.
POS Terminal Version

Before the migration:Terminal App Version
String The version of the POS terminal application.
ARes TransStatus String The transaction status of the 3D Secure 2 authentication request. This is the final result of the authentication, unless the value is C, which means a challenge flow is initiated.
RReq TransStatus String The result of the 3D Secure challenge flow that is sent to the 3D Secure directory server. This is the final result of the authentication. This column can only contain a value when the 3D Secure authentication resulted in a challenge flow.
3DS Version String The version of the 3D Secure protocol used for the payment.
Liability Shift Boolean Indicates if a liability shift took place for the payment.
Possible values: TRUE or FALSE
Merchant Category Code

Before the migration: MCC
String The Merchant Category Code.
Retry Json String Retry information about the payment.
POS Store and Forward Indicator

Before the migration: POS Store and Forward indicator
Boolean Indicates if this was a store-and-forward transaction.
Possible values: TRUE or FALSE
POS Cash Register Name

Before the migration: Cash register name
String The name of the POS system.
POS Tender Reference String The tender reference of the point-of-sale payment.
Split Payment Data String Split payment data for the payment, if applicable.
Real Time Account Updater Status

Before the migration: Realtime account updater status
String The status of the Real Time Account Updater request.
Original Card Bin String The card BIN of the card that was used to process the original payment request.
Network Transaction Reference String The network transaction reference of the payment.
Recurring Detail Reference String The recurring detail reference used for the payment.
Card Number String Obfuscated card number showing the card BIN, an obfuscated section and the last four digits.
For example: 411111****1111
Reserved 2

November 2023: this column has been removed.
String Reserved for future enhancements.
Reserved 3

November 2023: this column has been removed.
String Reserved for future enhancements.

Configure report columns

If you want to add additional columns or change the order of columns in a report, you can do so in the Customer Area. If you have an automated system that uses the report's data, configuring the report columns can affect your automated system.

To configure report columns, you need to have one of the following user roles:

  • Merchant admin
  • Merchant report role
  • Merchant financial
  • Merchant POS Report role

To configure report columns:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area.
  2. Go to Settings > Report columns.
    This opens a page with all the reports that you can configure.
  3. Find the report that you want to configure and select Configure.
  4. Select checkboxes to indicate which columns you want to include in the report.
  5. Drag the columns into the order you want them to appear in.
  6. Select Save configuration.

The report is sorted on the Creation Date column. If you remove this column from the report, the sorting order cannot be guaranteed.

See also