As part of the Open Banking framework for Account Information Service Providers (AISPs), Adyen provides AISP endpoints to access and retrieve account information on behalf of users who have granted their consent.
You can get a list of accounts for a given consent, as well as account details, balances, and transactions by sending a request to the /accounts
endpoint with the appropriate parameters.
Use your access token to authenticate your requests to the /accounts
Get all accounts of a user
The /accounts
endpoint allows you to get a list of Adyen business accounts associated with a user. To get all accounts, make a GET /accounts
curl --location --globoff '' \ --header 'X-Request-ID: 26929514-237c-11ed-861d-0242ac120002' \ --header 'Consent_Id: {consent-id}' \ --header 'BetaAccounts: NL29ADYX0000000001' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
The response contains the list of accounts associated with a user and the details about each account.
{ "accounts": [ { "resourceId": "S3B-QyYjNjZ0OyI33Kn86KilYIUx0TVtuOw", "ownerName": "ADYEN NV", "iban": "NL07ADYX0000000009", "currencyCode": "EUR", "product": "BankAccountNumber", "status": "Active", "_links": { "balances": { "href": "/obeu/aisp/v1/accounts/S3B-QyYjNjZ0OyI33Kn86KilYIUx0TVtuOw/balances" }, "transactions": { "href": "/obeu/aisp/v1/accounts/S3B-QyYjNjZ0OyI33Kn86KilYIUx0TVtuOw/transactions" } } } ] }
Get account details
The /accounts/{resourceId}
endpoint allows to get detailed information for a specific account identified by its resourceId
curl --location --globoff '{resourceId}' \ --header 'X-Request-ID: 26929514-237c-11ed-861d-0242ac120002' \ --header 'Consent_Id: {consent-id}' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
The response of the request may look like this:
{ "resourceId": "S3B-QyYjNjZ0OyI33Kn86KilYIUx0TVtuOw", "ownerName": "ADYEN NV", "iban": "NL07ADYX0000000009", "currencyCode": "EUR", "product": "BankAccountNumber", "status": "Active", "_links": { "balances": { "href": "/obeu/aisp/v1/accounts/S3B-QyYjNjZ0OyI33Kn86KilYIUx0TVtuOw/balances" }, "transactions": { "href": "/obeu/aisp/v1/accounts/S3B-QyYjNjZ0OyI33Kn86KilYIUx0TVtuOw/transactions" } } }
Get account balances
The /accounts/{resourceId}/balances
endpoint allows to get balance information for a specific account identified by its resourceId
curl --location --globoff '{resourceId}/balances' \ --header 'X-Request-ID: 26929514-237c-11ed-861d-0242ac120002' \ --header 'Consent_Id: {consent-id}' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
The response of the request may look like this:
{ "account": { "iban": "NL07ADYX0000000009", "currency": "EUR" }, "balances": [ { "balanceType": "authorised", "balanceAmount": { "amount": "23.49", "currency": "EUR" } }, { "balanceType": "expected", "balanceAmount": { "amount": "24.24", "currency": "EUR" } } ] }
Get account transactions
The /accounts/{resourceId}/transactions
endpoint allows AISPs to retrieve transaction information for a specific account identified by its resourceId
This endpoint takes the following query parameters:
Query parameter | Description |
bookingStatus |
The status of the transaction. Possible values: information, booked, pending, both. |
dateFrom |
Specifies a starting date or timestamp for filtering data. |
pageSize |
Specifies the maximum number of records that should be included in the API response. |
curl --location --globoff '{encoded-balance-account}/transactions?bookingStatus=booked&dateFrom=2020-01-01&pageSize={account-transactions-page-size}' \ --header 'X-Request-ID: 26929514-237c-11ed-861d-0242ac120002' \ --header 'Consent_Id: {consent-id}' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
The response of the request may look like this:
{ "account": { "iban": "NL07ADYX0000000009", "currency": "EUR" }, "balances": [ { "balanceType": "expected", "balanceAmount": { "amount": "24.24", "currency": "EUR" } }, { "balanceType": "authorised", "balanceAmount": { "amount": "23.49", "currency": "EUR" } } ], "transactions": { "booked": [ { "transactionId": "EVJN4227K22322295J23J33BN52T4MEUR", "bookingDate": "2023-06-13T11:37:01", "valueDate": "2023-06-13T11:37:01", "transactionAmount": { "amount": "-0.01", "currency": "EUR" }, "creditorName": "Joe Doe", "creditorAccount": { "iban": "NL81ADYX2017410012", "currency": "EUR" } }, { "transactionId": "EVJN4227K22322295J23H5XBMJ765REUR", "bookingDate": "2023-06-13T11:25:18", "valueDate": "2023-06-13T11:25:17", "transactionAmount": { "amount": "-1.50", "currency": "EUR" }, "creditorName": "Joe Doe", "creditorAccount": { "iban": "NL81ADYX2017410012", "currency": "EUR" } } ] }, "_links": { "next": { "href": "/obeu/aisp/v1/accounts/S3B-QyYjNjZ0OyI33Kn86KilYIUx0TVtuOw/transactions?bookingStatus=booked&dateFrom=2023-06-10&dateTo=2023-08-01&pageSize=2&cursor=S2B-c2RFJCtoKWxAV11JQmZ9QFx33KH5ubVlwRj02K0ZtRzMgYWQkJVslRXpDdVtwby9GaDQkUEdAdTIsOkZlRXZNU187PyZBOU533UjZHM0hrW018TzN8Om0zemN4MGtrTVYuMkcsL0BzNzo" }, "account": { "href": "/obeu/aisp/v1/accounts/S3B-QyYjNjZ0OyI33Kn86KilYIUx0TVtuOw" } } }