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PISP endpoints

Learn how to consume our dedicated PISP endpoints.

As part of the Open Banking framework for Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs), Adyen provides PISP endpoints to initiate payment transactions on behalf of users who have granted their consent.

Use your access token to authenticate your requests to the /payments endpoint.

Initiate a payment

To initiate a single payment on behalf of your user, make a POST /payments/target-2-payments request. Provide the following parameters in the request body:

Parameter Description
instructedAmount The currency and the amount of the payment.
creditorAccount The account number of the creditor—the person or entity who will receive the payment.
debtorAccount The account number of the debtor.
creditorName The name of the creditor.
creditorAddress The address of the creditor.

Here's an example of a request to initiate a payment of EUR 0.50 to Railway Company.

Initiate a single payment
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curl --location '' \
--header 'X-Request-ID: 958f9fc2-c40b-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002' \
--header 'ssl_client_cert: MIIEkzCCAnsCCQCK8zUdUQEjjDANBgk...' \
--header 'PSU-IP-Address: 11' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--data '{
"instructedAmount": {
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": "0.50"
"creditorAccount": {
"iban": "NL07ADYX0000000001"
"debtorAccount": {
"iban": "NL07ADYX0000000002"
"creditorName": "Railway Company",
"creditorAddress": {
"streetName": "Railstraat",
"buildingNumber": "1",
"townName": "Amsterdam",
"postCode": "2023 AB",
"country": "NL"

The response contains the details of the initiated payment, including the transactionStatus and the paymentId.

Parameter Description
transactionStatus Current status of the payment. Possible values: ACCP, ACFC, ACCC, ACSC, ACSP, ACTC, ACWC, ACWP, CANC, RCVD, RJCT, PDNG, PART, PATC.
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"transactionStatus": "PDNG",
"paymentId": "1WPF9J5ZKOIZH8MG",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/payments/target-2-payments/1WPF9J5ZKOIZH8MG"
"status": {
"href": "/payments/target-2-payments/1WPF9J5ZKOIZH8MG/status"
"scaStatus": {
"href": "/payments/target-2-payments/1WPF9J5ZKOIZH8MG/authorisations/OBAU4222Z223222P5J6FPG9DG4654T"

Get payment status

To get the status of the payment, make a GET /payments/target-2-payments/{paymentId} request. This endpoint is intended to be polled to determine whether the user confirmed the payment.

Get payment status
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curl --location '' \
--header 'X-Request-ID: 958f9fc2-c40b-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002' \
--header 'ssl_client_cert: MIIEkzCCAnsCCQCK8zUdUQEjjDANBgkqhk...' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

The response may look like this:

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"transactionStatus": "RCVD",
"paymentId": "1WPF9J5ZKOIZH8MG",
"instructedAmount": {
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": "-0.50"

Get authorisation status

To get information about the payment authorisation, make a GET /payments/target-2-payments/{paymentId}/authorisations/{authorizationId} request, where paymentId represents a unique identifier for a payment transaction and authorizationId is a unique identifier for a specific payment authorisation.

Get authorisation status
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curl --location '' \
--header 'X-Request-ID: 958f9fc2-c40b-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002' \
--header 'ssl_client_cert: MIIEkzCCAnsCCQCK8zUdUQEjjDANBgkq...' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {access_token}'

The response contains the authorisation status.

Parameter Description
scaStatus Status of authorisation. Possible values: received, psuIdentified, psuAuthenticated, scaMethodSelected, started, unconfirmed, finalised, failed, exempted.
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"scaStatus": "finalised"