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Web SDK release notes

Learn about the changes and improvements to our Checkout Web SDK.

The classic Checkout SDK integrations are being phased out
This means we are:

  • No longer developing the classic Checkout SDK integration.
  • Not accepting new classic Checkout SDK integrations.

You have until March 31, 2024 to migrate.

Web SDK 1.9.14 (March 9, 2020)

Fixed issues

Web SDK 1.9.13 (September 16, 2019)


  • Support for autoFocusOnSelect setting. For improved keyboard accessibility, set this to false to turn off the auto-focus on the first field when a payment method is selected.

Fixed issues

  • Alt attribute not rendering for payment method logos.
  • Show more payment methods and Pay buttons not accessible through keyboard actions.

Web SDK 1.9.12 (September 2, 2019)

Fixed issues

  • Maestro cards can be submitted when shopper enters an invalid CVC.

Web SDK 1.9.11 (August 26, 2019)


In this release, we improved accessibility by:

  • Adding aria-hidden properties to stop screen readers from reading irrelevant information.
  • Creating a more precise description for stored payments.

Web SDK 1.9.10 (Aug 5, 2019)


  • Removed unnecessary logs.

Fixed issues

  • Web SDK does not load when you pass a shopperLocalenot supported by the SDK.

Web SDK 1.9.9 (May 27, 2019)

Fixed issues

  • Redirect not working when the URL is too long.

Web SDK 1.9.8 (May 10, 2019)


  • Fix within Secured Fields version 1.5.5 to improve the support for full-width characters (for example, Japanese characters) entered using IME keyboards.

Web SDK 1.9.7 (May 6, 2019)

Fixed issues

  • Web SDK not loading when a surcharge is set for the payment method.
  • Web SDK not loading when the shopperLocale is not sent in the proper format.

Web SDK 1.9.6 (April 22, 2019)

Fixed issues

  • American Express card payments fail if the shopper enters the security code details first.
  • Changing the button text with the showProcessingAnimation hook results to an error.

Web SDK 1.9.5 (March 11, 2019)

Fixed issues

  • The zh-CN locale is not recognized when setting custom translations.
  • SDK form is not rendering in Internet Explorer when consolidateCards is set to false.
  • List of payment methods is not properly displayed when re-rendering the SDK.

Web SDK 1.9.4 (March 4, 2019)


  • Improved result codes handling, so you will be informed if a shopper cancels the Apple Pay flow.

Fixed issues

  • Fix for an issue with the Italian and Portuguese localizations for SEPA Direct Debit.

Web SDK 1.9.3 (February 25, 2019)


  • Improved Japanese, Dutch, and Taiwanese localizations for credit cards.

Web SDK 1.9.2 (February 4, 2019)

Fixed issues

  • Fix within Secured Fields version 1.5.1 that resolves the issue in iOS Safari where the numerical keyboard won't retract.
  • Fix for the onSubmitAction webhook issue identified in Web SDK version 1.6.4. The previous behavior has been restored: when the webhook is fired, the payment submission is blocked until the chckt.submitPaymentForm() is called.

Web SDK 1.9.1 (January 14, 2019)

We fixed the localization of the More Information link for Klarna.

Web SDK 1.9.0 (January 7, 2019)

This release includes the fix within Secured Fields that allows shoppers with Kaspersky Internet Security and SafeMoney enabled in their browsers to proceed with their payment.

We now trigger Kaspersky Internet Security to prompt shoppers to authorize loading the iframes from Adyen. If the shopper allows the iframes to load, the shopper will be able to proceed with the payment.

Web SDK 1.8.0 (January 7, 2019)

This release includes:

  • Fix for performance issues affecting shopper input fields for payment methods that require device fingerprinting
  • Improved* *tabbing navigation on Firefox to focus on the credit card input fields.
  • Improved error message when a shopper provides an invalid security code.

Web SDK 1.7.1 (November 26, 2018)

We fixed a minor bug that caused the Web SDK to break when used within an iframe in Safari.

Web SDK 1.7.0 (November 26, 2018)

We added support for Google Pay on the Web SDK.

Web SDK 1.6.5 (November 12, 2018)

We added support for Japanese translations. For more information, see Localization.

Web SDK 1.6.4 (November 5, 2018)

We fixed how Apple Pay payments are initiated for merchants that are using a custom pay button. Apple Pay requires a user gesture to start a ApplePaySession and does not support programmatically initiating a payment.

Web SDK 1.6.3 (October 22, 2018)

Toggle focus when the payment form loads

You can now choose whether the first field on the payment form gets focus when the form loads. For more information, see Settings.

Fixed issues

We fixed the following issues and bugs:

  • The Pay button was still visible after a failed payment.
  • Entering a Social Security Number on the Klarna payment form cleared the shopper's personal details.

Web SDK 1.6.2 (October 8, 2018)

Klarna enhancements

In this release we made a number of improvements to the placeholder text and UI in Klarna payment forms.

Fixed issues

We fixed the following issues and bugs:

  • The Pay button was inactive for Apple Pay payments.
  • The Pay button was inactive for Moto transactions on Internet Explorer 11.
  • security code was required for cards that do not have a CVC.
  • Emptying the payment form container and then initiating the SDK again causes the form reload to fail.

Known issue

  • The Pay button is still visible after the payment has failed. We recommend updating to Web SDK 1.6.3 or above.

Web SDK 1.6.1 (September 17, 2018)

Fixed issues

In this release we fixed the following issues and bugs:

  • Creating  custom localizations.
  • The Pay button was active before the shopper entered their payment details.

We also fixed the following issues for shoppers using Internet Explorer 11:

  • Placeholder text was incorrectly displayed.
  • A "Payment failed" error message appeared after some successful payments.
  • The personal details of Swedish shoppers were not being retrieved for Klarna payments.

Known issues

  • The Pay button does not work for Apple Pay payments. If you accept Apple Pay we strongly recommend updating to Web SDK version 1.6.2 or above.
  • The Pay button is still visible after the payment has failed. We recommend updating to Web SDK 1.6.3 or above.

Web SDK 1.6.0 (September 3, 2018)

We added a handleError hook triggered when an unexpected error occurs from the time a shopper provides card details up to when the payment is submitted. For more information, see Logic.


If you are sending your shopper's personal details and address when you  create a Payment Session, you can now remove these fields from your payment form. This simplifies the payment flow for your shoppers.

If you remove the personal details fields from your payment form, you must send the shopperNameshopperEmaildateOfBirthtelephoneNumber, and socialSecurityNumber when you create a Payment Session. If you remove the billing or delivery address, you must send the billingAddress or deliveryAddress.

To do this, pass a shopperInput object, with personalDetails, billingAddress, and deliveryAddress set to:

  • hidden: The fields will not appear on the payment form.
  • readOnly: The fields will appear on the payment form with the shopper's information, but the shopper cannot edit them.
  • editable: The fields will appear on the payment form, and can be edited by the shopper. This is the default behaviour.


When a Swedish shopper enters their Social Security Number, their personal details and billing address will automatically be retrieved and populated in the payment form.

Known issues

  • The Pay button does not work for Apple Pay payments. If you accept Apple Pay we strongly recommend updating to Web SDK version 1.6.2 or above.
  • The Pay button is still visible after the payment has failed. We recommend updating to Web SDK 1.6.3 or above.

Web SDK 1.5.1 (August 27, 2018)

Fixed an issue where the SDK wouldn't render when a zero-value auth request was made.

Web SDK 1.5.0 (July 13, 2018)


  • Added the Norwegian localization.
  • You can now create your own localizations.

Web SDK 1.4.0 (July 9, 2018)

  • Added support for Apple Pay.
  • Added basic support for Klarna and Afterpay, including a shopper information form with validation. For more information on how to configure this for the SDK, contact the Support Team.
  • You can now charge shoppers a fee for using specific payment methods. To enable this feature, contact the Support Team.
  • Reduced the file size of the SDK.

Known issues

  • Emptying the payment form container and then initiating the SDK again causes the form reload to fail. We recommend updating to Web SDK 1.6.2 or above.

Web SDK 1.3.2 (July 2, 2018)

We now support one-click payments for Discover cards.

Web SDK 1.3.1 (June 18, 2018)

  • Added the Danish translation.
  • To comply with GDPR regulations, storing card details has been changed from opt-out to opt-in. The checkbox for storing card details in the SDK is now turned off by default.
  • The Web SDK will now encrypt any cards details even if the card was not in a list of available cards. This will lead to better support of payments made with co-badged cards.
  • Fixed form validation for Bancontact.
  • Improved stability in Firefox.

Web SDK 1.3.0 (April 30, 2018)


Added the Polish translation.

Additional payment method support

We've added support for the following payment methods:

  • WeChat Pay
  • MOLPay
  • Dotpay

Removed IE8 support

From this release, Internet Explorer 8 is no longer supported.

Migrating to Web SDK 1.3.0

As well as updating the version in the <head> of your payment page, you will need to make additional client and server-side changes when migrating to version 1.3.0.

Client-side changes

Instead of passing the complete JSON response to the Checkout SDK, pass the value of paymentSession.

Server-side changes

Make the following changes to your server-side code:

  1. Update the endpoints used to communicate with the Adyen payments platform:

    1. replace /setup with /paymentSession.
    2. replace /verify with /payments/result.
  2. When creating a payment session, additionally pass the sdkVersion parameter, specifying the version of the SDK you are using.

  3. You no longer need to pass the html parameter to /paymentSession.

  4. Instead of passing the full JSON response received when creating a payment session, pass the value of paymentSession.

If you are using Web SDK version <1.3.0, your existing integration will continue to work.

Web SDK 1.2.3 (February 26, 2018)

The following event hooks were added:

  • onLoad - triggered when fields have loaded.
  • onConfigSuccess - triggered when field configuration is successfully completed.

Web SDK 1.2.1 (February 14, 2018)

The following hooks were added:

  • getDataFromSubmissionProcess - intercepts JSON data that is generated when the shopper selects Pay .
  • showProcessingAnimation - customizes how a processing payment is indicated.

Focus now added to first input of any payment method requiring additional data.

Web SDK 1.2.0 (November 11, 2017)


  • Added Swedish, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese localizations.
  • Translation strings and placeholders can now be customized.

Hide the Pay button

You can now hide the Pay button until a subsequent screen. To check if a payment method form is in a valid state, submit a call to chckt.submitPaymentForm (set to true).

Customize rendering and behavior of payment form fields

You can configure this in the SDK using configObject.