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Process payments

Learn how to enable your users to accept payments, and how split them between balance account in your platform.

With an Adyen for Platforms integration, you can process online and in-person transactions on behalf of your users using Adyen's payment processing platform. For each transaction you process, you can split the funds between your users' balance accounts and your liable balance account, and deduct fees and costs as needed.

Online payments

To process online payments, you must first build an Adyen online payments integration and checkout UI. For more information about the prerequisites, see Online payments.

After you build your integration, you can accept payments with cards, wallets, and local payment methods on your website and mobile app.

In-person payments

To process in-person payments, you must first integrate your POS app with Adyen's terminals and Terminal API. For more information about the prerequisites, see In-person payments.

After you finish your integration, you can accept payments at the point of sale using Adyen's payment terminals.

Split transactions

To make sure that the pay-in, settlement, and payout processes run smoothly for all users' transactions, you must book the funds and fees to the correct balance accounts.

This means that you must define instructions on how to split the funds between your user's balance accounts and your platform's liable balance account. You can either define these instructions manually for each online or in-person request you send, or you can set up split configuration profiles that automatically split all transactions processed through a specific store. The instructions you provide in your API requests override the instructions you defined in your split configuration profiles.

If you do not provide any split instructions, the whole transaction is booked to your platform's liable balance account, including all associated fees.

Settle funds

After processing transactions for your users, Adyen settles the funds to the balance accounts in your platform according to the split instructions you defined. On each balance account, you can configure settlement models that define how the sales funds are settled to your users' transfer instruments.

For more information, see Settle funds.


Adyen sends webhooks to inform you of payment-related events that occur in your marketplace. Subscribe to these webhooks to keep track of these events and their status.

For more information, see Webhooks.

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