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Prepare the reports

Configure, download, and combine reports.

Make sure that your reports contain the information that you need for full reconciliation, and try out your reconciliation processes before going live.


Before you start preparing reports, make sure to:

Step 1. Configure reports

When you know the reports that are relevant for your reconciliation processes, proceed to:

  1. Configure timezones. Reports are generated for different periods and can be based on different time zones. If reconciliation fails, mismatches in reporting periods or time zones are the common causes.
  2. Configure more report columns.

Configure more report columns

All reports have default columns, but in many Adyen account reports you can add more columns. Adding columns increases the report file size. We recommend that you first review the default settings and only add columns that you really need.

Additional columns

For a full financial reconciliation, we recommend enabling the following additional report columns for relevant merchant accounts connected to your balance platform.

Report Recommended additional columns Description
Report Recommended additional columns Description
Payment accounting report Store Shows the store ID for which a payment is processed. Enable this column if your balance platform uses stores, such as for in-person payments. Adding this column helps you to fully reconcile payment funds as well as fee cost balance changes down to the store level.
Payment accounting report Split payment data Shows the exact split instructions provided during payments processing requests. You can use this to fully reconcile against corresponding funds postings in the Accounting report.
Settlement details report AMS Booking Date Shows when Adyen assessed and booked a line item relative to the monthly invoicing period. Depending on the scope and volume of your balance platform operations, settlement line items can potentially span the start or end of a monthly invoicing period. You can use this to reconcile the invoicing period.
Payment accounting report, Settlement details report AMS Booking Date Shows when Adyen assessed and booked a line item relative to the monthly invoicing period. Depending on the scope and volume of your balance platform operations, reports can contain line items that fall into two different invoicing periods. You can use the AMS Booking Date to reconcile the invoicing period.
Settlement details report Funds Destination This column is only relevant if you are upgrading your balance platform from our Classic integration. This column indicates the destination platform system for each settlement line item. You can use this to support a period of parallel reconciliation.


If you want to add additional columns or change the order of columns in a report, you can do so in the Customer Area. If you have an automated system that uses the report's data, configuring the report columns can affect your automated system.

To configure report columns, you need to have one of the following user roles:

  • Merchant admin
  • Merchant report role
  • Merchant financial
  • Merchant POS Report role

To configure report columns:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area.
  2. Go to Settings > Report columns.
    This opens a page with all the reports that you can configure.
  3. Find the report that you want to configure and select Configure.
  4. Select checkboxes to indicate which columns you want to include in the report.
  5. Drag the columns into the order you want them to appear in.
  6. Select Save configuration.

Step 2. Download reports

Download reports, either manually or automatically through your Customer Area. If you want to regularly do a full reconciliation, consider building a scalable solution by automatically ingesting and combining reports.

Refer to these instructions:

Step 3. Combine reports

To track a transaction throughout its entire lifecycle and do a full reconciliation, you should:

  • Combine data from several reports.
  • Understand where the references that you send in API requests end up in Adyen reports. Adyen includes these references to help you correctly identify and match each entry.

The next table shows the most important reference fields. For an explanation of the relation between these fields and the reports, see Common reconciliation processes.

Payment accounting report
Settlement details report
Accounting report Description
Psp Reference Psp Payment Psp Reference A unique identifier generated by Adyen for each transaction.
Merchant Reference Psp Payment Merchant Reference The reference field that you provide to Adyen in your /payments request. Although the API doesn't require it, we recommend that you use a unique value for each payment.
Modification Merchant Reference,
Modification Reference
Psp Modification Merchant Reference The reference field that you provide to Adyen for a payment modification, like a /captures or /refunds request. Although the API doesn't require it, we recommend that you use a unique value for each modification.
N/A Reference The reference that you provide for a payment split. Although the API doesn't require it, we recommend that you use a unique value for each payment split so you can use the value to match report data with your records.

These references are also returned in the API responses and sent in the webhooks.

When combining reports, check that:

  • The reports are from the same reporting period.
  • The reports are generated using the same time zone.

Reports are generated at different periods and can be based on different time zones. If reconciliation fails, mismatches in reporting periods or time zones are common causes.

Step 4. Test your reconciliation process

Before you start reconciliation in the live environment, we also recommend that you test your processes using complete reports. In the common reconciliation processes guides, we only show selected rows and columns to illustrate the examples.

To get complete reports, you can:

Next steps