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Manage split configuration profiles

Learn how to update or remove a split configuration profile.

After a split configuration profile is applied to your user's store, all payments that are processed through the store and meet the conditions of at least one rule in the profile, are automatically split according to the instructions of the rule with the highest priority condition.

If you need to add or remove a rule, or change the conditions and split instructions of an existing rule, you can do so at any time in your Customer Area or using the Management API.

You can modify the following details of a split configuration profile:


Requirement Description
Integration type You must have an online or in-person integration with Adyen.
API credential roles If you want to manage split configuration profiles through API requests, your Management API credential must have the following role:
  • Management API—SplitConfiguration read and write
Customer Area roles If you want to manage split configuration profiles in your Customer Area, ask our Support Team to enable the Manage new split configuration settings role for your admin user. The admin user can then grant this role to other users.
Setup steps You have the IDs of the resources you want to update (split configuration profile, rule, or split logic) at hand. You can use the GET /merchants/{merchantId}/splitConfigurations endpoint to retrieve this information.

Add a rule

You can define new rules to automatically split transactions, even after the split configuration profile has been created and applied to a store.

Delete a rule

All split configuration profiles must contain at least one rule. Therefore, deleting the only rule in the profile is not possible. If you want to remove a rule but keep the profile, make sure the profile contains at least one other rule. Otherwise, delete the whole profile.

Change the rule conditions

You can update the conditions that determine whether the payment is split automatically, by modifying the rule in the profile. For more information on these conditions, see Rule conditions.

Change the split instructions

You can change the way a transaction is split between the balance accounts of your platform by modifying the split instructions of the rule.

Change the profile description

You can only update the description of a split configuration profile by using the Management API.

To update the description of a profile, make a PATCH /merchants/{merchantId}/splitConfigurations/{splitConfigurationId} request, specifying the merchantId and splitConfigurationId in the path, and the new description in the body.

The response returns the whole profile, including the updated description.

Delete a profile